Are mixed race kids more beautiful? Who does he look like except for a nigger
Are mixed race kids more beautiful? Who does he look like except for a nigger
He looks like a fucking toilet brush. Also mixed kids look like deadbeat sociopaths who'll grow up to be mental school shooters or peace-truck drivers.
That’s you or someone you know seeking attention. Have sex
we've been studying mixed race persons for a long time, this is what we know:
>mixed race kids are 8 times more likely to have mental disorders
>mixed race kids are consistently out performed in academics and fall into the lower testing thresholds
those facts are really the only two things you need to know about mixed race kid statistics so you dont make the mistake of destroying your DNA by creating one
he looks like the fucking Frankenstein's monster. he looks like one of those cockroach monsters from that one anime. he looks like a human version of a make up brush (not just with his hair but with how hay he looks). he looks like he's hopped up on some sort of hallucinogen but then a gain all blacks have that sort of glazed over look.
Isnt that what white kids do?
Why is it always white kids doing mass shootings then? Virginia Tech and Pulse night club wasnt a mixed mutt either
Looks like a nigger with lighter skin I don't get it.
small chin incel
some times good looking, some times look like shit
Sure they are
Does this only apply to coal burning or are hapas at risk too?
lmao all true except for the tv and sex part
It's not. Jews are over-repped massively. You had Dylann Roof and a couple dudes who did some holy war against the jews recently and that's all I can think of for actual white kids.
Mixed race kids (especially of the Negro variety) are the very bottom in beauty. In fact, they are repulsive to the eye as compared to any pure race of people.
Zero testosterone looking faggot. Should transition into a female.
Looks like some type pencil eraser with a nigger attached
Fucking repulsive.
>better than a European?
>better than most brown people?