*fucks over american farmers*
>haha we sure showed china, amirite pedes?
Imagine believing this con-man
Other urls found in this thread:
If he fucked your mom you would know
The only thing i like of Trump is showing chayna who's the boss
'We’re going to win so much, you’re going to be so sick and tired of winning'
and farmcucks actually believed it
>meme flag
>hates on Trump
nothing like white on white crime and have the dumber ones blame another race for it ahh white people
Riddle me this, how do American tariffs on Chinese imports lower the price of American food exports?
He's not showing them who's boss, he is making it impossible for them to cooperate with him. The Chinese government is going to look weak and bitched-out to its people if they give in now. His "tough talk" turned it into a matter of national pride for these people he talks shit at.