Imagine believing this con-man

*fucks over american farmers*
>haha we sure showed china, amirite pedes?

Attached: 180709101438-gfx-trade-war-trump-china-super-tease[1].jpg (1100x619, 90K)

Other urls found in this thread:

If he fucked your mom you would know

The only thing i like of Trump is showing chayna who's the boss

'We’re going to win so much, you’re going to be so sick and tired of winning'

and farmcucks actually believed it


>meme flag
>hates on Trump

nothing like white on white crime and have the dumber ones blame another race for it ahh white people

Riddle me this, how do American tariffs on Chinese imports lower the price of American food exports?


He's not showing them who's boss, he is making it impossible for them to cooperate with him. The Chinese government is going to look weak and bitched-out to its people if they give in now. His "tough talk" turned it into a matter of national pride for these people he talks shit at.

show your flag

>as if the Chinese people would actually know that they got bitched and the Chinese media wouldn't just spin it as some massive win

by counter tariffs on your export s o y

So Chinese tariffs hurt the economy? You sound an awful lot like Donald J. Trump shitposting through a leaf proxy.

>pass worker protection laws as american rights
>allow companies to move to china and use slave labor.

its no different then saying murder is illegal and having someone hand the gone ot a chink who kills somebody then claiming the chinks not American so he didnt break a law.

it should be against the law to import anything from anywhere that does not obey our worker protection and compensation laws.

wtf don't you get?
next they are going to target products in R states

I 100% agree. Treating workers like garbage should not be a comparative advantage. Which reminds me that the "free trade = free markets everywhere" school of economics is a special brand of stupid.

we will be paying for it for generations.
welcome to the plantation.

Attached: bumbler in the billions.png (946x551, 566K)

Try harder, libtard.

Attached: TRUMP HELPING FARMERS.png (1771x763, 124K)

>Hey guys let's be China's bitch!
Said no one ever.

Sage in all fields

Didn't you get the memo? Taxing imports in an import-based economy totally BTFOs China by making Americans pay more for their goods.

Attached: 1472907893612.jpg (252x291, 29K)

Where do you think our crops are grown? I don't understand why you seem to think the only answer to Chinese economic warfare is surrender. The CCP is historically either overly ambitious or a paper tiger. If you call their bluffs, either they immediately surrender or do something enormously stupid like starting a war they obviously can't win. Right now they're trying to get the WTO to kick out America, lol.

In the last round of tariffs, studies on both sides of the Pacific found that 80% of the cost of the tariffs was eaten by Chinese exports and only 20% by American importers.

Hi canada

oh no!! not the welfare corporate farms who constantly want to import brown slave labor to pick their corn as they rape the land!!!!!!

Attached: 462px-086-BionicFlag.jpg (462x599, 152K)

>post gay b8
>no sauce
>no details except FUCK BLUMPF
Boy, shills are getting lazy these days.

Attached: 32712f891d207d7cc0c3cf1ad466b6d48c756544483a2c03e0ec2ef875347edb_1.jpg (499x566, 32K)

i hope every single last chinese official dies a gruesome death

China verrrry strong. Fucking paper tiger on fire it’s fun to watch those commies squirm. Get wrecked fucking choys

if you see a leaf talking about anything related to china, it's just an ass blasted chang 95% of the time.

the latest tariffs really have their jimmies rustled, just look how many threads get posted by "leafs" talking about our tariffs on china or our trade with china.

get fucked chang.

Hi Pajeet

Didnt predict this

This guy is right