Female Friends

Is it worth it to have female friends as a guy?

All my friends are dudes and we have good times together, but none of us ever talk to girls except for online dating.

Seems like girls would be helpful by:
- taking good photos of you for your social media / dating profile
- setting you up with their friends

Does this shit actually work though?

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It's impossible to have female friends really.

I mean yeah you can have them but at the end of the day the thought of fucking them crosses your mind everytime you see them.

I've literally had a female friend grab my junk cause "she was drunk and cant remember" it's fucking bullshit and not worth it. If you arent dating them just don't put in the effort.

Yes because female friends can expose you to a greater number of females; idk why this is so hard to understand


>female friend tells me crazy shit like how sweaty and gross she gets playing soccer
>looks at me with coom-eyes
>totally dead over text
I don’t get it either


Grow up, kid.

Back in high school about 1/2 my "friends" were female, probably roughly the same amount of males/females sat near me. I never did anything with them outside of school, which is why I used "" around friends.
Anyways, I just treated them the same, probably because I have low confidence. I don't use social media, and I actually had multiple girls ask me out, but I never capitalized on it because I suck. Men are better companions, you're going to have less in common with a woman, and conversations are normally boring.
The only time it's worth getting closer to a female is either to date, or if she has something else you want from her. You may also get a few compliments too, which never hurts.

>I actually had multiple girls ask me out, but I never capitalized on it because I suck

i know that feel bro

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this, and ive met perhaps 3 funny girls in my life, so what even the point?

I don't know about that. I'm a fag and most of my friends are straight guys. I don't think about fucking them ever.

>Attempting conversation through text
Texting is strictly for making plans to meet up.

But you are both guys, that's the difference.

Women arent funny, they like to talk more than they listen, their social awareness is weird, they feel entitled most of the time, they don't pick up on social cues.

I could go on. In general "hanging out" with guys is always a better experience. Go out with a couple (guy+girl) and usually the guys will be talking and the girl will be on her phone.

>inb4 incel

It's never really worth it, no.
>- taking good photos of you for your social media / dating profile
This only helps more than taking it with all your guy friends if they're in the picture or tangentially there.
>- setting you up with their friends
normally they only do this with lesser quality women, or women they don't like. They think that you're "batting in your league" but it's really their conceit that you're some trash back up man to be given to their ugly friends as a reward.

Most times you are viewed as lesser, and they view you as a "break glass in case of emergency dick" if that.

I had multiples close female friends, what I can say is:
>Really good emotional backup, like everytime I'm sad, I've a breakup issue I can talk to them and get attention. I can't talk about my issues to men but to my female friends it's much more easy, they act like side mommy witch feels good + they give me hug, kisses, massages and stuff. Be careful to not abuse of that, it feels good but don't turn into a faggot, and don't ever confess your issues or sadness to your girlfriend.
>They're 100% honest around me, I know how girls minds work for spending hundreds of hours talking to them. What I learned is:
>They're all insecure about something, even the pretty one and they have low confidence level and generall more anxiety than men.
>They care a lot about social validation
>They're a lot more empathic than men
>A surprisingly high amount of them would date a rich guy just to steal his fortune after divorce.
>They hate needy guys. If you want to fuck them you have to make her believe that you don't care, that you're not interested and can leave her at any time
>They love complicated relations, and I don't know why but they love conflict, like getting angry, screaming and stuff.
I can cont if you want

>This only helps more than taking it with all your guy friends if they're in the picture or tangentially there.

I have no idea how dudes do pics, whenever we go out I'm the only one who takes any, and I don't share them, they're just for my personal memories.

Meanwhile all the girls I know have confessed they all pose, adjust lighting, and do a bunch of takes just to get one good picture to post online.

>I can cont if you want
Yes please. Curious to know when you decide to friendzone a girl (or do they tend to friendzone you first?)

currently deal with the opposite problem

>active texter who constantly initiates and keeps conversation flowing
>stops dead in her tracks whenever I invite her anywhere, although she still accepts
>is a boring, uninteresting basic bitch in person who never continues a conversation about anything but her

I'd take her not being interested just fine if she would stop texting me so fucking much and getting my hopes up

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Female friends are fun for sexual tension. They are rarely funny but some are genuinely fun to hang out with. I'd never want to hang out with just women though because they tend to be more boring and passive than men.

hanging out with women when I was in highschool was the biggest blackpill I ever took

Please share your wisdom before the thread gets a delet

>They love complicated relations, and I don't know why but they love conflict, like getting angry, screaming and stuff.
Because they run off on emotions, if they're not apathetic to you, there's a chance, unless you have established yourself as a bitch. Patrice used to say it's easier to piss off a bitch and turn that into sex because passion is passion.
>I can cont if you want

This but also ask your self why is she friends you anyway. Awnser is because she is using you or she likes you and you're too dumb to make the move.

>I'd take her not being interested just fine if she would stop texting me so fucking much and getting my hopes up
You a time hoe, although women love sex, they don't view it like we view pussy. Your time is the pussy of men.

Patrice has a good bit for this, but basically if you ain't getting any, don't let a goofy bitch waste your time.

To answer your question, there's one I don't find attractive so I friendzoned her, one who have a bf, one with who I'm really protective and attached but she's more like my little sis than a crush. One who was attractive but somehow lost her attractiveness while we got closer (I think being to honest and telling to much to someone kill sexual desire). One freindzoned me tho, I had a crush on her but acting to much like a friend killed my chances. It was difficult for some months but I met someone else and I forgot the crush, now I'm totally comfortable with our relationship.
The key is having success with girls outside the group of females friends. If you don't fuck and you're surrounded with girls it's gonna be difficult.

One useful trick to do with female friends:
>Went to a date with a qt
>At the coffee with female friends, about to send date a message because I had no news since 2 days
>Friend say don't, she suggest I start posting pics of me and her (she's a solid 8/10) on my insta story to make her jealous
>After 3 days of doing this, date (who saw all the stories) send me a message: "hey user you seemed quite busy this week wanna come to my place tomorrow?"
>End up fucking her

>The key is having success with girls outside the group of females friends.
this desu senpai

Girls don't like stability, don't let routine settle or they'll cheat on you. You have to feed her desire, she'll never love you unconditionally.
Also girl's way to love is weird. Affection and desire seem to be completely separated. Most of them don't love their boyfriends, but fuck them. They love their friends but don't have any desire for them. Like I've seriously had 2 female friends who told me I mattered more to them than their boyfriends. I think they can only really love in a maternal way.

How about you live your fucking life and leave this board for fitness related threads you spergo

I've been with my gf since highschool, we still fuck like we did back then and she still looks at me with those puppy dog eyes she had when I met her.
Hope she isnt cheating me lmao

listen to this guy, the only way to get actual advice on how to date a girl is to ask a girl
every time i think i understand how females think i ask a female friend and get some bullshit answer that doesn't even make sense but works

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The hack for this is to make friends with lesbians. That way you know they're not interested in you and you can use more of your precious few brain cells on other women.

Watch all the coombrains say no because they are the ones in the zone and can't even talk to the opposite sex without cooming

>that you're not interested and can leave her at any time
>they love conflict, like getting angry, screaming and stuff
>very good at sex

These are the only reasons why my girlfriend is with me. Also the "very good at sex" part is because I can't cum unless I use my hand so I can fuck for a good 2 hours before calling it quits.

Possible and worth it. Just do it faggot.

You should then find interesting female friends. I have plenty and conversation is seldom boring. I take that if you live in the US it is not possible because American women and the most annoying and vain women I have ever met.

most women lie about what women want because they go by feeling.

desu all girls I met were easier to talk to, more emaprhetic and more intelligent than any guys I've met.
I'd exclusively have female friends if my classes weren't exclusively men and women trying to fit in.

Just an advice bro, I don't know how long you two have been together but my last gf literally told me she enjoyed the sex because I could last forever (like you, I can barely cum unless I do it myself) and she missed having someone cum inside her

The only girls I know that were interesting were not lookers, and even then you can't get that with a woman you're fucking. It just signals weakness.

I don’t like just outright asking if someone wants to hang out, bros or girls, because then the whole chat log looks like different variations of “wanna get drinks” and “nah can’t do it”

I disagree. having female friends was a huge redpill. When the veil is down they show you their true side.

>(I think being to honest and telling to much to someone kill sexual desire).

I may have done that on a date last sunday. We had some good conversations though so It's okay I had fun. Still an interesting thought, do you have experience with that?

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They'll never tell you though, you'd have to infer it personally.

Not the user you are replying to but the issue is if you are too honest and telling too much with a girl, it goes from sexual desire to "friends" REALLY fast

the only female friend i have is not attractive to me

Nah man she probably isn't

A lot of guys here talk a big game but the fact is there is no grand female hive mind - one dude's experience with a few chick friends isn't going to be 100% of every female out there

>Is it worth it to have female friends as a guy?

>- taking good photos of you for your social media / dating profile
do you mean like posing with you to make you look like not so much of a loser? or actually getting your picture taken by a girl?

>- setting you up with their friends
this won't happen nearly as often as you think. yes, once or twice they might introduce you to somebody if you're lucky, but usually that friend will be just the female version of you - flawed and unlikeable and single for a reason. they're not gonna be out there headhunting other girls for you to get your dick wet, if that's what you're thinking.

>If you want to fuck them you have to make her believe that you don't care, that you're not interested and can leave her at any time
The most luck I’ve had was when I was talking about race realism and wooden doors

Honestly, you're lucky. From experience, most women get really insecure if you can't cum from their pussy or mouth. "Lasting long" is like 20 mins, maybe 30.

If you have any friends that are married or in long term relationships, BY FAR your best bet is to ask them if their gf/wife can introduce you to anybody she knows.

She has a vested interest in getting all her single friends hitched so they present less of a threat to her own relationship, and she'll sell you big time and make a good impression for you.

My group of friends in Uni had a couple of girls in it for a while.

Only that a lot of my friends are like megavirgins and they had to fuck it up by trying time and time again to sex them.

Of course girls be girls they used them as orbiters and as jokes behind their back.

All in all a lot of fucking drama for Fucking nothing but I got to say the first year was really fun.

Not even going to read the other posts in this thread because I'm certain that robots have already taken it over. It's totally worth it, having a platonic female friend who isn't shit is rare but awesome when you have it. I've been close friends with this one girl for years now and she's an ace wingman, cooks me healthy food for free and has meaningful conversations with me on several of my hobbies. Food, pussy and friendship all thanks to just not fucking this one girl. I'm all about it, and I'll never be convinced that the people who say it can't happen are anything other than stock Jow Forums autists who've never been in this position

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Only female friends I have are butch dykes

Would you say they are more cunning and manipulative than men?

>who never continues a conversation about anything but her
is this your first time conversing with a human this is standard. get over it.

Yeah, American in a non white area nonetheless

I have never had a female friend that I didn’t want to fuck and ugly women are just shit versions of guys.

I have a lot of female friends. It works out great. But then I enjoy talking about most things.

If you are young, that might be the problem.