Would AOC make an ideal wife and mother?

Would AOC make an ideal wife and mother?

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Obviously. She’s perfect.

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I mean if sub 60 IQ babies is ideal for your standards...

Nope. How can you not get past the eyes. It gives everything away. Some of us can still see.

socialist policies are ideal in small family units

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See what, exactly?

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no. she is not a virgin.

No. She'd try and make our middle child trans.

If you want retarded babies. I think she'd make good mulch,mint the chipper she goes

Give me 3 months with her, living on a farm, waking up working together. She would be pregnant soon and so fulfilled with her life, that none of her current BS beliefs would even matter anymore.

This, kids, is called sea lioning.
Sage and ignore.

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God, she's beautiful

Well, she clearly belongs in the kitchen.

She's not even attractive. The fact that so many liberal males on here think she is attractive, shows just how desperate they all are. Her legs are disgusting.... future Loretta Lynch legs. Her tits are pendulum tits... no bueno. She's a former bartender... so imagine how many miles of dick she's had run through her.... she's low IQ (if you unironically think she's smart, kys immediately). There are no positives... her face isn't bad, but everything else is borderline terrible. You losers will drool over anything that isn't overweight. I guess she has that going for her, she's not a hambeast. 10 years from now she will be able to play hacky sack with her own tits (if her sausage legs will still bend at the knee)

>believes 22nd amendment prevented FDR‘s re-election
>0-57 on GND
>25K jobs lost
>$27 billion tax revenue lost
>didn’t know the three branches of government
>supports printing money to pay for social programs
>doesn’t understand tax policy
>doesn’t understand basic economic theory
>thinks working longer hours or multiple jobs lowers the unemployment rate
>thought she got “inaugurated” into office and would sign bills into law
>thinks being morally right trumps being factually correct
>14K votes (2% of district electorate)
>leveraged a $300,000 education into a bartending job
>dangerously unqualified
so no, most likely not.

Her ankles tell the whole story. Hard pass

I love how you insecure faggots like to pretend every minority is dumber than you. Look, you're worthless, and if we had an ethnostate you'd be culled because we only want 110+ IQ people.

She is smart enough to get elected into office.

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if PoC are so smart why come do they live in piles of shit?
checkmate libtard

or were those who voted her in, dumb?

Why does she look like a chink in some photos?

8-10 years ago, yes she could have taken that path

Now she is almost 30 and feminist - no chance

>She is busty enough to get elected into office.

Only if you want hideous horse goblin babies.

Not so much dumb just it's a "diverse" constiuency and non-whites the entire world over tend to vote tribally. It was as simple as that - she was a fellow non-white running against a white man and promsing them free stuff.

Probably not, considering she got an economics degree but ended up working as a bartender


She she is hard working and has a bright career ahead of her.

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Indian genes from Puerto Rico.

Bottom line she's Hispano and is going to look like a root beer barrel on brown stilts the second a sperm swims past her. You know it. I know it. We all know it. This bitch is total used goods. She looks like a shaved burrito with two bean bumps under it, stuffed into an orange peel. Plus she's psychotic.

Send her an infatuated bong to marry and have him lie to her he's a prince. Problem solved. Jow Forums knows just the one, don't we?

That's easy. The rest of us know better because we're not narcissists willing to trade away privacy and peace of mind for a few fleeting moments of radioactive fame like she is.

She'd make a good cool wine aunt.

If she’s a GF, she’s a cum bucket.

>Stupid as shit
>Ruining the reputation of herself and anyone she's too closely associated with

She had a shred of street smarts realizing she could leverage a minority ticket into an otherwise safe dem rep seat, but if you think it can be translated into a long term career with the polarizing rhetoric she's spouting, you're kidding yourself. Without a Trump-ian grassroots revolution you're left with a Bernout style failure on steroids.

No. You stupid idiot.

Also folks remember that sage goes in all fields

She can feed a laying baby while standing

no, she should be a breeding concubine

Dead vacant eyes

AOC is a crazed invididual, whose platform is utterly irrational.
She would make an average mother.

AOC. You need to go to bed and try and remember all the dumb things you said today .

Only millennials and retarded liberal boomers voted for her

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Her voice would drive her husband and kids to suicide, so, no she wouldn't be an ideal wife and mother.