Modern women would rather sleep with an average woman than an average man
>Nero fiddled.
>Victory has defeated you.
The cycle continues to repeat. Forget politics, take the history-pill.
>the toasted roast
not even once flamingo
always been the case. this is why women historically have been farm animals
I dont see how this proves what you wrote in your OP,......user....have you tried asking for a womens number it works with good results as long as you look respectable you dont even have to be that good looking just dont look like a loser stoner thug retard
kek. best post ive seen in a while
I'd fuck her and I'm not even gay
I've had better luck having FFMs with straight women than gay or bisexual. Really activates my almonds.
all of these roasties feel embarrassed that they're not lesbos. I bet if that girl pressured them enough she would score. how long before compulsory homosexuality?
Let's say white males go full natsoc and kill every white female and every non white male on the planet. Just white men and all non white women. How many generations would it take to get pure white kids again
Why not? The average female life is so much more interesting than the average male life. They don't owe you anything.
47.62% of the women I've fucked was in an FFM or FFFM. I'm sure more would have been down given the opportunity. Only 1 was openly bi. A few acted as if they'd never do such a thing. One came around reasoning that if it would get me to fuck her then she was game. It's buyer's market, boys!
men are disgusting. if attraction wasnt hard wired into woman they would never touch 85% of the male population
Missing 30+ There buddy. Woman hits the wall, has no children, makes excuses until 40, realizes everything came to her only because she was beatiful, and that she has no real friends and no children.
Just shows conformist women are, afraid to look "homophobic".
To be fair, so do I.
best post
damn just imagine being an attractive girl. you can randomly talk to strangers and they'll be receptive.
I don't have to, I'm a 6'3 Germanic decent. People just start talking to me all the time. Is that why the jews hate me?
I got dumped today because I was bad at sex, when I was a virgin. I was told "That she was put off of how awkward it was."
She told me to stop after 2 pumps into her.
Does it ever end, Jow Forums?
>attractive woman lives life on tutorial mode
how surprising
Everything else is staged bullshit, and probably this too.
>sex cant be awkward and funny
i hate those kind of whores. Its gotta be all serious and no games allowed.
Women are the biological equivalent of a permanent middle-class. Nigger.
Well I was barely given a chance. I thought people generally don't give a shit or will teach you if they like y...
Well there's my answer.
>Modern women
>leftist scum
OP is kind of dumb.
90% of them said no thanks.
I got a little hard watching this.
>an average woman
But the bitch in that video is not average. More like 8/10. I bet a 5/10 would have a much lower success rate.
well done
I've noticed, there are many men on the board who are feminists. They never question it.
How to get a girlfriend to have a threesome? I'm thinking alcohol needs to be involved.
threaten her with weapon
>that's how you lost your virginity
damn. It never ends
How many generations would it take to get pure white kids again
An infinite amount, given that
I wouldn't even count it.
Pretty true. And don't let their anxiety get into you-- they LOVE feeling like that, just let them do it
Honestly this does not reflect my experience with most sloots, I would encourage you to give it another go
sheesh , and people give us shit for how we treat women
Why does is this news? Wouldn’t you rather sleep with an average looking woman than an average looking man?
I hope. I'm 26 now and was saving sex for someone who I was in a long-term, serious relationship with.
Pic related.
Why would a lesbian have a FFM with you? That is dumb, of course it doesn't work that way. Bisexual women likely don't want to have them most of the time because they see woman not just for fucking but as romantic partners.
Uhh, yeah because women treat them better than men. They don’t just use them for sex.
She will call police.
You wouldn't want to be with a woman who treats you like that anyway
But aren't most women like that? If you're beyond the age of 25 and you haven't experienced a relationship or sex that there's something wrong with you?
It helps. I got at least one without
> trolling Craigslist personals
> young blonde wants BBC 3 way
Fucking whore
> troll her and say my wife has a strap on
Not for me, you fags
> surprisingly she bites
Met up for mini golf for a 3 way date with me and the wife, then went back to our place for fuggin. Women want what other women have. Shit was too easy.
Reminder that lesbians and bisexuals get the rope too.
I've never had a woman make fun of the way I have sex with them even when it was my first time. If you want to wait to have sex with someone you are in a long-term relationship with they shouldn't be the type of person to dump you over trivial shit like that, it was your first time ffs
the girl at 1:00 seems trad being polite
I know, I've just never experienced any sort of romantic relationship or sexual relationship with other people before. I got approached a lot by fat women in college for sex, and even more now.
I'm a tall and skinny due to a condition I have, for some reason it attracts them.
i want to believe this is real so im not going to investigate further and just live with the dream
She wants that thunder cock, you aint got it
No one cares what women think. I was just pointing out stats that might surprise some. Self proclaimed "poly" women are the worst. Only had one decent one.
I don't see any problem with this.
My cousin is 42 she is miserable, never got married or have children. She turned down a lot of good guys, just because they were not that rich.
Try approaching women yourself
modern women are like women of old and dont know what they want
they have ideas but routinely go against them
namely when they are horny, needy, lonely, or without money
>just dont look like a loser stoner thug retard
Unless that's what she's into.
In my experience hotter girls prefer druggies, thugs and bad boys
the girl in op looks like a stoner retard
>She told me to stop after 2 pumps into her.
Fuck, that's rough.
You should have strangled the horrible cunt and hid the body
>women are objectively more attractive than men
Wow, never knew that!
My grandma showed me lesbian porn
For whatever reason young 20 somethings are into 30+ married NEETs with dad bods.
Show us your grandma.
I'm aware.
Yep, after that she just said "I'm going home. Waste of my time." I was legit upset because we had great chemistry and a lot to talk about. Both Greek, both have similar interests etc.
My exGF made a tinder for us saying looking for 3some and matched girl to girl. She got more matches in a couple days than me in my whole life and of far higher quality. fuck this gay earth.
Hell its prolly easier to fug girls by dressing and identifying as a girl
i bet she has (((numbers))) tattooed
Sorry bro
Women are ruthless cunts, use them for what they are and never let them get to close to your heart because they will fuck you over
>just because they were not that rich.
How many guys can confirm what I've noticed?
A girl, on a date presumably, will within the first 5 questions ask what you do for a living. This is to estimate how much you make.
stop fucking whores. keep it in your pants and find someone who would wait until marriage instead of break it off just b/c of sex. that is base
So what you're saying is that you're already totally numb. Kill yourself, user.
i've heard all women are partly bisexual. seems plausible in my experience. but most still want children so the race survives. if men were all faggots it'd be the end of the world.
I’d vote for Hitler tomorrow if he was on the ballot
>women are objectively more attractive than men
>Wow, never knew that!
Absolute fucking bullshit. Male humans have always been far more impressive physical specimens than women. This is true for the vast majority of animals on this planet too. The males of the species almost always look far more physically attractive than their female counterparts
If an alien civilization came to earth and saw a muscular and proportionate male physique, it would certainly impress them more than some roastie bitch with wide hips and big tits. They do not feel any sexual attraction to our women so they would have a more objective view. And they would certainly consider the male physique as more impressive and beautiful
I am as straight as they come, but this is just common sense man. Women only look beautiful to men. But objectively the male physique has FAR more potential to look impressive and beautiful than the female physique.
that just means she's fucking like 5+ other dudes a month
Bitch gonna get sent to the ranch
>They do not feel any sexual attraction to our women so they would have a more objective view.
How do you know?
Human females could be the epitomy of beauty in the galaxy and alien species come here to harvest female sex slaves to sell in intergalactic slave bazaars
Sorry to hear that user.
Like you wouldn’t want to conquer some alien snatch if you had the chance
That’s pretty gay
A perfect Utopia doesn't exi-
Umm, yeah. And it has nothing to do with women. They are our most valuable possessions.
*white women
I got that a lot before my wife. And since my answer was always a little abnormal to the job question they'd not follow up on the wage/salary. Which is weird cause I make good money.
This is true outside of hedonistic monarchy's where fat was considered power.
and i'd rather jack off than fuck the average roast