We finally did it

“White Men” have absolutely destroyed Game of Thrones

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Roasties eternally BTFO!

I thought it was the writers that destroyed it



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Women were a mistake they have no use if you have a male friend with feminine features just fuck him

White Power

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Candace seems like an unbearable cunt that should be exiled to the Congo. Just a thought.


Fuck off buzzfeed.

Okay nevermind. Season 8 kicks ass and is awesome. This one episode saved the entire show.

>posted 3:20 am

He was up all night writing that shit. These people need to find a hobby.

Are D&D, dare I say, /ourkikes/?

Oh and I just have to say, know what the best thing about this is?
Liberals take fictional shows extremely literally. As though it's like a documentary. For instance, I've seen liberals meme that white men are evil by showing the gif where Jaime pushes Bran out the window. See? White men are evil.
Now you have a woman behaving this way in the show and oh it's just stone writ. It's like a real life example to them.
This is how a woman can act.
Nevermind it's just fiction. No. This is valid stuff. Like real life.
I love it burns them this bad.

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The show killed a whole giant city of whites and they're still not happy

I used to draw these in high school


No ones even on the throne yet they’re just pissed that a female character showed a flaw. for all we know it could be John, Tyrion, or Sansa or even fuckin Davos who knows cry about it

you're human too? cool

don't be mean anons
she's literally crying

It's strange, the writers were the ones who've made the show an absolute SJW cringe fest and now they've done a complete 180 and BTFO their entire normie fanbase. /tv/ speculates that this was there plan all along

This is one of the best thigns about it. Dragon Lady acted the way everyone knew she was going to act, deep down inside. And that alone has these people fucking shook.

imagine crying over some dumb TV show.


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Can someone give me a quick rundown on GoT. I have never watched a single episode but understand its like a medieval fantasy setting type deal.

What happened and why is everyone so triggered?

>an absolute SJW cringe fest and now they've done a complete 180
I think they're actually just that bad of writers.
I'm serious.
I think they MEANT for it be an SJW fest but are so fucking dumb they didn't realize with the last episode they were writing entirely the contrary.

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Imagine being this emotionally invested in a fucking TV show. Christ.

>"I desperately need a strong man to aggressively fuck the shit out of me, protect me, and set boundaries for me in my life so I can stop feeling so lost and miserable all the time."

wasn't the whole appeal of the show realism from the start? characters make bad decisions and pay for them brutally, no deus ex machina. now i know they've gone and shit all over that formula for four seasons without the aid of carefully worked out storylines and dialogue from books to ape, and now coast on one drunk rich fat faggot's vague plot points for books he's never going to actually write, but still, the delusional cum-drunk roasties are upset that realism is creeping back in? tbqh everyone should have died, and the night king should have won and fucked bran stark's brain with an ice pick, but a bitter sweet obvious ending like nazidany bad, jon the huwhite guts her, re-takes the black and returns to the wall (where he belongs) is a fitting end. did they expect the series finale of Friends or something?

>spend 7 seasons hinting that Dany is prone to insanity
>mention constantly that Targaryens are known for going insane
>the only people that actually respect her as a ruler are the Horseniggers and Dickless
>Horseniggers only like her because she's a fucking lunatic that's prone to violence
>Dickless are dumb as fuck and respect simply because she freed them and told them to kill the people that took their dicks
>Meeren showed what happens when she tries to rule people that don't worship the ground she walks on
>they fucking hate her and it takes Tyrion to stabilize the shitshow
>she shows up in Westeros and starts burning everyone that doesn't agree to follow her blindly, which is most everyone
>"I hate this country, nobody likes me!"
How did anyone honestly think she wasn't going to go insane? They foreshadowed her insanity for a long ass time. My favorite take from this is a bunch of idiots named their daughters Daeneyrs and Khaleesi because they want their daughters to be "strong, confident women".

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Who cares about this fag Viking soap opera

I really don’t see the problem. She’s been batshit insane since the beginning. They’ve hinted at it in the show and it’s even more apparent in the books.

This is a good post.

It feels like Hillary losing the election again

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>My favorite take from this is a bunch of idiots named their daughters Daeneyrs and Khaleesi because they want their daughters to be "strong, confident women".
OH YEA! In real life! YEA!
OH MY GOD! Thank you for this.
LMFAO! I hadn't thought of it. Genius.

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>named their daughters Daeneyrs and Khaleesi because they want their daughters to be "strong, confident women".

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What a shock.

I haven't watched a single episode of this thing...

The show became her identity.

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>Who cares about this fag Viking soap opera

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>Ultimately guided by the white male viewpoint
>Ten years of my life!

Dumb bitch, could've googled George R. R. Martin "tEn YeArS aGo" and saved yourself some trouble, eh?
No shit a fucking story written by an old white male is gonna be written from a white male viewpoint. How fucking retarded can you be?

I don't watch game of thrones, what happened? Did the stronk female character die or something?

so she's not mad about all the rape and violence against women. she's mad about men doing something good. hmm.

GoT was shit after season 1.

They don't seem to understand, we made everything so everything is a symbol of white power. The only way another can get power from it is if we give it to them.

I haven't watched TV in years. Imagine investing this much of your personal life into a show. These people are pathetic

>But they didn't hint at Daenerys insanity
Yes they did
When they made her a woman

They might also not give a f and just wanted to tell a story.
Dragon queen turns out to be the mad queen like her ancestor was the mad king

Nah, they just had to wrap it up with the bare bones plot points Georgie gave them, which means having to 180 all the characters.

Epic medieval fantasy based on a series of well written and engaging books. First 4 season of show follow the books closely but show writers ran out of book material for 5-8 and are on their own. They quickly turned an immense world with deep and meaningful characters into a girl power shitfest. Then fucked up their girl power shitfest by having a white man save the day at the end of the last ep while all the women stood around and cried.

Last season is so bad that the cast is even shitting on it.


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Imagine being this angry over a fictional TV show.

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I didn't watch either but from what I understand the stronk female character PMSed and started killing everybody like a crazy bitch.

It's a long running show with one of the highest budgets for a TV show ever, if not the highest. Up until season 5 when they were following the actual books, the show was amazing, but when they caught up with the book series HBO got George rr Martin to govet uem the reigns and go their own way creatively. St that point what was a very brutal, sexual, and amazing story ended up a sjw fuck fest. It's worth the watch just as a cultural icon on its own but up until the change in writing it was actually an amazing show.

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>I'm literally crying right now
Awwww! Did gaym of twones huwt yur fee fees???

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It'll be bran, cap this.

>game of cucks
pick one

"Mommies, why did you name me after the fictional genocidal maniac?"
"Well sweetie it seemed like a good idea at the time."

>white roastie and her horde of niggerbvlls get btfo by white males and their qt white wives

thots and dykes and coalburners btfo in fiction, as in real life

If she's this pissed off at wasting 10 years of her life on a TV show, what's her reaction going to be when she realizes that she drank the feminist kool-aid and missed her opportunity to find fulfillment through motherhood?

This, and nice get

>before the story, the Targaryens are dethroned and hunted down
>Daeneyrs Targaryens spends the entire series on the eastern continent (Essos) with a focus on getting back to the western continent (Westeros) and taking back the throne
>has three dragon eggs that hatch and see her as their mother
>dragons were thought to be long dead and a single dragon could ruin an entire army
>she's believes she's the Queen that deserves her throne, is shown to be arrogant, lacks political expertise, and resorts to just murdering everyone when she doesn't get her way
>women who watch the show latch onto her as a "YAAS QUEEN"
>at the final battle for the capital, it's a one-sided stomp and the defenders ring the bell to signal their surrender
>she decides to burn the entire city to the ground, massacring tens of thousands of innocents
>with one episode left, she's now the final villain

>Spending 10 years becoming emotionally invested in shitty entertainment television
Holy fuck, I'd rather commit suicide than be this pathetic.

what happened is that two kikes named D&D ruined the entire fucking series in just a few seasons worth of terrible writing. The writing this season has been fucking awful. Every response from Dany last week was just a repeat of the original question back at someone. She provided fucking zero insight into anything even though her fucking allies were asking questions. Then this latest episode they just fucking killed off tons of people in the most pathetic ways. It is all just being wrapped up quickly without regard for the actual story or the world it is set in because D&D the kikes want to go make (ruin) Star Wars now.

>all those buzzwords at same time
lmao fucking crazy cunts

It's more like they're so hysterical and insane they're calling 14 year olds white supremacists because a bunch of 30 year old boomers on the internet posted a bunch of maymays on twatter with the same shit

It effectively normalizes "nazism" because it encompasses literally everything that isn't straight up getting fucked in the ass by a shemale.

Accurate representation, I see

They have some = injesting legal meth and hating Trump.

Season one was pretty good.

>met a girl the other day
>several inches taller than me
>doesn't use makeup so literally just a weird looking girl instead of a tranny

If she wasn't so tall and shaved her mustache I'd probably fuck her.

>or bernie supporters
Even more pathetic than whinging about a candidate you lost to in a general election is S E E T H I N G about a candidate you beat in the primary.

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>Character becomes what they were meant to be
>This upsets people
I really fucking hate normal people

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>Now you have a woman behaving this way in the show and oh it's just stone writ. It's like a real life example to them.
I know a woman who went nuts and severed ties with her best friend after having a dream where her best friend and boyfriend were fooling around behind her back. The brain mechanism that separates reality from evident and obvious falsehood is broken in women.

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Part 2

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you sir use the english language in an interesting way

what happened?

Those dastardly white men can't keep getting away with it

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>TV has been a waste of my life
Dumb cunt doesn't realise she's right

I’m literally shaking

I don't watch GoT. Did the season finale air or something?

>>Spending 10 years becoming emotionally invested in shitty entertainment television
>Holy fuck, I'd rather commit suicide than be this pathetic.

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That's next week

One of the main characters a white female who race mixes, and is presented as a strong independent whitye wahman, went crazy and killed tons of white people by burning them to death and then letting her POC army tape the survivors. Twitter is angry as its an accurate depiction of what happens when white women are in charge

Someone acknowledge me pls

HBO is making the last season as bad as possible so more people will buy the books which release at the conclusion of the show. also HBO gets X% of book sales due to kikery.


>devastated by a TV show.
>wants to lead the world.


Also imagine crying over a show that's made by the fattest male feminist ever.

It's not complicated. 21st century plague is called anhedonia. Those cunts will never be pleased, EVER.

Can't wait for Jon to kill Dany in the next episode and these retards get eternally btfo

Holy shit, being named Daenerys or Khaleesi is about the only thing that's going to be more embarassing than that one guy that got the hand of the king tattooed on his arm.

Star Wars is already dead so they can fuck the corpse if they want, maybe it'll keep them from ruining something else that's still good.

Thanks senpai.

The chicks have been trying to destroy Westeros since episode one, with the men trying to save it.
It was always going to have a happy ending, so clearly they would all have to die.

How did it take her 70 hours to figure this out?

>Women killing it
Cersi literally destroyed her family, and King's Landing, with nearly all of Westeros. All by herself.

Nigger queen devastated Essos by abolishing slavery and not replacing it with a solution to mend the decades of societal conformity that allowed that system to keep the hordes at bay. Everyone is starving under socialism in the tv series, and in the books, she has to bring back slavery just to save her rule. Not to mention that she literally aborted a competing Khaleesi's baby by murdering the woman.

Melisandre went from one fuck up to the next. Her only redeeming quality was she gave the nigger horde 7.5 seconds worth of fighting with flaming swords (a cowboy rides a bull for longer than that), and bought Winterfell about 1.5 minutes of extra time until the Night King could get his undead army to bore through a firey shrubbery arrangement; which is amazingly punny considering she possessed a firebush herself.

Brienne fell for a douche cunt that impregnates his sister, routinely. Now she's with child (most assuredly).

Arya became the high priestess of the God of Death. Literally. She also never uses her fucking abilities to actually, you know, fight. Despite having the capability of killing the largest fucking guy in all of the planet, and using his mass and strength to simply beat everyone to death, she sneks around and pulls off the most improbable feats of anyone because of lazy writing.

Every whore in Westeros completely fell for Podrick just because he has a large cock. This means that they are all size queens with a complete lack of agency.

Lyanna Mormont absolutely could not duck or dodge.

Missandei swam the wrong fucking way and got caught because she is a fucking tool.

Margaery Tyrell literally didn't know when to get the fuck out of dodge because she was power hungry.

Olenna Tyrell is literally the only bitch in the entire fucking series that was worth being called a woman. The rest are dumb cunts

Just a story about a brothers love for his sister, and a nephews love for his aunt.