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Mods shut down threads calling out Mossad because MOSSAD IS THAT FUCKING SHITTY.
Sloppy job mossad
Jow Forums literally predicted the false flag mossad would stage
Hey guys,
I'm just doing some backdoor hacking, tryin' to make my way into the Gibson. They're trashing our rights.
After every single false flag shooting they push censorship and gun control. They also need to distract from Barr and Israelgate.
Frazzledrip disclosure incoming
>"our experts"
yep, more bullshit techniques from the globalist technocratic usurpers
can you go one fucking day without claiming a FALSE FLAG is imminent?
have you ever heard the story of the boy who cried wolf, moarpheus
Mossad stages false flags and the ADL has legislation and changes ready to push before they happen.
What happened?
Here's a video of the Danny Danon, the UN Ambassador for Israel and a cocksucking faggot shilling for social media censorship in response to. stopping mass shootings. Israel stages mass shootings to distract, push gun control, and push censorship
More psy ops to push censorship
these "experts" are all part of the consent manufacturing process is all I'm saying. The term "expert" can literally mean anything they want it to for their own purposes
bumping for read this
Based and Qpilled
Because we on the right are fucking stupid. If we had any brains,
>Every leftist attack on the president would remove a key privilege leftists love. For instance, marijuana made illegal in ten states for every attack attempt.
>Every leftist school shooting would remove LGBT classes and funding from that school and all surrounding schools in that state. inb4 "but muh one had nothing to do with the other" so? What does anything have to do with anything their side does?
>For every person censored on one of their platforms, we and a reworked, refocused right wing FCC does what's called nuking their cell phone. Did you know carriers can do that? They can literally cut your service if requested. Censor conservative X on Twitter, we censor 30 liberals on Verizon, AT&T and so on.
>For every drag queen library hour, institute 40 Bible reading hours for children, same city, same district, same library.
>LGBT endorsement by Nabisco? Nabisco's US headquarters is in Morris County, NJ. Every gay nightclub there or even near there = SHUT DOWN.
This is how you do it, folks. They'd get the message, just like spoiled, evil children.
But noooooo. We just sit and complain.
sloppy job mossad
>left vs right
sloppy job mossad
Can't wait to watch Bibi get killed soon. Iran will make it happen.
By the way, East Hanover, home to Nabisco, is partly Democrat controlled. But the surrounding County is Republican.
Why have you not contacted these legislators and told them to make life hard for that company? There are hundreds of ways to do it starting with the NJ State Franchise Tax office.
Alas, for want of a brain, the lets were lost.....
This guys is on to something
holy shit he looks like hogg in 15-20 years
Why didnt it work?