Prove youre not just some sad incels Jow Forumsaks. post your chad features

prove youre not just some sad incels Jow Forumsaks. post your chad features.

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You can’t even grow a proper beard incel

Patchy beards aren't Chad, sorry brad

Im not white so im automatically not chad

nice try, FBI


He's talking about his jawline and chin. That's a Chad genetic feature.

"men" that cannot grow a beard should either kill themselves or transition.

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You'll cowards don't even smoke crack

You couldn’t see my jaw, I would have to shave and I don’t wanna

You can't even grow a real beard, faggot incel

There is invention called shaving. Monkey.

also he has lengthy, unruly hair
that's 2 strikes
if he's a dyel or less than 6ft tall then he's just a beta

I’m 6’2”.


Attached: Yikes_Red_Text.jpg (1024x531, 58K)

My penis is 8 inches

Well I just posted this in another thread so the glowniggers got it anyway

t. Actual kike-hating Chad

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Plenty of white bois have manly chins but are still complete cucks.

I think you mean cm.

that's a normal jaw and chin, even with him jutting forward and getting perfect lighting it doesn't look impressive at all. jfl this is why i don't trust anyone here who calls themselves chad

if you don't have the obvious option to drown in pussy, you're not chad. results are all that matters

greasy hair with a patchy neckbeard, you are CHAD

Hit me up when you transition

How old are you lad?
If you're older than 24 you might want to consider applying minoxidil to your beard. Google how to do it.

WARNING: Minoxidil is extremely toxic to cats

No I meant feet

Looks worse as grill imo

pencilneckbeard is Chad

You’re one greasy nigger.

Why is the Netherlands so cucked?

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Everyone itt is a beta except myself

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That looks like the 'my ancestor' meme.

El Goblino

I think the hairstyle the app gave me is a bit weird, luckily I'm not a (that) mentally ill retard who wants to be a little girl kek

El boogerino

You look pretty cool for a middle eastern

? How

We are actually spreading those pics to demoralize gay plebbit faggots because they know they will never compare, I'm not a gay retard

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You look like some Mexican mongrel.

Hi C.I.A, remember 1999 ?

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>imagine needing hormones to grow a beard


I found the perfect man.
Pic related

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that is the most soi neck I have ever seen I could grip it with one hand

I’m not talking about the pic, I’m talking about your country. It feels like America back in 2013, super depoliticized.

ok retard

You can’t hide it, melungeon. Those lips and nose scream triracial.


>post your chad features
>literally a picture of your budding neckbeard


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Like this?

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You'd be surprised, my friends are all red-pilled and you can literally discuss Jow Forums tier shit and every single young White guy will agree with you, we're filled with hatred for the shitskins and kikes.

Gavin Mcinnis acts like a Chad but his jawline says something different.

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>sandnigger who can't grow a beard

what's your mailing address? I'm going to send HRT

Also look up FvD, it's literally gonna be the foundation of the modern NSDAP (allowing us to meet and organize)

le 56%

unironically disgusting

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Minoxidil isn't hormones. It increases blood pressure in the applied area so the hair follicles receive more nutrients.
I might use it on my mustache to close the gap it has in the middle

All the "but t-thats not real beard" scream insecurity. Women don't care if the beard is full or not. If it works, it works

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Is Rotterdam just particularly bad then? I’ve only been here for a day, so maybe that’s just it. Also, how do the hate speech laws work here?

Ignore my flag; I’m using an American mobile service for internet.

literal nigger lmao

>chad features
>king of chinlets
Lmao@ your life
Here’s my chad feature. Note to dicklets jannies this is not pornography and is on-topic

Attached: 4A08CC76-92A9-43BE-9D66-CCDDE639F841.jpg (1174x724, 716K)

I'd post my arms but there's a file size limit.

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I live in Rotterdam, it's the most dangerous and conquered area, very very high concentration of violent invaders.
Amsterdam is the most degenerate Communist city, the WHITES who still live in Rotterdam are either very strong and racist red-pilled folk or complete beta effeminate cuckolds, most of us left to live in the countryside though, saving up to escape this hell-hole before the collapse.

I tried using it and it caused my fucking legs and feet to swell and turn red. I don’t know why.

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>unironically posting your weird mutilated dick in a Jow Forums thread

holy fucking faggot. this thread has been gold.

Just looking at this pic and you just know the type of old man he is going to look like. Disgusting

How do the
>beta effeminate cuckolds
coexist with the invaders? I've wondered that about white s o y b o y s in black ghettos in America, too.

As for hate-speech, I've never heard of a case like UK or Germany, people are very very set on freedom of expression here and we have a spirit of revolution which the kikes have so far been able to subvert simply by lying about everything in the media, to which 80% of our country is exposed without seeing the truth, but the word is spreading fast and we will revolt very soon (not like Yellow Vests, we are much more cold-blooded and efficient)

>muh virgin v muh chad
>retards don't know it's all about how much money you make
this is why you'll always be the losers while I'll always be a winner

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I have giant full bush pubic hair that goes around my ass and up my back. I look like a fucking animal naked.