I think im going to kill myself
Di you have herpes?
I think im going to kill myself
Di you have herpes?
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Idk how mutt genetics work but I haven't had any symptoms since I got it.
White girls don't mind anyhow
How did you get herpes? What type? And no.
can my hand give me herpes?
also name your state, i hope the hookers in my state dont have herpes
Yes, Type 1. I got it as a kid, really annoying, but you can manage outbreaks. Pretty much only happens when my lips get really cold and damp for extended period of time.
Wait you got genetal Herpes? GROSS MAN
All hookers everywhere have herpes senpai
Type 1 (both are the dame anyway)
I cured my herpies though the snake diet to bad non of you pussies would ever starve yourselves
no way im in sonora too
im gonna go get checked
did you get yours from a hooker or just from a slut?
Wages of sin friend. You know what's a foolproof way to avoid STD's? Monogamy
When it happen next time put a sliced garlic for some time. Thank me later
There are 2 types and have different symptoms. I assume you fucked it up, better to stay celibate.
Mate if you have type I and eat out a girl she Will have herpes type II
Is the same crap
Eating pussy is for cucks, women don't respect men who do it. They are different types and one is more likely to affect on area than the other, but rarely so.
cold sore herpes vs sti genital herpes
they are not the same you dipshit whore fucker
Don't you still have purpose in your life mate. Take this advice from a guy who was born from a mother who was 16 at the time.
I have "lips herpes", is is the same fucking as genitalhherpes you moron
Don't mind him he is a potato nigger.
ive had cold sores/oral herpes ever since I was a kid and they've never appeared around my genitals nor have I ever had a partner get oral/genital herpes off me, they're not same cause of the preference of where they occur
also checked
actually ho, true type 1 is smaller and a different sequence. If you get type 1 on your genitals it typically doesn't reoccur.
There's only one way to find out user, suck your own dick
Nigga I had herps for 38 years. Get over it
Please count yourself lucky if that is all you get in Sonora. A friend of mine got a few diseases down there from bar bitches. I used to like going to Mexico, but it is not as friendly as it once was, and they will not let me wear my sidearm. Stinking commies.
>I think im going to kill myself
Take some people with you. As many as possible.
I have
>worrying about harmless herpes while monkey impulsive horny degeneracy virus ravages your people
Disgusting you people have a Jewish germ living off your nerve cells and feeding off your brain signals .
This is god's punishment for those who lust, embrace the mark of your sin.
I get the cold sore type. Usually happens during the first spell of cold weather if I've been outdoors a lot.
You and your future babys could lose sight thanks to herpes. Harmless huh?
It's a meme disease. Just don't eat foods high in arginine and you'll be fine
DMSO and/or MSM sulfate powder. Apply the dmso to your spine for about a week. It's gonna burn and you might have a crazy breakout. If done right it will be your last one.
Now go be happy again faggot
Kys pizza nigger.
Kys taco nigger.
Kys burger nigger.
idk bro that seems like a pretty melodramatic thing to kill yourself over
Kys watermelon nigger.
And ustatians are top pussy to test crsipr on humans
>Di you have herpes?
Don't kill yourself degenerate. Go out and do good for the world.
No I don't have any STDs and I'm not a virgin.
I got laid a lot when I was younger.
But they girls then were young too and hand't been around too much yet.
By the time I got older I'd settled down with a wife. She left.
Now single. Have kept to myself for a few years.
No STDs, clean as a whistle and I very much plan to stay that way.
You first
have sex
>gets herpes
me and you both nigger, the risks we take for some pussy and lose sight in extreme cases otherwise you need a good ol eye scraping
is it possible to meme a cure for herpes? that may unironically put us ahead in the gene editing race.
you realize the CDC doesn't educate people for shit about this virus, but shill the fuck out of medications for it.
makes you (((THINK)))
Eat lots of chicken/turkey and or get some supplements with L-tryptophan. It's not a cure, but apart from the occasional outbreak every year to year and half, I almost forget I have it.
how does disclosing go for you
Don't kill yourself, that decision lasts forever and is much worse than some virus. And no, I don't because I'm waiting for marriage.
>have sex
am rite?
This dude has herpes lol. Everybody hear that? Herpes bro here.
Congrats mutts you turn your mutt children into a nigger mutt
>t. Moshe
your the fucking moron mate.. chicken pox is considered a herpes
I love how realistic that picture is that Hallmark chose.
I wait until they ask.
I had this happen last night, but didn't work in my favor. It happens, more on.
On average, it usually isn't a big deal.
Bro like 80% of the population has type 1 and most get it before losing their virginity. Calm down faggot
On your lips or your pecker?
It's actually worse because you can't hide it
Good thing I only ever went for happy ends or other skin body parts like armpit, knees, thighs, feet and such whenever I was lonely. Still saving my first time for my SO which will never ever happen but I won't waste my virginity on just any slut.
Did you catch it sucking Pedro's dick? Or was he sucking you my lil toxic taco
You can find a partner that also has it.
Ie: the one you got it from, or every girl that has banged a guy that she got it from or banged since, etc
Millions have it.
No need to off yourself over that hombre.
Unless you intend to give it to others.
Funny enough and related
Saw a hooker today. My 3rd one
Made the mistake of fapping 2 days before and didn't eat (Pulled up with my stomach growling)
Dick was on and off the entire time
She was sucking like a vacuum cleaner and was using a fucking Hitachi wand. Shit was amazing.
And my fucking cock was barely working...
Guys stop watching porn
>Fucked up part is I was hard as a rock on the ride home
It's no big deal. You'll make it.