Seriously why you worship the free market ? you don't have given enough degeneracy to the world ?

Seriously why you worship the free market ? you don't have given enough degeneracy to the world ?

Fuck your liberty.

Attached: 1280px-Flag_of_the_United_States.svg[1].png (1280x674, 29K)

t. 75% effective tax rate

I am for a 80% flat tax, but this is another subject.

>jealous of the us
Checks out

>hospital flag

I just hate what shit you have bring to my country, with your rap niggers.

With our countries selling us out, why would we want to pay high taxes or any taxes? For our money to be taken away from us, and used against us?

why is your flag so small

He's probably some hurt muzzie. He's not white like us

Your corporate tax is 20 percent and your personal tax is 50 percent

it is another subject, here we hate on the degenerate country that is US.

You get the jews you deserve.

What are you going to do about it faggot?

Spotted the commie muslim

Attached: 1506544325930.jpg (1151x1563, 1.29M)

Defend your niggers fagots and hollywood kikes, you are so proud.

The free market IS degeneracy, we need limits, and you broken everything.


You done bitching yet?

Attached: 1557252489997.jpg (216x233, 8K)

If at least this give us one Pasolini, or Tarkovski, but nothing, i pray for the destruction of the US.

Your free market destroyed the elitism we needed. I hope one day i have the chance to destroy your shitty degenerate place with Iran and China.

learn how to reply to posts newfag.

If you are from Quebec it is ok, if not don't talk to me.

because I own property.

Israel of Canada. Fuck off newfag.

you brought it to ours, you leftist faggot. Europeans are way more degenerate. we still have more faggot hating Christians. you have to import your fag haters from the middle east because you're too balless to call it out in public. go to an american church vs a European one. you'll see the difference.

The United States isn't one country anymore. It's the cities vs everything else

good, without the US the EU would force you to comply with their laws because there would be no USA to run to when you can't defend yourself.

I am totally ok with that, it is the same here.

What the fuck are you talking about ? no one need you.

without America, it would either be China or the EU. America is the most right right of the three. would you really rather have China's social credit score? or Germany forcing migrants down your throat?

China credit score, no hesitation.

And of course fuck the migrants.

I am for order, not liberty.

So like ever other Jow Forums thread.

Cry more my confuse individual.

Not crying dude, not even upset.

I wish my country had free market

What you want and can't buy ?

Your country is fucking degenerate, i would not be surprise if the market is more free than the US.

>thinks they wont be next

Blanket enforcement of morality is not within the government's mandate. Most of those issues not only should, but in reality MUST, be solved on the social level.

>China credit score, no hesitation.

Imagine being this cucked.

Why not ? for me it is, the state has to enforce the moral.

>free market
fuck off

Attached: communism america.png (467x574, 71K)

And at the social level, but the two is necessary, in an elitist vision.

Get out boomer.

fuck off neutrality kraut

Attached: 1A78004C-7BD0-4C85-AD3F-64E5DF9BFADB.jpg (852x1023, 163K)

Kys kike. We don't have a free market. Stop pretending like we do.

Fascist fag detected

Multiple reasons
A)Not only does it not work, it's literally counterproductive, since it means people will just be degenerate behind closed doors
B)The mandate of the government is to protect the rights of its citizens.
C)This validates degenerate societies using the government to enforce degeneracy because they believe it to be moral.

Lol your free market destroyed you and has gived so much shit to the world. Even here your nigger rap culture is.

>taxation is the abolition of private property
>Implying taxation hasn't existed since the dawn of fucking society

Fuck your face.

OK sargon.

This is fucking retarded, stop being so in fear of power.

I'm not. You stop being retarded, and realize that you can't force people to change their opinions.

Why the fuck do you keep replying to things twice?

At least one person understand, but how can you not be a fascist today ? it is the only way thas has solution for our time.

Of course you can force people to change.

If not you just do nothing and abandon everything, just don't care. It is not the way for my people.


Actions are not views. If all you care about is how people act, then you're desire is based on nothing more than "people should do things I don't like".

Forcing people to change their actions is public is easy. Forcing them to change their actions in private is not. Forcing them to change their thoughts is impossible. Using force to change action requires the continued threat of force. Changing thought does not.

Yeah right up until they kill you for being an overbearing faggot


You have too much of a free market, even here i can see the damage.

But be the bloke who laughs at his own joke
You’ll never choke so go on go for broke

I’m a student that proved prudent who started a movement
Lucid Light looking for lucent might We’re not for juden’s insouciant amusement
looks like I’ve got room for improvement

OK lol'bert

Because I make a shitload of money and don't want to give any of it to lazy and stupid brown people. And I shouldn't have to.

Fuck Milton Friedman

>go to an american church vs a European one.
I've been to European churches. They aren't used as churches, they're treated like museums. It's pathetic.

They still have access to your market.

I don't need them in my market; I need them deported via catapult.