I'm Polish, and also a white American, and see politics from this lens. Poland's EU election is on the 23rd this month but this post is about Europe as a whole, as well as America. If the EU cucks win the next election, there could be irreparable damage done to the country just in time to get double raped in the elections later in November.I'm watching in real time as Jews and far leftist try to infiltrate Polish institutions, media, etc in order to swing the country away from its traditional Catholic history. I'm getting extremely blackpilled and there seems to be no light at the end of the tunnel. As long as we operate under democracy and enough retards vote for the virtue signal parties absolutely nothing will get done. All Western European countries are too far gone, and I was too young to it happen in real time, but what hurts most with Poland is I'm able to literally see the potential poison get slipped into the nations body and I'm so frustrated nothing can be done about it
I'm Polish, and also a white American, and see politics from this lens...
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So you are Polish as in your great grandpa came from Poland and you grew up in the suburbs of Shitcago? Or you moved here from Poland?
They want you demoralized. If for no other reason reject the black pill to deny them what they want.
amerimutt are not european
Better post tips how to get out of this shithole.
parents were immigrants, I'm born here first generation with dual citizenship
i understand that, but theres NOTHING positive i can think of. Theres too much negativity on here, I think we need to have whitepill threads or something because it's looking grim
retard , Op problaly is very mixed / non white larping white like mostly "WN " in america
polen must suffer and repent for their sins against the jews
if you do not agree with this then im sorry you are NOT an american
Like I give a shit. I want to live in free country not be a slave in this fucking EUSSR shithole.
First things first.
nice flag faggot, now kindly go kill yourself
nawet nie wiesz co mowisz, za kilka lat przeprowadzam sie do polski. Pomieszkaj tu troche i
zobaczysz o co mi chodzi
If more and more Poles emigrate, who will defend Germany against Russian aggression?
Well, my mom was born in Norway..my dad Germany. They moved here when I was 3. When I have visited either country, I am still a Burgernigger in their eyes.
You mean Germany?
Na twoim miejscu bym dobrze przemyślał tą przeprowadzkę. Ja wrociłem po 10 latach z UK i szczerze mówiąc żałuję.
i speak polish well for a fat mutt ameriburger so i genuinely fit in nicely. White Americans are all Europeans, its a matter of culture that connects you to the people, and language is a big part of it. Don't take it to heart, those retards would consider a nigger born in Norway to be Norwegian and not you.
a gdzie mieszkasz w polsce? po prostu nie wyobrazam sobie wychowanie dzieci w ameryce. Chce kupic kilka mieszkan w stanach lub w polsce i zyc z tego. Zastrzele sie jesli zostane tu przez cale zycie
No jak masz z czego żyć to możesz sobie mieszkać gdzie chcesz. Tym bardziej, że zawsze możesz wyjechać. Ale nie licz na to, że tu jest tak zajebiście. Ludzie są bardzo chamscy tutaj i nieprzyjaźni, może z wyjątkiem studentów.
Ja mieszkam na Śląsku poza miastem, widziałem tu chińczyka, a matka mówiła, że jeden lekarz (w innej miejscowości) jest murzynem.
Przeciętni ludzie nie mają pojęcia co się dzieje i nie zdają sobie sprawy jacy murzyni są naprawdę.
>mieszkam na Śląsku poza miastem
>widziałem tu chińczyka
> lekarz (w innej miejscowości) jest murzynem
boze. mam nadzieje ze cos sie zmieni zanim bedzie za pozno
>mam nadzieje ze cos sie zmieni zanim bedzie za pozno
Chyba już za późno.
what the fuck man
>Killion Munyama is married to Elżbieta, a native of Grodzisk county. They have three children and reside in Karczewo.
At least we have the smartest niggers, so far. But that's as dangerous, because people will think all niggers are this smart.
youre a smart user, dont give up yourself. fight the good fight, pozdrawiam
And? Now show your face ,Amerimutt.
how about you kill yourself?