Tianmen Massacre 1989

Was it real? Or was it just another hoax perpetrated by the west?

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It was real

Almost undoubtedly real.

It was real, but not everyone in this timeline experienced the same event.

It was so fucking real I blew a loud

what do you mean by this

In my original timeline, the man with the bags was run over by the tank. It was international news and it had huge geopolitical ramifications. In this timeline, two men pushed him away. In another timeline I'm not familiar with, two men dragged him away.

isn't that the guy from the show?


Naw senpai he was arrested after talking to a solider who opened the lid of the tank and his fate is unknown

why did the tank even hesitate?

I'm not sure how the west could have possibly teleported several Type-69 tanks into the middle of downtown Beijing, shoot up the place, hypnotize everyone into thinking it happened and then leave without even a tiny trace, but dumber things have been pushed on this website.

it was real in my mind over 6 trillion students died getting mushed in mobile incinerators. every single one of them innocent doing nuthing but peacfully protesting for making Chinas owner diverse again and open up the borders for degeneracy and jewry.

this is the second most documented event in history you cant proof all these testimonies wrong

>In another timeline I'm not familiar with, two men dragged him away.
you're fucking with me right? I was 8 when the news about this were broadcast on the Channel Two News back in gommie Yugoslavia. I distinctly remember him being dragged by 2-3 guys in those olive officer uniforms Chinese wear

And I remember him being run over

That's weird, in my timeline I remember him getting into the tank with the crew and they pulled out of the city after his talk.

daily reminder china does not exist

Maybe you're just misremembering things... I mean, how many times had you seen the footage before you "switched timelines"

(Also I think multiverse theory is cool. I just also think people want to feel special so they'll convince themselves that something amazing happened/is happening to them)


The worldwde outrage over this atrocity proves it really happened, you brain dead idiot.

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it was a (((maidan))) attempt, but chinks don't fuck around so the jew puppets got crushed

The Chinese government is shit scared of Fallun Gong. They will literally put you in a concetration camp and harvest you organs if you practice it.

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Yeah like the holocaust right?

it's a hoax by the jews

Some more liberal guy from the Deng Shiaoping era died in 89. 50 000 students gathered for his funeral. When they realized they were 50 000, they went like hey let's just shill for what this guy wanted.

I saw on the ground footage from a BBC female journalist, when the military opened fire. Crazy shit. They didn't expect it. They must have felt betrayed.

They're the opposite of each other in that respect.
In China you can't the Tiananmen Massacre HAPPENED or you're screwed.
In Germany you can't say the Holocaust DIDN'T happen or you're screwed.

I don't know, but whatever Jow Forums says is fake/real I will trust them to be factually correct for sure.

Good luck with that....

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Don't know what you're talking about, nothing happened on that Square

"life IS like a box of chocolates" or "life WAS like a box of chocolates"? Pick one.
>Protip: Picking the wrong one will get you shot and killed.

real. i was there

That's weird. In my timeline, the tank went ahead to run over the man but the man stood with such resolve that the tank was dented and bent inward as if it had collided with nerves of steel.

and i remember him pulling out an rpg and firing it into my asshole.

Started by niggers, not even memeing

The Tiananmen 1989 what?

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In my timeline it was the coventry high school student and not a chinese person.

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The smirk that stopped an army

and in America you can say whatever you want

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