Burger bros why should we give a shit about any of the europoors or their mongrel nations when we have Aussie bros for best ally and need no one else
Best Ally
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Fuck Euro's, fuck chinks, fuck jews, fuck niggers.
> Is the only country to be on usa side in every war
>israel still greatest ally
The Europoors deserve to suffer. They are the insignificant squabbling """white""" kingdoms sowing their own ruin
Australia has been standing alongside the USA for years.
Best ally ever :3
It's true we have.
Far better ally than Israel in any case.
With "friends" like Israel, who needs enemies
Like everyone else, Australians hate us.
Isreal needs you to have enemies to keep you distracted from your borders.
Speaking of, we're taking money from one of your enemies like a good little whore currently.
Only hate you mutts sometimes. Other times you mutts can be pretty based.
It's almost as if there are leftists faggots in every western country. Self policing your own flag avoids all of this.
Who’s voting for Fraser Anning here? He’s based as fuck.
Uh my flag is because I’m in Bali on holiday
only because you haven't nuked china
He's based for sure, but he is retarded as a politician. I might send one of my preferences his way, but he's not getting my primary vote.
>their mongrel nations
>coming from an American
I postal voted the other day. His party in the senate #1. Pauline #2 - Fingers crossed he gets a seat - but, unlikely. At least distribute preferences wisely in the senate. The Senate Voting paper this year is about a meter and a half long! But, one only needs 6 above the line to cast a formal vote
>I might send one of my preferences his way,
What does he offer besides his based stances?
Nothing, he is probably fucking controlled opposition by the kikes.
How far did you distribute your prefs? doing the minimum 6 and going for mostly minor parties makes exhaustion likely (at which point your vote is essentially wasted)
Whiter than you Abdulluh