It's happening

It's happening

Attached: A3DB8EAC-6415-4E55-8059-D063AD034EF8.jpg (640x948, 361K)

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How is Mel able to be so based without getting shoah’d by (((Hollywood)))?

Attached: HWNDU_Mustache.gif (297x294, 1.59M)

It’s not even spelled correctly. Daily reminder Gibson is a crypto Jew and only idiots fall for his puppet show.

It’s almost like he’s “acting.”

LMAO, It looks like Mel is wearing a kippah on that pic

My body is not ready and will never be.

Attached: 1553449595728.jpg (589x641, 142K)

lol "New York's Super Rich" what a crock of shit and a good diversion. This way when the film is brought up in discussion someone might say "you know about the rothschilds right..." and the NPC will say "yeah of course, super rich family", and the discussion will end there: with the NPC thinking theyre some random new yorkers and the attempted redpiller thinking the NPC already knows

have you ever heard his dad's rants
- Vatican 2 was a jewish masonic plot
- 9/11 was jews and masons
- holocaust never happened, entirely zionist plot for world domination
etc etc
hes 100 years old this year, god likes him

>haha fuck the 1%!
>oh but dont insult the rosthchilds thats mean and antisemetic

Did... did we redpill Shia???