Revealing power level to family

>sister and I texting today
>she's livid about new abortion laws being discussed
>"Old, white men should have 0 say in a woman's body"
>"Old, white men don't speak for women"
>"Abortion isn't murder no matter how many old, white fuckers say it"
>"Old, white men are the scourge of humanity"
>bring up our Christian raising, and how I'm proud of our white heritage
>"You're fucking joking"
>feeling bold, say women are lucky to have any rights at all
>hear nothing back
>mom calls me an hour later, says my sister called her in tears saying I'm a racist, bigot, and a piece of shit and she blocked my number and never wants to see me again
>repeat what I said to my sister to my mother, add in my sister is 27 and childless for a reason, she'll burn in Hell for living in sin
>mother starts sobbing and hangs up
Cat is out of the bag, bros. Cost me my family though.

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drop religion and you become fully based

Based af
But what your father thinks of that?

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Its ok,the next time you see them show them who is the man and make them accept the fact that you are right about all this,did (((university))) fucked up your sister?

His mom and sister are lefties, OP's dad is likely nowhere to be found.

My dad is redpilled as fuck, he's the reason I am how I am. My mom is a bleeding heart and optimist through and through, it's sad really.
Yeah, she wasn't like this until she left for university. Go figure.
I have an amazing father, but my sister is a female and went to a liberal university. There's nothing he could have done better.

I have Boomer tier conservative father, if I say nigger too many times or call out a Jew when I see one, he will say something unless there is nobody else around. If it's just him and I he will agree or laugh, he's secretly based like a lot of genx and boomers.

He failed to slap sense into his daughter and wife before they became lefties.

>Cost me my family though
Good stuff lad.
Honestly if my sister hadn't had a kid and I wasn't a worthless parasite I would've cut ties to what's left of this broken family.

defoo them.

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Based, congrats bro

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Go make your own family user, men were never meant to hover close to home anyway. I wouldn't be able to tolerate people like that either. A good chunk of my family doesn't like me because I don't accept a faggot in the family or my worthless bitchy neice that got knocked up right at the end of her senior year and stuck my brother (her dad) with supporting both of them after doing his 18 years because the kid's father is a loser spic. All I really got left is my mom and my two sisters.

Based, you have my support brother.

Women are the common theme here.

Fuck your sister and start a family with her

ill take 'things that only happened in your head' for 200 alex.

Man, I can’t say anything that would make my family disown me. Believe me, I tried.

I hope this is True
You did well bro, just never back down from it, women are useless whores only good for fucking and cooking. I hope your father isn't a boomer faggot and supports you

Find a virtuous, traditional aryan girl and breed yourself a new family..! Nah jk "red-pilled girls" are even bigger whores than the libs. The few decent girls out there are apolitical and just want to cook and make babies.

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me want snoo snoo

What the fuck is up with her neck?

user youre fucking retarded. Her body her choice

Not your personal fucking blog but still pretty based.

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>old white men have no say over a woman’s body

Ok but equally woman have no say over a babies life

You need to pound your sister repeatedly until she understands.
Women always obeys after a good dicking you fucked up OP

what'd this flag mean by this?

>reveal I’m a clerical fascist to father
>doesn’t even care, he is a libertarian


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You got triggered you racist autist. Old white men are the scourge of humanity. Women don't need white men telling them what they can do with own their bodies. If white men knew what pregnancy felt like, abortion laws wouldn't be enforced.

reveal your flag faggot

Well you did good user, I redpilled my mom on the JQ but my sister wouldnt have any of it.
Dad passed before I could get him to listen though.... sad.
Hang in there buddy

god gives you your bill of rights you fucking dense retard
and it is going to be your godless men that take them away

You should tell your sister, to her face, that she's a disgusting piggish demoniac that will burn in hell forever. Then you should admonish your mother for allowing such degeneracy. Putrid disgusting roastie thots need to get the rope.

i'm guessing what really happened was
>"old, white men are the scourge of humanity"

what a retarded argument. so what of women who are against abortion and would prefer to see laws against it? though this is likely just bait...

sucks for you senpai I redpilled my family and now my boomer dad is yelling about kikes on Fox News

Shitty bait. 1/10 for getting me to reply.

nobody is forcing them to abort you mong. They just have tbe choice to

>Cat is out of the bag, bros. Cost me my family though
You're free now. Kudos.

Lmao. This thread made me smile. Good work.

and how did your tiny mind pull that out of what i said? fuck off

God how do you let your sister become like that ? But you kinda did good. She will understand eventually If your father did a good job raising her, her woman bullshit is limited to such thoughts and not actions, hopefully she does not engage in casual sex and bringing home negroes. She will understand in due time. My cousin is a little girl and into tiktok. I was worried at first but then i saw it was just her and her classmates with silly videos. What she sees is curated by my aunt, her mother so it is okay. She'll grow out of it. Females are very weird creatures. Ultimately things stop 0being trendy or it becomes socially acceptable to hate some things and they stop being into it. Like buzzfeed, almost all girls used to read it and watch their videos, my ex was one of them. Now that it is accpetable to hate it, she also hates it. They all learn in due time

>Cost me my family though.
If being yourself (as long as you aren't a faggot) costs you family, the weren't actually family.
Those people aren't your family. They're just NPCs programmed to keep you in line.

>nothing we could have done better
>let her go to uni
user I

they werent family.

sucks that they were like this, but they hate white men. And you are on of them.

They only tolerated you because they thought they had you trained, once they realized you werent a pet, but an actual white male.

they broke down, not because you did anything wrong, but they cant accept you or other white males for who they are or anything.

>"hopefully she does not engage in casual sex and bringing home negroes"

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>women are lucky to have any rights at all
let me guess, you're an incel
or are you "saving yourself for marriage"?

Brave. You lose points for tactlessness but still more balls than most.

giving women rights was a mistake. The same mistake as giving blacks free reign of the west.

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>this happened
It didn’t

why was it a mistake exactly, user?
Also nice job avoiding the incel question kek

dividing the lower classes along the lines of race/gender is a trick that's been used by the wealthy to stay in control for 200+ years in this country.
and i'm guessing it'll probably keep working for another 200 years, assuming the country is around for that long

>he thinks giving women rights was nothing BUT a horrid mistake

I'd drink Sasha Grey piss

This was a monumentally stupid thing to do.

because women are emotionally driven children

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and driving your own mother and sister to tears wasn't an emotional, childish thing to do?
take a look in the mirror amigo

Kinda this. No need to be a cunt about it just tell them, this is my opinion, end of.

If your mother and sister are liberal whores infected with the femen virus, should they continue to be as much? Disowning family is not wrong.

boomtards and their leftist progeny must be discarded

the sons and daughters of liberty are your family now

I'm not OP you mental midget, learn to read posting id

how is this an argument to his point

lol what a shit family

my bad dog

Making a couple of disgusting roastie whore subhumans cry isn't anything. They deserve death, so they should be grateful that he isn't a muslim who is honor killing them.

Based and redpilled

>women are emotionally driven children
>gets angry when random user makes a mistake
the absolute state of you

show texts or it didn't happen

wait so you want to kill literally all women?
how are you ever gonna get laid lol

I can relate to OP, my leftist dad hardly talks to me since the election. It’s a shame because he is a hardworking and talented man, just somehow got programmed in their ways.

caliphate is coming sooner than you think

Underrated post.

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this still isn't an argument supporting your retarded world view

he can't
that's why he's so angry at them

Not seeing what you gained. Don't think you convinced them of anything.

You might want to read some books on manipulating people. Cialdini, Green, and Scott Adams all have good books on Persuasion.

You are 100% right though, but facts never won a single argument in history.

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What is he supposed to do, lock her in the basement? She was 18 and legally an adult, he had no actual say over her once she hit adulthood- no man does. Don't blame my old man because of this gay ass society's brainwashing.

I pray none of you guys go through the same with your daughters.

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If they ask where you got this idea, cite non-white sources to fuck with their framing. It's the exact same shit as us, except not a White source.

Confucius and Ibn Khaldun for instance.

You're a fucking moron.
The question was "driving your mother and sister to tears wasn't emotional and childish?"

And the answer is no. Why would their response be a determinant in whether his behavior was childish or emotional? They are liberal roastie whores, they will cry like the putrid alligators they are at the slightest provocation. A cold unemotional objective fact would make them cry.

Both you and the other poster are just seething roasties, you don't even understand what an argument is or how to follow 1-2 lines of posting.

maybe he needs the gaypill ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

1. your sister would never discuss this with you unless she was trying to start a shit storm
2. if you were brought up christian why would your words make your mother cry?
3. the stories posted here are artistic works of falsehood. Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Shit dude not sure if that’s worth it but god damn that takes some balls

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This is Jow Forums level autism. You are def telling the truth. I hope this comment is original.

you are lucky you live in the west, but the west will fall to islam sooner than you expect, the yoke of shariah will crush your degeneracy little roasties

kek i'm still waiting on any shred of a sensible argument you could have to explain the diarrhea that has been your posts
you absolute buffoon

how exactly is "women are lucky to have any rights at all" a cold objective fact?
just cause it's written in the koran or whatever doesn't make it true mohamed

You're literally braindead and you don't even know what an argument is, nigger.

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Abortion after a heartbeat is detected is infanticide and murder. Men have a right to know so that they can completely avoid a woman who has had one. This, of course, with the usual disclaimers such as rape or harm to the mother. The women are killing babies. They are in fact murderers and the doctors who perform them will burn in Hell.

bro im not even a woman

been thru that all b4 my dude exact same shit almost, mom all "thats not REALLY what you think of women is it?" me all like "think? there is the evidence what conclusion would you draw from it?" nothing ever said again. basically everyone told sis "yer bro is autistic he deals in fact he will not bend and mold opinion to spare feelings either accept that or ignore him" and she continues to ignore me. worked out great really.

You're a communist, which means you have an IQ of 85 at best. You are an effeminate little faggot with an effeminate little mushbrain.

shaddup whore or i wont feed you.

but i'm not the one making claims with zero fact or evidence to back it up
you're a goddamn brainlet, mohammed

My brother and his wife are cops, my sister and my mother are police dispatchers and I tell them openly about how subhumans shouldn’t be here, and that most women are utter garbage
My family is actually pretty based and just let me do my own thing and invite me over every other Sunday for dinner anyway

My grandmother had an abortion when she was living in Japan after WW2. When she died, she had a horrified look on her face and I think she went to Hell.

this spare feelings play pretend shit is how we got here faggot kys NOW

Niggers are black

Hold fast, lad. They will come around. Women respect strength.

Whatever you do never apologize or cuck on your beliefs.

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lol?????? you're actually insanely dumb lmfao

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