Why do librarians need masters degrees?

This seems stupid. Looks to me like it encourages a false perception of accomplishment and privilege. But I've been wrong before. Someone teach me.

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Master's degrees in anything other than STEM fields are a joke.


t. MBA

So the system has more time to make sure they're fully brainwashed in favour of the establishment anti-civilisational filth, of course.

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Librarians have to get educated in library science because of several reasons:
1: You retards keep trying to get libraries defunded, so they can't afford to replace books, update search systems, or plenty of other key duties. So you literally have to get an education in how to preserve books, help people find key shit, or collate information yourself for major cross-branch projects while some republican retard decides to cut all federal funding for The Useless Libraries.
2: Have you ever tried to find key stats yourself? Like really important key stats, trends across eighty or more years, without having anyone else who already found those key stats for you? For you, that just means "google it". But someone has to find that shit in records. You have to study what archives of what things to dig that shit out of when someone comes calling to get some ancient-ass trends.
3: You know that like half of library science is essentially business, right? Since they keep having to basically fight tooth and claw to keep going, not only do libraries have to collect and store and organize books, they also do the same thing for DVDs, CDs, magazines, multimedia shit, they have to run presentations, they have to do outreach to local businesses and offer more and more services, all because you fucking retards keep trying to kill them by saying all they do is shelve books.

There's a million more reasons but I don't care and you're gay. But this guy is Ultra Mondo Homosexual 2 Extra Bonus Edition.

Because there's more to library science than restocking books. You'd know that if you could bother to do a cursory google search, but then again you also proved why we still need librarians.

part 3 made me laugh the most
fuckin assistant manager at a gas station can do that

Gas stations like the one you work in get to thrive in rural shitholes, but librarians that try to provide entirely free and critical life services that can decouple your dumb ass from the throbbing milky teat of Netflix by giving you some free DVDs of movies that are actually good are being attacked by republicans to fuck over their own electorate. Yeah, you could probably do it if you had a fair playing field, and you'd probably need a master's degree to do it if it were as unfair a playing field as it actually is in real life you dumb fucking schmuck. Go back to gorging yourself on Marvel slop on whatever streaming service you've decided is your new idol and get the fuck out of adult conversations.

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It’s not about memorizing dewey decimal and shelving books. It’s about theories of how to organize info and data and efficiently retrieve it though all sort of systems, depending on discipline. One of the most in demand quals in tech is a Masters of Library and CS .. for stuff like software design, or managing Big Data sets to find the relevant nuggets. I’ve seen library science grads come into disorganized STEM and CS projects as consultants and whip them into shape, afterward everyone saying “oh fuck, everything works better now”

I could learn to be a librarian in a week.

Not remotely impressed.

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So they can feel superior basically being low energy secretarys. Otherwise they would suicide.

Hey guy. Libraries are a great service and I spend most of my time at one. That being said they are basically liberal activist organizations funded by the government, so I get why a conservative would want to cut funding. The library near me has pretty low availability, but instead of increasing hours of operation they provide the town with weekly stories about immigrants and minorities. Stuff like this looks a lot like someone spitting in the taxpayers eye. Especially since they are only open for 4 hours on Saturday and I have no doubt their programs take a lot of effort to set up. Usually they they aren't overtly political unless you examine their program list, but I've been asked by librarians to pad attendance at events for causes I don't really care for on occasion.

its true please kill me

So that they can independently figure out which books are “problematic” and need to be shadow banned. Also, Jews burned down the library at Alexandria, and all of the ancient history and knowledge was lost.

Librarians have to be relatively smart and relatively organized. Although I was talking about political activism earlier, one of the libraries I frequent actually does have some useful programs, such as helping people file their taxes, and even cool programs like teaching people to make basic CAD(?) files to feed into a 3d printer. As the kinda spergy guy mentioned above they also have to handle being part of a huge network while using somewhat outdated technology. When I am their the most obvious thing to me is that they have to deal with a large number of druggies and homeless people. This is not an easy thing to do because these people can be unpredictable and dangerous but also need to be treated with the dignity you would show any other human being.

>I don't understand thing
>let me display my ignorance by talking out of my ass

They don't shadowban books. As in I can go to my library tomorrow and check out Mein Kampf if I wanted to. What they do is they have a really really prominent shelf for political books that they like and a slightly less prominent shelf for books they don't like.

You take out Mein Kampf and you're getting put on a list. Especially with all these WN terror attacks.

Kek. You are probably right, but I've already searched the web and downloaded it so I'm probably already on that list.

Cause they can make over 100k a year.