So if even Russian nuclear power plants are timebombs, how poorly will African nuclear power plants be run? And what if Africans get nuclear weapons? Why isn't Trump stepping in?
Africa wants nuclear power
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>So if even Russian nuclear power plants are timebombs
epic meme
You know that western governments will not let them actually run the plants. They can have them, and I agree it is the best option for their energy issues, but to actually let them run them? I don't even think progressive lobbying will convince people on that one.
do it.
They will nuke themselves within a month
Kikes won't allow it. Imagine the entire continent of Africa unwittingly sterilizing themselves when some dumb nigger blows the reactor trying to reheat his chicken
africa probably isn't going to be good enough to refine it that well, and even if they do, they would probably blow themselves up with their power plant grade nuke material
>Can't even maintain the railways whitey left for you
>Want nuclear plants
I want a perpetual motion device.