Jow Forums: Claims White supremacy and beauty calls Asians chinks

Jow Forums: Claims White supremacy and beauty calls Asians chinks.

Also Jow Forums: Asian women are so hot i want an Asian wife they are better etc etc. Anime this hentai that.

fucking pick one

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White women>Asian women

East Asians are based.

Of all the immigrants i've seen Koreans and Japs, have been the best, most peaceful and easily integrated. They start meaningful and wholesome small businesses and overwhelmingly, they are christian (not the Japs so much).

However, race-mixing is immoral.

Based r/happa poster

based r/aznidentity poster

We don't claim superiority
We just want the non whites out of europe

It's the truth

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chinks are great nigga. im gonna make hapa babies fo sho

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>China same IQ as Japan
Find a better source

East asians used to be alright here, but now they're starting to figure out that they can jump on the victim train

>East asians used to be alright here, but now they're starting to figure out that they can jump on the victim train
Wrong. We're not retarded like the nigs and beans. When the Civil War 2 comes the Asians are siding with whites I guarantee you

Sounds good. I look forward to the coming space civilization

Remember the only poo niggers use the term "Asian" when refering to themself.

East Asians will at most say East Asian exactly because they dont want to be associated with these poo niggers.

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Based Asian.

Genuinely have nothing wrong with East Asians (chinks to some degree for being Godless commies). When the war is over, all of Asia goes to Korea and Japan.

Your right Tbh Asia includes the Philippines, most of Russia, India, Kazakhstan etc.
Koreans, Japanese and China i guess should only be considered east Asian.

But Singapore and Taiwan aren't to bad either

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East Asians=white
South East Asians=Mexicans
South Asians=niggers
Middle East=goat fuckers

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>none of them have had surgery

Looks like they could take a punch better

maybe it would be slightly harder to break their nose but other than that their wide faces and short stature just make it easier to land a solid hit.

>Jow Forums is one person
I claim finngolian supremacy, I call some asians chinks, others poos, others sandniggers and a few of them my distant cousins, I like anime but I believe most asian women look like apeoids and only amerimutts push miscegenation so hard because they are a non-race anyway.

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East Asians are the white races greatest ally.

It's almost like Jow Forums isn't one single entity, and there are people here with differing views....

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I'm gonna fuck your half azn daughter (when she's 18, of course)

Whats with this concept of unity in Jow Forums. The whole point is we don't blindly agree with popular narratives. Why would we reject one single narrative for another as a hive mind?

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>itt: butthurt roasties or incles who couldn't even land an asian chick

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Paki meme flag back at it again remember indians have the highest average iq and average income in america

We have higher iq than {{{}}} and east asians

Remember you paki cinta you'll never be any thing more than a inbred muslim you fucking kiddie rapist

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Kill yourself atleast then you'll accomplish something in your life

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To be fair, there is alot of hive mind mentality here when all the Americans from the southern states (Alabama, Georgia, Florida) are on here...

Asian chicks are hard to get in America. Usually they're too shy to talk to white people.

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Jow Forums: bbc is a myth only shit women want to fuck animals with big dicks
also Jow Forums: I'm going to go to japan and fuck 100 women with my white penis

same here
we have some japanese/korean centers/exchange students programms or other shit
if you're interested, it's easy to find one
I still prefer white chicks

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I mean, German/Scandinavian girls are top-tier, so I don't blame you.

Low key there are some super sexy Turkish girls there too (they're rare, but they do exist)

You do realize not every asian has the same nose same thing for white people, also white people can have giant hook jew shnozes miss me with that shit those noses look like a fucking shark fin

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those rare cases mostly go for white guys, quite funny
not wanna nigger >muh dick shit but it's so funny to see how white man are downplayed everywhere, yet every ethnic girl wants one

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I am Half-Asian, what should I do?

>Wonder Tranny

>hey mom i replied to people hehe xd
stop self inserting
not everyone's a loser like you
be proud of your both sides
unless ure black

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sweet spot is third cousin. miscegenation is retarded and dysgenic.

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>I swear niggas on Jow Forums be
Why do you talk like this? I know you're some pasty skinnyfat numale, this is embarrassing, stop.

>Jow Forums is one person

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Then there is the CCP... which for al the IQ in the world, they can't seem to understand something like "human rights." Whites came up with the constitution.

Given that you are from Brazil, then you are lucky.

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Brazilians can range from coal black to hispanic to white and depending on which Asian country your half is from if it's south asia rip

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Thank you
This is all selective and manipulated do you think Rocky Dennis looks like an anime character ? you could flip it either way.

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Damn nigga, calm down and talk like a black person. It's fun to sound like eazy-e

pol is not a faggot fucking hive mind like pleddit fuck off shill thread people have different preferences for their ideal future

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The scores in east asia are bullshit. They only let their elite take the test and have no niggers in the population.

Just watch Chinese dash cam footage....

That being said I do like asians and have no problem with them in white countries. I wish they were the only immigrants there.

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yeah it is all cherry picked but I gaurentee you that if someone did the math most anime is closer to european features in terms of shape and especially pigment. Pic related is an accurate depiction of asians in anime

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then why doesn't every country doesn't do this ? If it's so loosely controlled why does Africa score fucking 60 and be like yeah im alright with this.

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Thats barely anime though. It's rotoscoped. And If white people were in that show they'd look oddly realistic too.

See; a Scanner Darkly.

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>then why doesn't every country doesn't do this ?
>bro why don't more people cheat
Fucking gooks I swear to god.

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i don't get what your point is

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see here
most anime girls look more like top pic than bottom don't you agree?

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>btfo about anime, has to resort to posting elementary schoolers


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see hereI think most people with common sense the average anime depicts japanese school girls more like the top pic than bottom. You do get the occasional accurate one that depicts the girls with slanted eyes, black hair/eyes etc though.

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I pick the 2nd one because I love asian women.

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>A-asian women are only beautiful because of makeup!!!!

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>comparing bunch of middle schoolers with all same hair and frumpy outfits/no makeup versus a an athletics team of ice skaters dolled up and of various age groups.

dumb dumb.

because elementary schoolers don't rearrange their faces to look whiter

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>he thinks they didn't wear makeup to a school photo

sorry user that's just what the average asian woman looks like. you're living in lala land if you think otherwise.

I know you're trolling but there are some basement dwellers that unironically think this.

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lmao you mean in other words white woman are more racially loyal or white men are simply more racially desirable.

That's a different girl you faggot