Jow Forums: Claims White supremacy and beauty calls Asians chinks

Jow Forums: Claims White supremacy and beauty calls Asians chinks.

Also Jow Forums: Asian women are so hot i want an Asian wife they are better etc etc. Anime this hentai that.

fucking pick one

Attached: asian.png (1356x1606, 1.27M)

White women>Asian women

East Asians are based.

Of all the immigrants i've seen Koreans and Japs, have been the best, most peaceful and easily integrated. They start meaningful and wholesome small businesses and overwhelmingly, they are christian (not the Japs so much).

However, race-mixing is immoral.

Based r/happa poster

based r/aznidentity poster

We don't claim superiority
We just want the non whites out of europe

It's the truth

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chinks are great nigga. im gonna make hapa babies fo sho

Attached: 1548888676535.gif (400x225, 1.68M)

>China same IQ as Japan
Find a better source

East asians used to be alright here, but now they're starting to figure out that they can jump on the victim train