She was walking home from school when she was brutally murdered by an Islamic migrant.
She was deaf and unable to even hear the attack coming
Only 11 years old, an innocent, sweet girl, was never even given any media attention, because the media covers up migrant terrorist attacks.
Her name was Ebba Akerlund
Who cares?
Is she an Anglo?
So she's a foreigner I don't care about foreigners, I only care about my own race the Anglo (human) race.
She shouldn't have been in Islamic territory. Oh wait, the whole world is theirs. Makes it hard to stay out of their way, doesn't it?
I bet she could let me cum in her when she turned 18, why do you care?
Haha Bibi is gonna die
The fact of the matter is, that unless you're an Anglo you're not even fully human, only the Anglo can trace his ancestry directly to Adam who was the first Anglo.
In modern times, the Human species of continental Europe have been raped and mixed with animal species from Asia.
The Slav was raped by the mongol
The Balkan raped by the Ottoman and the Slav
The Iberian by the Moor
The Scandinavians by the Finn
And in the new world the Spic is the feral offspring of the Iberian and the Injun (who is fully animal)
Anglos are the perfct goy slaves
Anyone want to start the KKK, but against muslims?
The fact that white men didn't collectively kill every leftist politician responsible for this shit the moment it happened is what finally, permanently, blackpilled me. The white race deserves to go extinct. Our women are absolutely atrocious scum, utter garbage traitors and whores, and our men are cucked pussies.
Let it end.
The oldest Christian church in the world is the Church of England
Since Adam is an Anglo, and Jesus is an Anglo he travelled to Glastonbury, England to preach the gospel.
This is why the KJV is the one true English translation of the bible, our good King James wanted to give the word of God to his people, the Anglo unlike the Papist Cult that wanted God's perfect word shrouded in mystery so the common man of the continent would never rise up against Roman Pagan rule, this is why they used an extinct language.
King James wanted everyone in the English speaking world to know the Glory of God, and God helped give his inspired word to the English scholars who wrote the KJV bible.
This is why the British Empire is the greatest Empire in all of history, the British didn't go in with the intent to rape the animals like the spaniards and French, nor did they go for pure greed like the Dutch and Belgians and not out of jealousy like the Germans. They did it to civilize the world.
I wonder what the people that say
>I would rather have rapist than racist
have to say about this?
This is also the reason why America is superior to Continental Europe, despite Europe having a 5,600 year head start against America, America has one advantage over Europe, its populated by ANGLOS!
it only took America 100 years from its establishment to outperform Europe, and another 50 to outperform the entire world combined this is because America has more Anglos than any other nation.
The CANZUK nations are second in the world only to America because combined we are the second largest population of Anglos on this globe.
It's not a coincidence, it's just a fact you can't deny them
That’s a boy
Looks jewish
Not murdered
Fake (((story)))
No hands means the coffin is empty
The fact is that even little old Southern Rhodesia with its measly population of 600,000 Anglos could outperform most of Europe
The Anglo race is the one true race of humans on this planet, and our superiority in every field proves this
Sounds like a Muslim name to me
>duhh i dont know anything about a particular situation
>must be fake
You're a fucking retarded kike, neck yourself
What’s it like using the name of your own religion as an insult to someone else?
>they were attacks on my people
If this Australian was in actuality a Swede then he should have been deported there
We don't need foreign blood destroying our dominions, we need pure Anglo blood
Shut up you tin foil inbred piece of shit
shut the fuck up moarpenis
European men.
You need to take up arms.
>So she's a foreigner I don't care about foreigners,
so by all means overreact with bigoted nonsense
typical square head
And just like the Negro the subhumans of continental Europe refuse to accept the truth
Once upon a time your kind were humans as well, but the Ottoman raped your nation and now you're dark skinned animals.
If you're accepting of foreigners than why don't you accept the nigger or Saracen into your country?
You can call me have you want, it doesn't change the facts
>omg! muslims killed a child!
>than why don't you accept the nigger or Saracen into your country?
low IQ hateful INBREED
that's why, you retard
and his name is john cena
Remember, angl*s harboured jews expelled from other countries for centuries. Anglos are the most cucked goys.
And every non Anglo is a subhuman in comparison, so why should I care about them?
You might be superior to the nigger but I am superior to you, you don't want the nigger in your home and I don't want you in mine.
This is why the Anglo nations outside of America which has a very high Teutonic population has a very low Kike population?
France has more Kikes than any Anglo nation
Don't worry, I wake up happy every morning because even if there is 1 billion Chinese and niggers living here there is still more Anglos here than anywhere on the European continent and therefore more humans
armchair activists
the lot of you
you niggas aint gonna to SHIT
>its fake goy the trucker may have been muslim but its fake
>hey let in more of those migrants goy
what's it like being a brainlet
What a dumbass attempt to tug at our heartstrings.
Agreed we need to deport all migrants
No Papists, no Mohammedans, no kikes, no French, no Slavs, no Germans, no Hindus, no Chinese
We want Anglos only
and what about your bitch ass?
you're the same type of people who glory in another one's accomplishments
you didn't build any bridges or contributed to cultural art. you are meaningless. insignificant
Not that I don't agree, but you're getting your neckbeard all worked up over a fucking pathos post.
I don't have a beard
Yes, Mohammedanism is a cult that is anti Christian and must be done away with, it is one of the sicknesses plaguing our earth along with Talmudism, Bolshevism, Atheism and Homosexualism
Cry more, Amir. Those 50 invaders (probably your inbred cousins) aren't coming back to life.
What've you got, Parkinsons? We should attack these towelheads, but know where to hit 'em.
Shooting up a mosque ain't doing the job, it's just increasing the difficulty for the next smartie up ahead who really wants to sucker-punch 'em.
Jews never know when to stop until its too late as thousands of years of history has taught us.
The RAF, RCAF, RAAF, RNZAF needs to drop every single bomb it has on every single city Tha is more 10% mohammedan
This way Brussels can be taken care of and the EU ended as well
Brits won't do the job, neither will the Americans. I don't think a single man going into a mosque will do the thing either, we need another IRA or some shit.
Mucad Ibrahim was wearing little white socks, the type with grips on the bottom so that toddlers don’t slip, when he was carried out of the Al Noor mosque in Christchurch.
His shoes were still at the entrance, where he had left them when he arrived for Friday prayers with his father and older brother.
Mucad, whose name is pronounced “Mou’ad” but who was more commonly called by the Arabic diminutive “Mou’adee,” was 3 years old. He was born in New Zealand to a Somali family who had fled fighting in their home country more than 20 years ago.
But when the gunman stormed into the mosque about 10 minutes into the sermon and started spraying bullets indiscriminately around the men’s section, little Mucad appeared to think it was a scene from the kind of video game his older brothers liked to play. He ran toward the gunman.
His big brown eyes, usually alight with laughter, were closed as he was rushed to an ambulance.
That was the last time his family saw him.
didn't read lol
Meh she's white who cares
I think the biggest crime against humanity that has ever been committed was that we didn't storm the Occupied Southern Ireland, and sentence every single Iberian Papist for treason and hang them on every lamp post in Dublin.
The Irish Iberian Army wants to end all human civilization in the British isles
Imagine being a nigger and a Mohammedan
And by the way the only crime the shooter had was that he didn't possess a hunting licence
She isn't
Preventative self-defense. Allowing him to grow and become a threat to the West is ethnic masochism.
just like ebba would have grown to be a muslim loving swedcuck sucking refugee cock
dude fuck right off
Or one of those white mothers that decide their 3 year old son is a transgender so they give him hormones.
Sounds like you should get the fuck out of Western countries shitskin.
Sand niggers should be nuked. Case closed.
What about the terrorist attacks which USA and EU perform in the middle east .
If anything , I'm surprised that there arent a lot more terrorist attacks in Europe.
Sloppy job mossad
fuck off Ahmed
>Muslims invade, rape and pillage your country for centuries, even enslaving children and women
>defends them in 2019 because hes got a chip on his soldier for being turk rape baby
this is why mixed raced people like you are a problem, you always have a butthut attitude towards whitey
All I'm saying is that if the great powers didn't invade the sandniggers we wouldn't have problems with immigration and terrorism
Personally I love whitey
But that's wrong, you see.