What's so bad about prison?
What's so bad about prison?
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Prolonged loneliness is quite difficult.
oh i dont know... seems pretty comfy to me
prison is good for networking. it's like business school for non-suits.
Nothing, it's my retirement plan. Kill a pedo and play chess all day, lift heavy, eat my ramen.
It's chalk full of the worst kind of malicious niggers who without a woman to rape, turn to raping each other, and potentially you.
To perhaps save your own asshole you might resort to sucking a cock in trade for a good shiv, and wonder to yourself, has the gayness already gone too far?
Todsy I go leave jails in America. The police put me in for days 3 total since Friday. I hate America's women now. Big fuck to you.
You can lift weights and make sangria in the toilet. 'Course it's shank or be shanked.
>surrounded by niggers
>zero freedom
>shit food
All the niggers
Sausage fest, same scenery, cold temp, shit food, little entertainment
It's pretty based desu
>smoke digs
>get drunk
>play cards
>hang out with nazis all day
>free everything
Breakfast at 3am, lunch at 9am, dinner at 3pm, In cell by 5, lights out at 6. Not to mention count every 2 hours, even during the night. Plus all the rape and degeneracy.
So just living in the USA then no difference
looks exactly how i imagine American high school
Filled with niggers.
Anyone else notice prison looks A LOT like public school?
It's not supposed to be a good thing you fuckwit.
rape and solitude
>>free everything
>t. has never been to prison
food sucks
bored as fuck
most people are 60 IQ retards so there are few people to actually associate with that arent fools
Try to learn English Pedro
>literally Big Brother on tv
fucking nope
Depends where you go jail I guess. Scandinavian inmates live better than most Americans
>be Sven
>commit violent crime
>given apartment better than the average American
>get released more educated than the average American
so Commiefornia has always been shit
Eh I haven't spoken to someone in person for 2 years try me faggot
Its 99% boring nothingness surrounded by retards that watch animal planet all day, and 1% holy fuck it's going down/unit is getting tossed/he's removing his own eye with a spoon/those guys are fighting.
>wouldn't reccomend
I'd make a really good prisoner too, as in solitary sounds comfy af
It's not a bad system, to be honest.
As horrible as our prisons are in America, it doesn't seem to deter the niggers at all from leading lives of crime. And after years in a savage environment without educational resources, our prisoners aren't fit for any sort of living other than returning to crime.
You got nothing for you when you get out.
>everything is free in prison
Oh my sweet summer child. Go to prison broke, youll be working 24/7.
Its full of niggers
Yes I have, all the basics are 100% free although you can buy extras from inmates and commissary if you want
>There are 2 kinds of prisons, one where you can see the bars, and one where you can't see or touch the bars so you think you are free.
I'm still not sure, which one I live in
I could do solitary standing on my head.
I once wrote Elon Musk asking him to send me to Mars if he needs a one-man test vehicle.
Loneliness, lack of personal freedom, unsafe environment to live in, and the gov gets to use you as a slave while you're incarcerated depending on circumstances. Also my state has some of the most dangerous and third world style prisons in the entire USA so if you're incarcerated here you're fucked.
Okay. I come to American for work on two Mondays. They contract me for appliance install and for basic operation knowledge training. Upstairs there is like Starbucks I'm building for coffee. I like coffee so I'm there everyday for break time. I meet stupid bitch red head. For tew weeks she was friend and told me that she shows me town before I go home. I say okay. I can party. Friday night she gives me ride because it's party day. We go dinner I pay.
We go dance I pay.
We go alcohol store I pay.
3000$ USD I pay with bankcard not include bank monies.
Okay she's is tired we take Uber. I pay. Her house first of course we go to door. She asks me why I'm there like I'm stranger. I tell her now she pay. Dumb bitch starts talking loud, so I bite her, and put her in her house with me with her hair. I slappy her until she stop talking. Very ready to make sex now with dumb bitch but police mens walk in. I explanation for them that I paid monies for us, but they shock me 4 times. So I go with them. They make me wait 3 days in room with 30 people and thus morning I saw a television with judge. I explanation that I pay 3000$ but the judge yells at me. Now I can't go back to my house until I do another court meeting. Fuck to you women's. Americans is shithole.
>Loneliness, lack of personal freedom, unsafe environment to live in, and the gov gets to use you as a slave while you're incarcerated depending on circumstances.
Why does life sound like this already?
It seems pretty good to me.
>meals provided
>books to read and weights to lift
>don't have to hardly see anybody
Only problem is the other people being around.
Probably nothing without niggers.
Welcome to America faggot
Oh big news no embassy in city.
I dunno I did it a lot for no real reason in particular and I don't mind it.
>Welcome to America faggot
No am not faggot. Americans police saw me do sex with red hairs dumb bitch.
prison is based
You pretty much have to buy from the commissary if you want to survive.
I wonder how much of a problem this is going to be as millions of people pass retirement age with no money
Based rapist.
>food makes everyone have horrible gas 24/7
>books are all missing last chapters/half because of niggers
>are only romance and john grisham anyway
>yeah you can get Jow Forums
t. dumbass alcoholic felon
nigger do you know where you are
No I pays 3000$ USD
Litterally nothing. I did 3 years when I was 16 in a young offenders and when I got out, I started working as a mechanic because I got a trade while inside. After 4 years of wage slaving I did an armed robbery so I could go back, I ended up doing 7 years, it was chill as fuck if you're not a pussy.
wow, it looks terrible. at least do something big so you'll have your own cell.
My bad carry on.
Wow so deep
>What's so bad about prison?
Just look at that fucking picture.
Being trapped in a common area with televisions blaring horrible corporate propaganda 16 hours a day.
It looks like torture to me.
depends on which one you go to, if you're white in a northern prison it's probably not that bad. However I just watched this doc. pic related. It would be hell in a prison like that for a white guy.
>What's so bad about prison?
for blacks it's basically welfare plus free housing
Who would have thought that the business of making private prisons would not work?
whot a surprise
loneliness, boredom, lack of power over your own schedule.
There's also the chance of getting a foot-long up your ass
Full of wig splitters and cheek busters
Bunch of barbarians
Anal rape
You ever see Oz? Amazing show and apart from the crazy storylines many former inmates have said its the most realistic view of the pen there is on tv
Imagine being that guy
>too light skin for niggers
>too nigger for AB
>what's bad about prison?
the sex
I didn't buy anything and I'm out and alive
>oh no I can't buy ramen noodles and shampoo
You seem like a faggot
I went to that jail for a week. I was the only white guy and it was a dorm setting as opposed to cells. The niggers down there are all Haitian and very dark. Spics are ok Cubans. I had no problems because I was beat so bad by the police before I got there and was charged with 6× assault on police so it got me some respect. The negro guards lost my bail paper work so someone from Canada had to fly down and sign me out. Nigs will fuck with you if you let them. Better to throw down if they try to g check you or they will torment and torture you.
If you're white expect to be raped at least once. Specially if your young.
Best HBO show next to Sopranos. Redpilled as shit. Pure ethnostate with all the most sanctimonious characters constantly getting BTFO. Though I have to say, Adebisi was the best and most entertaining character.
>that flag
>armed robbery
You got 7 years for assault with an inconveniencing spoon, or did you have muh loicense for a fork?
The food sucks, you could be extorted by gang members, possibility of getting some nig nog disease like HIV, realizing you're some faggot tranny and living your life like that.
probably all the niggers
>European Prison
Nothing, you serve a reasonable time for the crime committed, and then you get out.
>American prison
You'll probably get bullied, raped, and serve a ridiculously long sentence. Even when you do get out you'll never have much of a life again.
all the niggers
>Europe society
You'll probably get bullied, raped, and earn a ridiculously less than a muslim. Even when you do get out of the country you'll never have much of a life again.
>American society
Nothing, you get paid a reasonable time for the work committed, and then you get out.
Its honestly the exact same social dynamics but with deadly comsequences. Some brit who did time in american prisons said as much.
You know how you get hold of things like heroin and cocaine even though they are illigal? That's like guns in the UK.
Holy shit my man! You and me would get along well I dare say.
And yes it was definitely fucking awesome. Adebisi was hilarious.
I need some fuckin tits!
The people mostly, then the food, then the accomodations
I don't get why we waste good money keeping them alive why not just gas them all?
Don't lie. You know you were swinging a machete, and got knocked out by a Sikh corner store owner.
It was actually an air pistol but we can still get guns in this country. They come from Eastern Europe.
I was in jail, basically the waiting room before prison. I was also only around white people, granted they were mostly methheads, heroine addicts but I even saw a real nazi.
It was wild
-set schedule, food and drinks
-no bullshit job, bills, taxes
-people do your laundry
-if you're smart you can steamroll lesser inmates in poker, gambling or charge em to edit/write letters
-if you get caught jacking off then you get labeled a sex offender and have to stay in jail
State to state in the US te prisons are wildly different. I did 5 years in the NY system. 3 in Attica, 8 months in the SHU in orleans and the rest in Sullivan. NY has 0 rape, very little real violence and outside of the box very high living conditions. The worst part was that out of 30k people maybe 600 in the system are white. Usually old men in for DWI, pedo shit or the like. Besides being forced to live with the nig nogs and prentwdning to like them it was a painless expierce I’d prefer to not repeat. I’ve heard some places down south or out west are crazy violent with rape and all that. But in non flyover states prison is just a boring inconvenience.
Depends on which prison.
What's the point of going to work every day just to spend my nights alone when I could work out and read all day on someone else's dime?
Fun in the showers.
UK prisons are just better than US prisons
A lot more gay shit happens in American prisons because they know that's what scares us most
>he never watched OZ
Tell me that ending wasn't fucking perfection.
>based irish potato fucks over everyone like Machiavelli and comes out unscathed except that he ruined his brothers life
>beecher ending up how he did
>its schillin GER
>What's so bad about prison?
smelly retards everywhere
no rights, you become a slave making stools or some shit for $0.25/hr. american institutionalization at it's finest.
Yeah I wouldn't like to spend time in a US prison. We don't get gangs and things as much either, it's more just people from different areas who don't like each other but normal people don't need to get involved.
soon england will become so violent that they will implement the american system. part and parcel
How is this possible? Just curious. Like, how are you getting enough money to order food and such online?
it's their fault for not buying gold and silver
Half of Jow Forums would be that one autistic guy forced into the Aryan nation gang, and have to pay off a pack of cigarettes with a blowjob.