Why do women seem to not have any sense of empathy, especially for men?

Why do women seem to not have any sense of empathy, especially for men?
It's something I've noticed over my time with women such as my grandmother, aunt, sister, and various girlfriends. They don't care how hard a man is working for them, whether it's cutting the lawn, taking care of household projects, or doing simple repairs. To them, a man is to be used, and whatever stress it puts on him is inconsequential to her. What makes women not only use men, but also not feel bad about it?

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sounds like you got a higher amount of estrogen in you than testosterone
>wahhh why am i not appreciated
that's literal womanspeak

And you sound like a butthurt roastie.

Because they have not done this "task" or "thing" themselves, therefore they cannot put any empathy out. They lack critical thinking and can't make this "leap" to the next thinking point.

Are you joking? Women have pathological empathy and they're the reason we haven't genocided all blacks.

Women have empathy for everyone except the men in their own lives

>Women have pathological empathy
Is that why they initiate 70% of divorces in this country and have zero problem taking a man's money after the fact?

>What makes women not only use men, but also not feel bad about it?
Because they think men are superior. No I'm not kidding. They know men are.
They expect a man can take things they can't.
They expect a man can suffer things they can't.
And they're right. Men don't complain, they sweat, they dig, they do the job. It's what they're for. And they can plan, build, create, explore, do it all.
Women seem less than half as capable in most of these aspects. It's why women constantly prop themselves up. It's why they have to be propped up. It's why there's slogans and carrying on.
If an element is naturally greater is just is greater. Obviously. You don't have to PUSH IT. Force it. Imply it. It just is.
Woman are not. They know they are not.
But what they refuse to give men and have forgotten is? Respect.

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bc women's empathy is only reserved for themselves and their children

t. woman

it’s not them. it’s YOU. you are attracting them into your life.

this is true of almost every women I've ever known, of course there's the honeymoon period where you overlook the apparent evidence in the naive hope that they'll start to appreciate but they never do

my dad once told me "be a man and you'll never have any problems with women" its not easy being a man tho

But user, it couldn't be easier. You just need to check your imaginary privilege, stop showing any signs of masculinity, let women walk all over you, and shut the fuck up any time someone blames you for literally everything.

My last girlfriend was staying at my house and she pulled the "I'm going to walk out that door right now" stunt, it was late at night too, I said "ok, see you later"
It took me years to reach that point, being able to resist being drawn into their psycho drama, if they walk, they walk, good riddance.
You have to maintain your composure and draw very clear lines
Thing is when you reach that point, you see it for what it is and you can't help feeling that it just isn't worth it, unless there's kids

> What makes women not only use men, but also not feel bad about it?
They are always using each other too and acting like bitches in general.

People often say that women only really love their kids but in my experience they're pretty indifferent to their kids too, putting their own desires before their kids best interests is the norm

>women have empathy

this meme needs to die

Women are ruthless social darwinists

I'll spell it out very simply; they're entitled.

Imagine your life as a child evolving into an adult, except for no reason other than how your body grew, people treated you better than others. You were forgiven more often, people were nicer to you for no apparent reason, they competed with others for your attention, and they offered you gifts just for existing.

Women grow up mostly experiencing this and it affects how the feel about others. They can do all kinds of terrible things and because of things line neoteny and the halo effect, and reproductive urges, they get away with it.

Empathy develops out of necessity, so for most women it is not necessary, and therefore nonexistent.

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Women started pretending to be more emotional and empathetic than men because they cried more.
It is also why women pretend to be good in psychology (#1 trending career in 21st century) but never has been a prominent female psy in history.
They are grandmasters in pretending to have something, not having it. Someone can argue that ''we are what we seem'', so, there you have it.


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>UK flag
>this comment
I thought you didn't post on Jow Forums :DDD

I don't, shhhhh, you ain't seen me right

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Jesus, she's a monster

I'm willing to bet that 99% of the time a kid "decides" he's trans, it's the mother behind it doing it solely for attention and virtual pats on the back.
>let me ruin my kid's body and mind for attention on facebook!

Makes it worse since men egg it on to just fuck them right in the pussy.

Women also realize they ain't shit at the age of 30. See that life from a young age to their 20s was just a meme.

Just imagine going through life being treated differently n becoming entitled till one day your tits are saggy n your eggs are dried up - I'd be mad too. You look around at these men that you banged, that you put down, always saying how better you are, even have the government oppressing men through affirmative action and you still just suck so much at life it's laughable.

I'll have to say, it's nice having a whole gender of humans want to be just equal to me. Not better, just equal.

Females are brain disordered like they have some form of autism or something

reminds me of the time I was understaffed and had to grab one of the highschool girls to help me with the physical labour in the warehouse. shes practically model tier and was decent at it but she was like "i hate this I am sweating" and "i cant do another day of this"

it was funny but women arent supposed to really do much of that anyways, they arent biologically built for it.

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This is a tough redpill to swallow, but is totally accurate in my experience.

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>Women *fake* empathy for everyone except the men in their own lives

Who do you think invented the concepts of truth, honor, empathy. Men. Women only say what they say in order to get men to do things for them. They are weak and manipulative. If you had a father he'd tell you that

Ill make this easy for you. Women have no souls, women are sidekicks, men have souls, the universe as we know it exists as a playground and testing facility for the souls of men. Women are like the girl in the red dress in the matrix meant to distract and occupy the noob players who cant figure out how to beat the quest.

and you know this because?