BREAKING: Barr appoints US attorney to examine Russia probe origins
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Unironically happening!
>inb4 clinton
Comey is First indictment
nothing will happen
Trump is a shlomosexual
Trump is the other side of the same coin
This will lead nowhere just like Benghazi and bleachbit and Seth Rich and Wikileaks and Snowden
You can have immediate, undeniable evidence of felonies with these fucking kikesuckers and nothing happens
No oversight committee, no congressional investigation, none of that dog and pony faggot shit matters
Lock her up
>inb4 MIGA
i'm all for criticizing trump on his weaknesses, but this unironically going to be hilarious. you come for the king, you better not miss. negrobama your time has come.
It only took 29 months of the Trump Presidency to finally get a Special Prosecutor, when a CIA/FBI coup that was financed by the Clinton Campaign used fake evidence to get FISA warrants.
Meanwhile, the Democrats get a 400-page Report handed to them, 99.5% of the Report is readable while a handful of words are blacked out, and the Democrats are calling for Impeachment and Contempt of Congress charges within a few hours.
That is the difference between Democrats and Republicans, Democrats are willing to go out into the streets and protest and be vocal and they always march as one team and they get stuff done..... while it takes us 29 Months to finally see a little bit of action into perhaps the most serious crime in American Political history...
the stones on these people
Nothing will happen.
Holy fuck. Is it actually happening? What does this tweet signify?
shills inbound
>doesnt matter
Bought and paid for people. They too deserve the rope.
Big if true
Comey is so fucked.
Comey was setup by Obama and Brennan to be the fall guy. Comey is a WITNESS.
Somethings gonna happen
I believe the word you’re looking for is “chutzpah”
This works for them because we are bound by the Constitution while defending it and they are shielded by the Constitution while they destroy it. This will come to blood one way or another.
Trump is finally going to find out who put him in the White House.
I’m really in awe
Does anybody else, like me, feel that a "cyber-attack on our country/election" is absolutely meaningless?
Start shooting these people.
No. Fuck off mossad.
It all hinges on the 2020 election, there's no way any of this gets sorted out in time. So now the question becomes how badly will the democrats cheat?
Democrats chimp 24/7
Democrats are shitting their pants right now
It is. It can only happen if and only if it’s allowed to happen. Plus it will be just a minor inconvenience.
>surely something will happen this time!
i want to believe, but i have absolutely no faith in this cucked administration anymore
That's a personal problem
oh goodie, another investigation.
so sick of this shit
just fucking arrest them already
thanks user you're doing good work.
btw - Is there a specific tool/feature/ability for monitoring this site/threads/posts that would help you? I'm currently in the process of building something and looking for features.
Couldn't he just read the IG report?
Oh wait...he doesn't read...just like the President...
>Only AG that actually does anything
>Besides covering up for King Nigger
They're so fucking mad
I just Catalog view, sort threads by "creation date" to see only the newest threads at the top, and keep track with the Thread Watcher. When something significant happens, you can bet it pops up immediately on pol
it's happening! Trump always gets what he wants!
When the Jewish rats starts scurrying off the ship you know it's going down.
Nah bro, that's why we have the cyber police after all.
Shouldn't this have been done 2 years ago? And what the fuck has Huber been doing? I thought he was working on this. Wtf
Wtf i was thinking rod rosenstein was at best a grey hat who was self interested. Has he been trumps secret weapon the whole time?
An extension that blocks Canadian and Israeli IPs regardless of memeflags.
Need an eye flare for this guy. He looks like a scary walrus of justice.
Who do you think the sauce if it is? I wouldn't be surprised if it was from either the clinton's or obama. Lol, it may even be blamed on Jow Forums.
Gonna laugh when they find out the Israelis were coordinating the whole thing and zion don shuts down his own investigation
He's Jewish. The fuck did you think he was going to do when everything went tits up?
I figured if I posted his badass pic, someone here would take it from there
They are so fucking scared. I will thoroughly enjoy seeing them all burn.
Time will tell
Anyone have some knowlege into how quickly an investigation like this can start indictments. I have a feeling the evolution of this entire thing has been planned by the trump admin to start giving fruit in time to wreck the dem party for the 2020 election.
Anyone know the election history of the election right after watergate?
uh huh
currently I have this ..
>search keyword in thread title and description
>sort by thread replies
>onclick preview thread description/title/picture in window
Every country on Earth tries to interfere in every US presidential election
>implying giving Dems a false sense of hope for 2 and a half years and then fucking them ass during the DNC primaries is not the play
shiggy diggy shut the fuggy uppy cucky pic related is literally you
so .. would ignore posts by specific country work? I'm just going off what I can use with the API right now.
here's another view that shows more info about thread (just started this 2 days ago.. currently it's just a python/flask/bootstrap web app I run locally but once it's fleshed out I plan to host it somewhere..)
>so .. would ignore posts by specific country work?
Not good enough. Canadians and Israelis need to be b& from the board entirely. Talk to gookmoot and see what you can come up with.
4D chess
I bet they already have done most of the evidence gathering.. IG report(s) coming out this month.. so this seems right on schedule.. this appointment will take pressure off barr.. speaking of which, his latest appearance >
well trumptards complained all the time so get fucked
Imagine how much easier things would be if our enemies were made to adhere to their own standards.
let me get version 1 up and hosted somewhere and then I will hit him up.
This faggot is surely a kike. Hang him.
I look forward to it. Traitors hang first.
Sure thing, Jim.
Taking up for your (((blue check mark))) buddies?
Jim Baker's testimony from 10/3/18 shows the investigation has been going on since at least Sept 2018.
A witness against Trump you dummy.
fucking cringe
Thar be a happening brewing.
oh boy I cant wait for trumptard salt when nothing happens barr is trying to make a distraction at most because he cant take the heat
nope. comey is a co-conspirator