Boomers: Get a real job!

Boomers: Get a real job!

Me: *applies to 70 jobs in 6 weeks, all rejections

Boomers: Lower your standards, snowflake! Start at the bottom and pull yourself up by your bootstraps!

Me: *gets shitty minimum wage job

Boomers: Oh what a shame! The lost potential!

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I don't get it. And why is the floor so filthy?

There has never been a higher demand for stem jobs. Never.

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I'm a loser, it's your fault, the post.
I bet some of these people used to feel the same way. Use your vote to be the change you want to see.

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Because understaffed.
Priorities man, priorities

Meanwhile I charge boomers $100 to clean out their gutters and it takes 5 minutes to fuckin do, and I charge to mow grass, rake leaves, and even do stupid household work like moving furniture.

How about instead of being a bitch sitting asshole you just go into business yourself and do some lazy ass work and rake in them social security checks. Or are you to busy being a pussy on pol to know boomers happily pay $500 to $1000 to kool coat their roof in the summer

Instead of wasting your time with degrees that are meaningless and working meaningless jobs, start a trade. Go to a trade school instead.

>pull yourself up
I love how this is literal troll logic

Do they actually think they pull themselves up by their bootstraps?
Their parents gave them a world where they didn't have to compete and everyone needed the goods they could produce
That's not up by their bootstraps

Trades aren't immune
They'll certainly resist more though

>that image

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