>WAAAHHH I CANT GET A JOB CAUSE BOOMERS! Meanwhile I charge boomers $100 to clean out their gutters and it takes 5 minutes to fuckin do, and I charge to mow grass, rake leaves, and even do stupid household work like moving furniture.
How about instead of being a bitch sitting asshole you just go into business yourself and do some lazy ass work and rake in them social security checks. Or are you to busy being a pussy on pol to know boomers happily pay $500 to $1000 to kool coat their roof in the summer
Levi Nguyen
Instead of wasting your time with degrees that are meaningless and working meaningless jobs, start a trade. Go to a trade school instead.
Andrew Davis
>pull yourself up I love how this is literal troll logic
Do they actually think they pull themselves up by their bootstraps? Their parents gave them a world where they didn't have to compete and everyone needed the goods they could produce That's not up by their bootstraps
John Nelson
Trades aren't immune They'll certainly resist more though