What is the most redpilled religion? (Atheism if N.A)
Bonus: Why do christians worship a jew?
What is the most redpilled religion? (Atheism if N.A)
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Jesus was only born a Jew. Some people become Jews.. for some reason. I like responding to stale bait because then you think it's effective.
Fuck off kike.
Jesus will save you.
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was just genuinely wondering, hate kikes. Enough to not want to worship one lol.
Independent Fundamental Baptist
Hey,Have heard of the Book of Mormon
my appreciation my friend, will look into it. Thank you for the genuine suggestion.
atheists get the rope
remember that
inoculated from all the jew desert religions, admire self-defense, no bullshit, God is the everything light and great teacher, be a good person, family member, practical skills
>The Son of God attempts to reform Judaism and jews into tolerable people who can live in a society with others
>they literally murder him because he said they couldn’t conduct business in a place of worship
>a whole different religion for decent, non-schizophrenic people springs forth from this
>apparently you’re a jew if you practice it
this argument that Christians worship a kike is so fucking stupid only a jew with a meme flag would push it this hard. Don’t forget to season if you respond to this shitty bait
> What is the most redpilled religion?
> Why do Christians worship a Jew?
Jesus and all of his disciples were jews. This is just a historical fact, even though there are plenty of Christians that hate Jews.
White nationalists want their own ethnic religion so much that its hurts. Christianity is clearly a universal religion, so its never going to be able to fill that role properly.
Not bait, am just autistic. Im on fucking Jow Forums my dude. lol. But thats a good fucking point, time to convert back to christianity. Was a little nazi christian as a kid but got bluepilled by adults, going back to my roots right now. Finding my way.
a good argument
You say the argument is stupid, but I dont see any kind of rebuttal. If Jesus wasnt born a Jew, what was he? A Greek? A Roman? Why did he only pick kikes as his disciples? Why didnt he go to Rome and minister to the goyims?
feelsbadman an agnostic not atheist
Whats that thing on his neck? Legit never seen one of those before.
Cause Jesus wasn't just some kike. He was born as a Jew to end Judaism. Its why the ones who didn't become christians hate him, including modern jews.
The argument isn't technically wrong since he was in fact jewish, it's just childish and retarded. Like neopagans really.
>y-yeah, Jesus was a jew. I capitulate, Shlomo. You win.
maybe universal paganism ? it that every race was created by its pagan gods , idk i heard that in a video and loved the idea
Depends on what you mean. If were talking about world wide I would say shinto, its perfect but its for the japanese and despite it being the most optimal the japanese are largely irreligious.
If were talking about specifically about religions and how redpilled their beliefs are then maybe some sect of Hinduism, Sikh or myanmar buddhist.
If were talking about those currently worshipped by whites then I dunno maybe mormons, theyre mostly white but like every sect of christianity they have the fatal flaw of universalism.
If were talking about the most redpilled religions whites could worship then i dont really know. Theres paganism but its very small, the majority of it is prog wiccans types, has nigs like varg and lacks any sort of community, cohesion and often tries to combine each of the ancestral faiths together under one faith which just doesnt work. Much of the criticism about them being larpers is true(at least here in America) as they often do and accomplish nothing, I never see them congregate, build temples/communities or really do anything.
Christianity has many problems which youve probably heard before: it is ultimately a faith whose contents is primarily if not entirily composed of jews and a god who wanted them first, although community for them exists it is horribly cucked and very weak willed and low energy. Then there is the universalist and pacifist nature of christianity, the most ardent christians will never join us as they will never betray their black and spic "brothers" they are happy to misceginate and kill whites who are WN, they will betray the race for their faith which is something i dont think pagans would do.
if anyone thinks these faiths are optimal for the white race then I would ask them to step back away from the ideal and what they believe and see the situation as it is, admit the problems with their faiths and mve forward with trying to fix. As long as theyre with the race im with them
b4 the thread dies just kno I did read that block of text
I’m not arguing that he wasn’t born a jew, I’m arguing that his whole existence was meant to reform Judaism. Jews completely rejected his message and murdered him, so we now have a completely different religion that is essentially anti-Judaism because of this. To argue that Christianity is some kike religion is completely disingenuous. Kikes completely and utterly reject Christ. This isn’t a secret or anything
Thank you, I appreciate it user. Hopefully it want too torturous as I am phoneposting.
>atheists are their own God
Can you not grasp the idea of people not believing in a god?
>agnostic not atheist
So you're an agnostic theist?
mfw OP even has to ask.....
That or he is just ambivalent to either outcome.
Illuminate us leaf. What is best in religion?
Idk why anyone would brag about holding contradictory beliefs.
ty for nice long post, not too bad at all to read
feel like theres gotta be something, just dont know what
Jesus is king of Judah and Israel. Most Jews admit that they are not related to the ancient Israelites