Why so much americans have germanic origin ancestors but think the world like an anglo ?
I had never cracked this mistery.
Why so much americans have germanic origin ancestors but think the world like an anglo ?
I had never cracked this mistery.
because America was created by the Anglos and culture matters more than ethnicity you faggot
Americans are as much German as they are Anglo ethnicity wise.
Yet the nation they live in was founded by Anglo's, using Anglo ideals and traditions.
So despite being as much German genetically as they are Anglo, America is an Anglo nation.
Anglo-American culture is the ultimate empire
My dad is german and my mom is english. I identify with the german side more than the english. I believe it was one of Hitlers mistakes, that the english were fellow aryans and worth saving. He should have killed them all at Dunkirk.
Americans larp as Germans all the time despite most of the time being 1/4 german and 3/4 anglo.
america is black
The anglo empire was only economic, they don't know how do educate niggers.
>0.0000000000013% german
>The anglo empire was only economic
Very astute.
It's usually more like 1/4 german, 1/4 italian, 1/8 irish, 1/8 dutch, 1/16th english, etc.
German culture never gained a foothold on the continet. For a brief moment a large swath of the US spoke German but the world wars ended that.
Combination of Anglo culture and everything that goes with that along with German work ethic and other traits are one of the major reasons most of the US was based as fuck and an economic /military powerhouse
we would have had more german culture, and there was whole towns of germans in the usa, but then ww1 came around. then ww2.
Because the second half of the 20th century was devoted to a worldwide hate and propaganda against germanics.
I don't know why you're asking such simple questions.
who would willingly be an anglo?
You dont know how culture works, fagget
stay mad medpack living in your head rent free
There's no 'we' Moshe. There's Americans, and there's jews.
What the fuck does this have to do with anything?
Fuck you and your parents.
Your ancestors.
Non aryan mentality
We are anglo not german retard.
Swiss government is anglo
>Americans are as much German as they are Anglo ethnicity wise.
We are more anglo
because thats what it is
it is what it is
I do have a non-trivial amount of Swiss and German ancestors according to my family tree, but according to DNA tests the Anglo DNA may have cucked the German DNA out of existence.
Ever wondered why the French stayed in France?
Germans fleeing Germany were nothing special, and brought nothing special. They were looked down.
Also, just discovered this was one of my ancestors.
The Germans fled because of the 1848 Revolution. You are right, without this there would probably be as many French as Germans
Some French did leave but mostly to Louisiana.
Anglos are Germanic though.
Literally, the modern English are basiclly half Welsh and half German.
I fight against the anglo tedencies of my governement every day.
this is true, but there's a certain je ne sais quoi about the pioneer spirit of the Anglos who settled the USA.
A truly special race.
Quite similar to the Anglo spirit of your Sir Edmund Hillary
Based and /threadpilled
And the Anglo Rhodesians
I have have not made this thread for you to be proud of anglo.
The only valid anglo i had see in the US is Richard Spencer.
Americans are Anglos.
>tfw my entire family thought we were all german but it turns out we are actually irish, descended from a mick who moved to the USA during WW2 and faked being german so well that he fooled the rest of his family for generations after his death
Who gives a shit what you "identify" as, you are what you are faggot. Gayest thing I've ever heard.
If you go West of the Appalachians, huge portions of the Midwest, Great Plains, and Pacific NW states were settled if not almost entirely then in large part by German immigrants in the late 18th and most of the 19th Century. A lot of these areas, built up bu German settlers, would later be filled out by Italian, Polish, Irish, Jewish, and various Slavic immigrants from the late 19th Century through the immigration shutdown in 1924. These were either homestead areas, or functioning German communities that were ensconced away from the dominant Anglo politics of Boston, NYC, and the South. Assimilation to Anglo norms occurred very gradually, then all at once in the leadup to WWI, during it, and its immediate aftermath when not only the federal government but also the state's started putting heavy pressure including sometimes legal requirements on immigrant communities, particularly German ones because of the war, to learn English and to drop their connections to the old country. The federal and state governments didn't like German immigrant communities either since many of them were leaders in socialist and trade unionist movements.
anglos are germanic too
I am 58 anglo, 24 german, 16 Norwegian and 2% Eastern Eu,
What needs to be understood is that most American I have known are either,
Then there are german anglo hybrids and german dutch hybrids,
Lastly you may find an actual anglo 1/100 but I never see them, I was the most anglo kid at my highschool. America is like 5% Anglo and those are the people who run it, so yeah its Anglo+Jew and you get America and they rule over there mutt people who are usually Catholics and retards.
Hope that clears up your confusion.
Also fuck Irish
It's just the way the warp works desu (srs).
Nope. They legit hated anglos to death. Even raided a protestant wagon train on the prairie
English colonists got here first and established the cultural norms. Germanic colonists didn't really start emigrating here in large numbers until the 1830s or so when cheap and abundant land out west started to become available. So you had about 200 years of English culture established before Germans started coming in, in large numbers.
They did help popularize beer though. Before the Germans came hard cider was actually the most popular booze in America. Likewise the proverbially American apple pie has its origins in German strudel.
>this mistery
I thought you wrote "misery" there for a second, and you'd in fact be more correct.
I always thought it was neat that many of the American soldiers in WWII were only 2 or 3 generations from the countries they were fighting against. Northern Midwest is German country.
>why yes, I am 1/16 German and 1/8 Irish, how did you know?
Anglos are not Welsh.
The English race was born out of the Germanic tribes(Angles, Saxons, and Jutes) conquering Britain after the Romans left. The Nords came as well and added to the mix. Then came the second Viking invasion... The Norman Conquest. The Norman's were the descendants of Viking conquerors.
The English are Germanic people's. The English tongue is a Germanic language.
Germans live in the productive 'flyover' states. The coasts are dominated by Anglos Elitists.
You live in a shitty coastal area, like New Jersey.
neck your shitty self.
After reading i think the US has lost the germanic heritage from WW2
As an American of German and Norwegian descent, living in the midwest, I can tell you that from what I know of the Midwest, it is simply an English speaking Germany. I advise you to observe the culture of New England, which is highly English, or observe the culture of the south, which is highly Celtic, and then observe the culture of the Midwest (the best place to do so is a rural pub).
But i hate germany post WW2 so i will not be too hard. It is ok, sad, but ok.
Nice bait for mutts
Some did. My ancestors came here after Napoleon III banished them for being Orléanist partisans, but it was only ever a trickle.
It started in WW1 under the presidency of the eternal Anglo Woodrow Wilson. German was once the second most spoken language in the States and some whole communities spoke German first and English second. Then the government cracked down on it's own German-American population in a lot of ways i'm forgetting right now but you can look it up. WW2 was the final nail of the coffin, Germans got an even worse reputation after Hitler, Nazi's, and the Holocaust. Trump's grandparents where once known as Drumpf but fearing persecution they changed their name to Trump as they moved to America. The irony to all of this is that now Spanish is the second most spoken language in the States and this time the US government can't persecute it's citizens like it used to in a bygone era. Call it divine retribution against the Anglo.
Couldn't even come up with your own flag could you, Ahmad Zhuang?
American Creation mythology was shaped by kikes, can't have the goyim realizing they're Germans, otherwise they might feel bad killing the ebil nazis.
American geographic location resebles more anglo than germanic.
learn how to speak english you fucking retard