Happening: Barr assigns US Attorney John Durham to investigate SpyGate

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He'll look into it for a few months then come out and say nothing is there

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Isn’t this what Huber has been doing for over a year? Is this shit ever gonna be resolved?

Who is he? He /our/ guy?

Give me a name, faggot. Need to know if he's Jewish or not.

>the city of me
Disregard. I suck cocks.

So what are the reactions from the (((usual))) people

Mike Goldstein

So far I have found know evidence this man is of the tribe. So far so good.

John Durhamberg.

The name is in the thread title tyrone


Attached: JOHN MF DURHAM.jpg (517x428, 47K)

By bad im also a tyrone

Durham successfully prosecuted the mafia. So he has experience with what he’s going to encounter.


It's a soap opera, the right wing's version of Russiagate.

Couldn't he just read the IG report?
Oh wait...he doesn't read...just like the President...

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seething redditniggers, its time to pay the piper you zog golem

You probably don't want him to do that. Because then half the democratic party would go to jail.

Keep dreaming.

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Prepping now for the inevitable lefty chimpouts.

The fucking Tom Green Show...

old memories

It's fucking happening.

Can't the US FBI do pretty much whatever it wants?

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>he'll look into it for a few months then commit suicide by 2 gunshots in the back of the head


Doubt it. Did you happen to notice the beard?

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As long as they want to infringe upon the rights of republicans, yes.

For fucks sake there isn't even remotely the time to investigate all this before 2020. Trump fucked us.

Sure there is; half of it's going to be in the two IG reports coming out in the next month or so anyway.