Daily reminder

Askenazi are an Italian mafioso clan LARPing as jews.
Their main occupation in middleage was slavery, they took people expecially from the Slavs, from east Europe and from the Balkans and sold them to the Sultanate/Califfate, this is where the word "slave" come from, from Slav.
Don't forget.

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take your medication, Luigi

Hi fellow chosen person!

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Slavery was banned in Italy for Christians, the only way to sell slaves was converting to Judaism, and that was what the criminals did.
At beginning they took pagans to sell them in muslim lands, later they just became part of the muslim world and worked inside it.

Suprisingly based and redpilled, this practice was all over europe at the time.

Attached: Death to America Death to England.jpg (635x410, 49K)

They founded piracy (building bank surround piracy) to raid Christian lands, enslave Christians and sell them in Middle East and Turkey.

Yids have as much legitimacy to claim Hebrew ancestry as Belgian Masons who claim Phoenician ancestry

Both Masons and Yids claim Canaanite ancestry, but actually originate in Europe

Masons are 100% of Scottish/British origin.
They have born in Scotland with 0 boundry whatsoever with Egypt, Phoenicia or even Templars.

mama mia

He's right

Every DNA study shows Ashkenazi Jews are most closely linked genetically to South Italy.

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Dude, he's a shilling jew.

The Yids/Masons are both molochian sects with very similar traditions and beliefs, just different membership requirements.

These European groups both larp as ancient Canaanites who worship their ancient demon deity which demands ritual sacrifice.

They both honor the cult of Solomon, who was a famous demon worshiper, who built temples to moloch with his phoenician buddies

Both of these groups, Yids/Masons, revolve around the central theme of blood sacrifice rituals, mass extermination, and redemption to reach the age of Messiah

Their entire larping movement is just an extension of ancient blood sacrifice Messianism to moloch

>this is where the word "slave" come from, from Slav
wrong, it's "Slava" which means glory.

Dude, I was not doing the scholar teaching.
Slava (Slavonia in latin) in Germanic was the land of Slavs. We have no written documents to be sure of the real etymology from Slavic languages of that time.
Slav (intended as a person) in Latin was Slavus.
Slavus meant the person, but during middle age due the Jewish slave trade it became synonimous of slave.
Both the term Slav and slave come from the Latin term "Slavus".

This is why all my comments on how the mafia just went into bacon have been deleted.

This is why all my comments on how the media went into banking have been deleted.


The Jews.



This is why Jewish and Italian mafia worked togheter in USA.
They have the same culture.

The origin of Slavic writing was Vinča which is over 6500 years old and the term "slave" has it's etymological roots with the old French "esclave".
As for the slave trade you might want to look into the collapse of Carthage when Edomites (Persians) mixed with Turks to produce Chazars who then mixed with Roman culture after founding Venice which was a slave trade and money lending/exchange port, and later gave birth to the Venetian Black Nobility

forgot the img

Attached: Vinča.jpg (500x1314, 145K)

exactly. this explains the vulgar behavior, clannish mafia and corrupt tendencies

Jewish and Italian interests are natural agonists to eachother
hence the Italians and Jews formed strong bonds to control the US via the mafia
everywhere they go they setup mafias

Entire Yiddish history is one based around a Rabbinical Mafia culture. Also rooted in some of the strongest xenophobia known to man. Generations of inbreeding have caused seriously high rates of mental disorders...not retardation, but things like paranoia, schizophrenia, etc.

these mafia bosses quickly rose to the top of american society and legitimized illegal activities to establish their presence in the ruling oligarchy of america.

Jewish mafia is like a shadow state, they have everything from pork factories to wealth managers, including charity and retirement companies.

My Polish wife went to a private school in the 1990s because post-communist public schools were a disaster at the time. Her parents didn't know but it turned out it was the school where all the Wrsaw mafia members who had kids were sending them. They didn't teach Catholic religion in this school because 95% of these kids were jews.

the jewish mob was in heroin way before the italian mafia existed here. the term smack for heroin literally comes from the yiddish word shmeck. as for the extortion, union , construction , garbage , dock and garment shakedowns

>Lansky: Jews control crime in the United States - Hank Messic
>Murder, inc.: The Story of the Jewish-American Syndicate Killing Machine - Peter Lance, Burton Turkus, Sid Feder,

Attached: jewish american mafia books.jpg (480x814, 129K)

>Masonic/Canaanite Mafia
You have Sabbatean-Frankist who practice a form of Satanism and basically made it their religion so that they could justify doing things that would result in them skyrocketing the the top of the social pyramid while also creating the illegitimate banking system to further consolidate their power, we call them the Illuminati. They embody the essential characteristics of Lucifer (the light bringer), "light" being the "light unto the nations" as propshesied in the book of Isaiah. Evil always makes it to the top when power goes unchecked, it's practically a universal law.

These Luciferians have appointed themselves as God on this planet. Acting on behalf of "God", Lucifer actually, they try to self-fulfill prophesies and have selected the rest of the fake Jews as the "chosen people" by propping them up into high positions in society using their power and influence of the banking system. The role of these Jews is be the foot-soldiers of the Illuminati to lead their Satanic new world order based in Jerusalem and fulfill the Messianic prophesies.


As for jews in all the banks that started in the 8th century when a Byzantine roman emperor by the name of Constantine V married princess Irene of Khazaria and the religion of ashkenazim judaism was created in order for the Venetian Black Nobility bankers to bypass the sin of usury and loan the royal and Vatican gold with interest, and was also the beginning of the European banking cartel.

Sabbatai Zevi started that shit in the 17th century and claimed to be the messiah, Jacob Frank took over in the 18th century and claimed to be the reincarnation of Zevi.
They see themselves as gods and that no other god exists above them, unlike abrahamic religions where there is a hierarchical order and people are at the bottom.
Their plan is to commit the most heinous acts upon humanity and nature to force the universe to create a messiah in response, this is why they consider sex to be a sin and raping a child/baby to be acceptable.

hasidics are branch of sabbataens

the current incarnation of the messiah, according to the sabbataen cult of Chabad, was Lubavaitch

Chabad practically runs US, thanks to Kushner. Chabad also runs Russia. Putin partners with Chabad






Why did the Nazis rescue the head of Chabad Lubavitch?

that was the whole purpose behind the shoah.

the lubavich rebbester got caught in a death camp in poland with his followers. he secretly arranged for his release thru his contacts and safely went to US, leaving behind his faithful followers to burn in the shoah.

nice trustworthy spiritual leader, eh? gather a bunch of sheep and then abandon them right before the slaughter. makes for a messiah-worthy ritual sacrifice...

he would later round up a new group of sheep in Brooklyn to repeat the semitic saga of ritual slaughter.


>death camp
that's propaganda, user.
The labor camps were primary adjuncts of the German industry.
And the actual holocaust, aka "strictly a sacrifice wholly destroyed by fire", occurred in cities that were firebombed or nuked.

back to the ass-can-NAZI's are not semites topic:
>Modern Jews may traditionally trace their ancestry to the Holy Land, but a new genetic study finds otherwise. A detailed look at thousands of genomes finds that Ashkenazim—who make up roughly 80% of the world’s Jews, including 90% of those in America and half of those in Israel—ultimately came not from the Middle East, but from Western Europe, perhaps Italy.

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