Hypersonic Missiles will trigger WWIII

It's fairly simple. Any nation can decapitate the other in less than 60 minutes with a few thousand hyper-sonic missiles and as little as 10 minutes if the missile are launched from within the region. No need to launch even one nuke. Although nukes are sure to follow.

China is most poised to afford a 20,000 hypersonic missile launch scenario. In such a scenario China can hit every U.S. military target and installation on the planet in a first strike.


Attached: missile_11_0.jpg (1486x969, 74K)

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daily reminder that nukes are fake

China can't even consistently get escalators to not become human grinders. Fuck off.

Stop spamming China threads Pajeet

Attached: hey-pajeet-watcha-doin.png (288x352, 39K)

*blocks your path*

Attached: D47uJa7XkAAquR-.jpg (568x356, 30K)

thread: twitter.com/EBKania/status/1124155877039144960



Attached: Screenshot 2019-05-13 at 18.24.14.png (2400x1599, 1.42M)

>In such a scenario China can hit every U.S. military target and installation on the planet in a first strike.

Really? Including submarines?

Attached: Screenshot 2019-05-13 at 18.24.07.png (2400x1599, 3.28M)

OP is clueless

lol US voluntarily allows China to gain a missile advantage wtf

Attached: Screenshot 2019-05-13 at 18.26.05.png (1403x702, 123K)

Carriers are for going after mud countries who fuck with Israel, not countries armed with nuclear weapons. I'd expect better from Reuters.

"invincible missiles"

anti-missile lasers are 1990s tech buddy

t. NORAD worker

Supersonic Missiles are much more dangerous.
They fly slower but they are harder to detect because they can fly below the radar.

Attached: 1280px-3M-54E1.jpg (1280x870, 150K)

ICBMs are already hypersonic you retard

the slaughterbots scenario is actually much scarier in terms of potentially destabilizing society IMO youtube.com/watch?v=9CO6M2HsoIA

Attached: Screenshot 2019-05-13 at 18.33.10.png (2037x863, 647K)

just wear a mask lmao or a fake beard.

Just spend 20 minutes in a room with a closed door until they run out of power. That's assuming someone manages to make those things autonomously navigate indoors reliably to begin with.

Hypersonic, stealthy cruise missiles, and depressed trajectory missiles leave little or no time for a response, perhaps 3-4 minutes. Is it a computer glitch or the real thing? You have no choose but to counter strike. We are nearing evil times anons.

it won't be long until someone tries an attack at a political rally and then high-profile speaking events held outdoors will go away forever

There are far simpler and more much deadly ways to fuck with a political rally than that.

>nearing evil times
where have you been the passed 20 years?

A hypersonic missile being launched and a hypersonic missile flying in the atmosphere will show up on our satellites with a large heat signature

idk, building and programming a few bots in your basement with off-the-shelf resources seems easier than just about anything. the technology isn't quite there yet, but it probably will be very soon.

If you don't stand with the Chinese against Trump's ridiculously juvenile "tit-for-tat" tariffs then you're part of the problem. When China does take role as hyper power of the world, they will neither forgive nor forget!

Shut up Ching Chong. Don't you have a neighborhood dog to bucher and sell as tomorrow's lunch special?

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Hypersonic missiles are all marketing hype bullshit. All missiles are fast. Making them more fast does not make them appreciably harder to counter.

Me Chinese
Me pray joke
Escarator eat your foks

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NEXRAD would see them


thats great man

they still need to cross the ocean and then convince 300+ mil Americans that they have lost a war

Drop that down to 1 million who have any real feeling of connection to the USA to the point where they would defend it.

Cool vid

Russia has it ready to go already.
Mexico will be getting them as the US south falls to the invasion, the only way to win is for Trump to use nukes on US soil to stop the spic invasion.

What if hypersonics are launched over the South China Sea at a variety of targets in the region? What is our defense? I know, the best defense is a good offense.

What? You think only 1 million people in the USA would defend the country? Fucking moron. The military itself has almost 1.5 million members currently.

they are loud as fuck though

China is good at two things: killing innocent people and copy pasta.

>China is most poised to afford a 20,000 hypersonic missile launch scenario

What? China can't even afford to give their soldiers shoes, how the fuck are they going to out spend the US

All that money spent on hypersonic missles and we just shoot em down with these.
Speed of light vs hypersonic.
Back to the drawing board zipperheads.

Attached: Screenshot_20190514-000448_Chrome.jpg (1394x1802, 527K)

Womp womp

Attached: c31.gif (400x225, 1.97M)

>muh missiles
Chinese coping mechanism

>ICBMs are already hypersonic you retard

they aren't capable of maneuvering or evasion on terminal approach.

Thus, you can lock them down with some simple trigonometry and intercept them.

From what I can gather from the video, "Hypersonic" vehicles are either self powered (scramjets) and thus capable of course correction and evasion (jinking), or the "Glide vehicles" that can steer through aerodnamic effects (some form of super sensitive/fine rudders alerons, etc...)

>the slaughterbots scenario is actually much scarier in terms of potentially destabilizing society IMO

full spectrum ECM can mitigate that pretty effectively.

There are no weapons grade lasers fielded yet, years off. However, China and Russia are nearing production of hypersonics. There is no defense against them.

>There are no weapons grade lasers fielded yet, years off.

they are in final prototyping stages, already shot down some missiles.

it's a complete package system, they are just doing some final fine tuning on it before production.

Attached: apache-laser.jpg.png (631x347, 530K)

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This guy fucks. China loves to posture. But we like to hide shit in black budgets. The helicopters used in Neptune Spear "didn't exist" before that op. And it's still pretty unclear on the specs. The chinks aren't dumb enough to think they could pull off a 20,000 hypersonic missile barrage. I don't know why anyone else would be.


We already have hyper sonic missiles, ICBMs

It's a low wattage simulator. The real deal needs about 150 watts. The test laser onboard the Ponce de Leon is another low, 33 watt laser simulator. Things are advancing rapidly though.

The Apache as it is will never field this weapon do to the power needed.

>It's a low wattage simulator.

it was strong enough to burn through the outer casing and ignite the propellant.

>The Apache as it is will never field this weapon do to the power needed.

Do you know what the alternator output of the turbines are?

No doubt lasers will be entering the services one day. There are various lower powered ones being tested now. For hypersonics, even when a successful high powered laser is one day fielded, it will be then require a warning system, tracking and fire control that is fully automated. AI is needed for this.

>it will be then require a warning system

anything traveling faster than mach 5, I think... would be a good indicator for autonomous destruction.

>muh hypersonic missile meme
got anything that isn't computer rendered there chang?

That just looks like a ramjet it could get up to mach 6-7 at best.
Harder to shoot down but not impossible, stop believing military propaganda

Good. There are mostly americans in NATO bases so good luck to the russians and chinks.

Uhhh the USA military has a massive nuclear submarine fleet... the United states navy is the most powerful force on earth by far. We have enough firepower withing the submarine fleet across the world to take out every enemy point if we wanted too... the crazy thing is nobody actually knows the total amount of submarines in the oceans or where they are at, its classified

>what is a boomer submarine

lol hype the rail gun will defeat this gimmick shit easy a collection of rail gun batterys can wall o steel these things like nothing