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niggerfication by kikes was still in its infancy and so respectful cohabitation was still a possibility

(((More)))) acceptable

if you're looking for a roll model, i feel bad for you son. I got 99 problems and image ain't one.

The 90's were peaceful. The media didn't push the race-dividing and white-hating shit it does now.

Despite their differences, for a time, whites and blacks could put aside their differences and live some-what peacefully.

record company executives changed that

>The media didn't push the race-dividing and white-hating shit it does now.

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This was before the white hate propaganda machine started.

This was right after the black hate propaganda machine ended.

Its all about division.


the media still was afraid now they are showing their true face of white hatred

Makes sense

>The 90's were peaceful.
Reginald Denny says hi.

Because 90s blacks and taco benders knew their place still.

Because that cocksucker Barry Hussein Obamastein wasn't in office to undo 50 years of progress yet. His ape of a husband Michael pushed the racism bullshit with his fag story about shopping in Target.

They all lived someplace else. There was one black guy in my high school. That same school is half hispanic/black now.

There was less of them. It's really quite simple. Go listen to Jared Taylor.

It probably has something to do with the brainwashed children of the 90s now adults running the show.

Internet didn't make incels.

This pretty much. It went from 90s gangsta rap about the hard life, into this new "woke" anti-white shit. I swear every rapper now thinks they're conscious by whining about white privilege

Because crime was high in negro areas and the whites knew it. Kept them in check

Your sister gave me herpes

9/11 Mass Monkey mind control MK ultra happened.

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It was both pre-Obama and SJWs did not exist then. Also before 9/11 and the change in attitude and OJ. OJ trial did a lot as well.

Between the 80's and 90's there was a lot of culture phenomenons that brought people together. Hip hop stations aired both gangsta rap and conscious uplifting rap back then. Real gangsta shit was largely limited to the hood still. Bboying or breakdancing, to the normies, was another cultural phenomenon that brought everyone together under peaceful circumstances. "Battles" happen but it's all love after the battle. Through this a lot of mutual respect was made. Now hip hop that's aired is all trash and encourages drug consumption earlier and earlier in age. There are still gangs, but in the late 90's to 2000's niggas were deciding that they wanted to do gang shit without joining any of the existing gangs. These niggas are the ones that broke the mold from the hood and fucked up the suburbs. They're the ones that spawned the mumble rapper generation. The most studio gangster actually pussy generation of "rappers" ever.

People self segregated in the 90’s, now there is a societal push to force everybody together.


Until the last decade it was without question this was a white nation and any non whites here were along for the ride.

>taco benders
Croissants are bent by hand. I have done some menial soul sucking jobs but being a profressional croissant bender has got to be the most rampage iondicing of them all.

Because, OP, when we're NOT forced to be diverse, we can actually find some common ground with which we can get along. When you try to force diversity on us while simultaneously kicking whites in the teeth as if they're terrible, it only ends in disaster as the Obama era put into full effect.

niggers got worse
sure, nigger IQ is a standard deviation lower but so is anyone who had poorer nutrition or their parents are lower income.
basically 150 years ago white america was just as dumb as niggers.
The real problem is the JEW. the media jew, the landlord jew, the corporate jew
they condition the niggers year after year to act more and more degenerate.
they do the same thing to us

in the 90s the jews weren't as far along with their manipulation of the nigger

the jews laugh and laugh. "it's not the jew!" the say "It's the white man. Blame him for all of our evil"

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The Jew's back then tried to push that Blacks were your friends in media to pacify Whties. When that obviously didn't work, they're now going for the "Everything is the White mans fault" angle.

>whites and blacks could put aside their differences and live some-what peacefully.
You fucking little kids shut the fuck up about shit you know nothing about?
Blacks were in fact even MORE CRIMINAL back in the 90s, and even worse in the 80s.
They're niggers. They never fit well.
Oh but back in the 1960s they were far more respectable you see. And did live well with the white man. You saw Driving Miss Daisy and you know best.
When in fact they were doing the exact same shit then, they do now. Exact....same...shit.

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Boomer here, the way integration was pushed initially manipulated the core white value of empathy.

Blacks were brought here against their will. It really isn't fair to treat them poorly, they can't help what race they're born as. This reasoning really resonated.

Taco benders weren't really an issue until NAFTA. Maybe in the southwest but I don't remember ever seeing a beaner until the 90s.

The kill whitey shit was always around, particularly with the black nationalist groups, but no one ever really took them very seriously.

It wasn't until the late 2000s and into this decade the anti-white shit really began to ratchet up. The absolutely insane influx of immigrants over the past 30 years combined with the kill whitey shit has opened a lot of eyes. I've broached the question with family and friends, asking if they can recall having a positive experience with a minority. Most struggle to even recall a situation where they aren't outright hostile.

No. Just stayed away from them. They were embolden by the kike liberal agenda and progressive agenda. Decades of affirmative action and leftist "education" topped of with 8 years of Obama decisiveness did the trick. Now everyone is a fucking victim.

They still are.

Jews try desperately to tear apart the brotherhood between the white and black man because they are the physically strongest and most resilient race of men.

When the black and white man are united, systems get overthrown, hierarchies get toppled, and the Jew has no diversion to distract us from their subversion and robbery.

It is time to raise the white fist and the black fist alongside each other and take back what is rightfully ours.

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This. Plus everyone was more manly and manly men get along with each other.

>The media didn't push the race-dividing and white-hating shit it does now
This. As a kid I watched black shows like The Wayans Bros., My Brother and Me, and Family Matters and I didn't even think about them as blacks. Now I always assume there's some kind of agenda when I see blacks in a show.

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the la riots

>basically 150 years ago white america was just as dumb as niggers.

Truth, they on somewhat behave with a strong tribal, overseer or master in charge.

meh, to a point I guess, but I went to hs school in the mid 90s and white kids had gotten jumped and robbed so much that we finally had a race war which progress into a few riots.

>super predators
In the 90s the police/court sytem killed blacks that caused problems.
That’s why it was peaceful. But the rich figured out how to gate their communities and steer conditions to put dangerous niggers and spics in other communities. All of us fighting rogether now provides a shield from the population questioning their betters

We didn't use internet and every time you turned on the television you saw an ad that said stop the hate.

Obviously because there was no enforced leg day. Loog at those legs op lol

Obama kick started racism again. No one cared before he made it a thing. White people didn't gaf and still don't. You told us we are now well, okay fine.

No you millennials are just being nostalgic for the 90s when everything was innocent to you guys, racial tensions were just as bad back then

la riots.

YOU didnt care

They were in large cities. At least the one I grew up in. That's probably due to the fact that nogs had higher population numbers and were more criminal in nature being in that environment. However current msm has given every nog the notion that the white man owes him and "we wuz kangz an shieet", and if whitey protests too much there's always these new hate crime laws...

Soros wants to deconstruct European culture. We need to know it's bullshit historical revisionism.
Globalism hates nationalism and culture.

That's the game, son. But you already know that.

Some, SOME 90s white men had no clue what real multiculturalism looked like because the long march in the school system was already completed by the 70s/80s. Whites that grew up with blacks knew, but the whites that had all the money and called all the shots were starry-eyed, indoctrinated optimists that wrote books and did sitcoms, or documentaries.

Meanwhile, other 90s whites that grew up on section 8 already knew the truth (it's about haves/have nots), and either sympathized with blacks and lost their identity, or they clawed their way out of the hood and realized that they weren't the only whites that viewed other ethnicities the way they did, and committed to "moving the fuck away from shitsville" (white flight).

Now, to address your movie poster propaganda:
Woody's daddy was CIA, and Woody already knew the game being played, and just played along to get some munneh. So, not only did he know they were all peddling bullshit, he actively took a role in propagating it in order to get some chi-chang in his pockets and enjoy life because daddy's CIA contacts included (((Hollywood))) types. If there's a nigger in that poster, it sure as HELL isn't the dude that told the IRS to suck his dick. It's the traitorous (((cracker))) spinning the ball on his kiddy diddler.

L.A riots would like to speak to you.

Fuck no.
whites feared the colored man, now they're trying to blend in with us and shit. Back in the 90's the whites were 100% NPC white.. you know like the 50's outlook on life, that carried through into the 90's whether you whites know it or not. All that keeping up with the Jones's attitude, ignorantly blissful, segregated, consumed by fear of urban youths..

It was good for you toids.
You loved being corny in your own world
And the coloreds were ignored totally and treated like animals by the police

Nigger spotted.

That sounds awful user! Utterly awful!
I imagine the sight of croissants now bring out the hate.
There could be worse triggers.

No you stupid honkey, I'm not black

>2008, majority of whites vote Obama in
>America celebrates post-racial society
>Obama says fuck them white bois
>Nigger goes back on the menu

Basically how it happened.


As a 90s kid I never fell for their jew bullshit. Not even once... infact I've been fighting against it by exposing it for over 25 years now. No, I'm not from the "south". No, my "daddy and mommy" didn't teach me.

Literally nothing these fake ass Hollywood faggots say is remotely true. 2pac was a homosexual.

Attached: 2pac-gay-homo.jpg (800x1098, 117K)

Black woman belongs to latino chad.

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Pretty much, demonizing most of the population is just a shitty idea. Obama was the shittiest president, he pushed back social trust by decades

Hate crimes started going up in 2013 despite decreasing since the 60s. Who is to blame?

>2pac was a homosexual

Tupac was a fake thug acting as a gangbanger. It got him killed too

"Now they're trying to blend in with us"
Maybe you should have defined the terms "They're" and Us".

And this honkey didn't fear niggers in the 90s, however this honkey did avoid roaming packs of nogs when pack numbers reached 5 or more.


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Oh also fights were strangely more racial then they were now. Anytime you had a situation where one guy gets singled out by a group and the group jumps that person shit got wild, but controlled. Word would spread about what happened and then nearly everybody that was the same ethnicity as the person would talk about revenge, the group who jumped the person would call up all their people in response, and both would agree on the terms of a big brawl somewhere away from the cops with the agreement to dip the fuck out if the cops are about to show up. About the only people who didn't do this at my hs were NE European and Germanic white people. Everyone else did including Russians and Ukranians. The brawls would happen and then that was that. The matter was usually settled. Self-governing was just something that came quite naturally to my generation for some reason. None of us cared much about the ethnic aspect of it either. It was understood as a given.


Surely you're not using kosher media as an example.

Because the whites of the 90s being accepting of blacks accomplished nothing. Blacks hate whites more now than when they were in chains lol.

Your post reminded me of this

are you retarded? race relations have always been bad, you're just a naive boomer who had his bubble popped by king nigger on the race dilemma in america.

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This is why Woody and Wesley's dynamic was a story worth telling.. it was about two people you'd never see together in real life. In the street outside of a gym.

Today you see wiggers all over the place/beach, trying to ball with the colored folk. These black zoomer kids all have at least one white friend nowadays.. back then, you just never saw a white. Period.
Unless it was a cop or you went to an amusement park or something.

I never spoke to a white that wasn't a cop or a lefty teacher until the late 2000's

Actually yeah I never really gave a shit about race, I used to enjoy Eddie Murphy films and Fresh Prince.
Now all I see is black people shoehorned into everything because (((diversity))) and never forget slavery and colonialism you fucking racist shitlord.

Nogs weren’t calling for white genocide on the internet yet.

Segregation was wise

except that nearly every multicultural multiracial country always collapses if their isn't a strongman holding them together even with no subversion of the system
>black hate propaganda machine
that makes literally no sense considering the civil rights movement 30 years prior you dumb faggot

In all fairness a black guy saved his life from the nigs

The media literally doesn't push "division" like that. It embraces multiculturalism and diversity ad nauseam while vilifying white males. Take a lesson from the movie that actually makes the most interesting of points, even if it is the most simple-minded observation that a pavement ape like (((Spike Lee))) could possibly comprehend.

Sidney Deane spends the first part of the movie "figuring out Billy's weakness(es)", and it was his woman. Except, in this twisted fucked up episode of "This poor dumb white cracker over here that's out of his element", he's actually hooked up with a Latino chick. Sidney figured this out about Billy, and uses it against him to eventually "hustle" Billy out of his money. Then, they "reconcile" because "DEM WAMEN GOTS THE POWER TO MAKE A MANS DO SHIT", Then we see Billy go completely stupid with his gambling problem, lose it all, just to get "it" back again, and then give it all up for his love of the "game"; all the while, he's too stupid to see what he's doing to himself, making Sidney the Obi-Wan to Billy's Anakin. It's a fantasy role-play for black men with an inferiority complex playing "Dungeon Master" in an unlikely tale of bullshit.

In all honesty, even "Billy Hoyle", who's completely down on his luck, would have NEVER even BOTHERED going to south central or Long Beach to hang out with actual black people. He'd have pulled up, looked around, and drove right the fuck off, and perhaps even shit himself along the way.

This movie's impossible plot is a rarity to get this "Black Man Wise One" down because how many situations can you realistically pull that off? And to prove Hollywood coordinates this shit, we had Morgan Freeman as the wise teacher to Kevin Costner's Robin Hood at about the same time. Now, he is type-cast in literally every movie ever. And he's essentially 5/8ths white.

At any rate, the 90s weren't peaceful. youtube.com/watch?v=e1dPKfxRhk0

I've seen that interview, he sounds gay as shit.
I guess that's when he was fresh out of stage school and the Jews hadn't made him the posterboy of gangsta degeneracy yet.

>Convince a group of people that they're somehow owed something for suffering on their ancestors' parts.
>"How can other people now find black guys intolerable?"

Yeah you did, you'd shit your fucking pants if you saw me walk down the same sidewalk as you. You'd clutch your purse or cross the street.. so don't try to act hard because I know you from those days, don't think for a minute I won't bust you upside the head if you try that bullshit with me

You realize boomers actually had race riots and diversity hires to the extreme when they were in high school in the late 60s/early 70s?

>Dad is slightly too young to be boomer
>Somehow was friends with the rich kids and the blacks because he is friends with everybody
>Black friends literally tell him things like "You're alright, don't go to school tomorrow."
>Those days were the race riots
>He had an English teacher who was illiterate, who got hired for no reason other than her black skin
>But somehow he is not racist, to this day, so maybe you have a point

No social media to divide people. No 24/7 News Channels that pushed race shit 24/7. No newspapers that made it a point to divide people with race content.

So, basically Jews.

Whites have had the same general feelings about blacks going back to at least the 1970s. What’s different today is that anti-white racism is rampant and encouraged.

Easy answer: the media wasn't pushing race politics. In so many 90s shows and movies, the joke was that people would act like SJWs and look like idiots doing it. All the black characters wanted to be treated like people, rather than black people, and offering them special treatment was written as offensive and ignorant.
That was meant to further corrupt us but instead people began to get comfortable with one another, and also comfortable avoiding one another and not worrying about being called racist. Thus, identity politics had to be brought back.

multiculture doesn't exist. In one nation one culture exists. Many ethnicities can exist within a nation but there can be only one culture.

90s hip hop ruined the nigger

yea and boomers STILL think race relations became bad magically under obama. the truth is that all races hate each other in america openly or not because each one wants to be the top dog and believe it's possible when they make up a sizable portion of the population. it's why they see assimiliation as useless when they know they have enough of them here anyway.

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>more acceptable of blacks and latinos
Learn to speak fucking English, Pedro

Latinos didn't really have a representative for them, but Fresh Prince of Bel Air and Martin paved the way big time for acceptance. Will Smith in general. Chris Rock too. 90's was the era where everybody seemed to understand intuitively that there was a difference between nigga and nigger and the only ones that bitched about it were largely ignored. Everybody hated nigger shit, niggas most especially because they recognized that it's them dragging them down in life. In Living Color was a comedy sketch show started by Keenan and Ivory Wayans that is still one of the funniest sketch comedy shows to ever air. It had a cast that SNL wishes it was that diverse. But the thing that made it great was everybody's culture got made fun of, including black people's culture. There wasn't nearly anywhere as many declared "sacred cows" in society.

.. Yeah, but the racism was wrong. And by racism I mean the legit white racist cops the whites were in charge of hiring and sending out into our communities.

It took them a while but they've implemented change and it's noticeable. Now coloreds police coloreds and whites police whites, you just know your own kind, you know your people and your community

Ethnicities can't actually coexist to be quite honest. Everyone votes for their own representative regardless of what they do. People are idiots

Amazing propaganda this pic.
% people will see this and hate

My dad was a militant racist and hated blacks more then than he does now, so I can’t speak from experience.

This is false. In the 90s niggertowns were no-go zones because of gangs and crackheads. The primary difference is white people had absolutely no reason to go there so it wasn't your problem unless you were a cop.
Even then we had shit like the LA riots, which made Baltimore look like child's play.

Lol now you're a nigger again? What's even funnier is I've watched packs of nogs get the black beat off them by packs of mexicans.

>This was right after the black hate propaganda machine ended.

When was that? There was no open invitation in my lifetime to fucking hate blacks, anywhere.
Zero. Zip. It was all MLK Jr. and shieeet.
I was always shocked when blacks were hateful toward me.

because blacked and Jow Forums didn't exist yet

>The 90's were peaceful.
There was a Time magazine article from late 90s, like 1997 I think, where a poll asked young blacks how much racism they had experienced and something like 90% said very little to none. The media hadn't convinced everyone that whites were racist yet.


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.. this guy really wants full 90's treatment.
Dude is begging for the works

Gangster rap was the problem (glorified being a criminal)

The woke shit is good. Just tells kids to smoke weed and blame politicians for their problems. Woke niggas have white friends.