u think I give a fuck !!?!?!!
Free market triumphs again.
I'm in Alaska so I have no idea how uber and lyft works. How much do they pay?
you should rejoice
I wish. Bring back real taxis. Uber blows.
fuck taxis
>no options trading
fucking kikes man..
I just made $50 driving Uber.
then stop underpaying uber drivers, or support robot cars.
Their business model to be own the rideshare space until diverless cars come and actually make it profitable
>and i wish i put the fucking short in last friday
or today honestly. they are not profitable companies because they lose money on each ride
Who would have thought that a business that only loses money and is non-scalable because it has already matured and whose overhead is only going to increase and who has essentially no goodwill or positive brand image wouldn't be a great investment.
Let the stocks drop then invest. Uber is a thriving company that has damn near single handedly killed all cab companies. Most cabs get state support, its unreal. Dont let these smokescreens of bloggers and faggot slave drivers YouTube rants fool you.
It's all because of the China trade war.
>Uber is a thriving company
its losing billions of dollars a year
how can this shit company lose money pimping out peoples time and cars? All uber is is a fucking app that connects 2 people and charges for it. To lose money seems impossibruh!
fuck the car transportation requirement jewry in general
city and local planning is what got us into this mess. you can't walk for groceries and you don't have the land to grow your own stuff.
I want my combustion engine to not be attached planned obsolescence debt load requirement to keep me a good goy slave. My personal combustion engine SHOULD ELEVATE MY PRODUCTIVITY AND MY QUALITY OF LIFE, NOT DECREASE IT
not much. I make more charging scooters than my brother does driving uber, and i don't have to deal with people
Oh no that sucks. No more dipshits playing app dispatched Travis Bickle.
their plan is to hold out until their fleet of self driving cars takes people out of the equation. problem is that won't happen for at least 20 years. they won't make it. sell nao
How does charging scooters work?
Good, they are a bunch of leftist pricks
>I operate at a net loss and have never turned a profit
>come on goys, the initial investors before the IPO still have a massive profit buy this IPO price
>come on goy its a ‘tech’ stock from a company that doesn’t produce goods or product
>buy high sell low fucking goy! Reeeee!
Less than taxi lots of goy fees taken off.
Then the driver has to deduct gas/mileage/maintenance. It comes to less than min wage for contract work.
quick rundown?
That's nothing.
They'll be fine.
Uber has only 22,000 employees, worldwide.
They'll Definetly be fine and OP bait thread fails..
their drivers aren't employees, lmao. they're retards making $5 an hour so some faggot jew can get rich
Investment into autonomous car research. Driver as a profession will die off. Next step is to eliminate human factor and they are preparing for it. Tesla already announced similar service.
It's got nothing to do with Trump. Uber went public on Friday and got slaughtered because it has yet to make a profit. Dotcom crash 2.0.
No, all of the rapes and home invasions killed Uber.
>eliminate largest employment field in the country
>also import million of uneducated niggers with diseases
Brilliant plan. I'm sure those robot trucks won't get looted, or just blown up.
lyft bag holder reporting in.
kek, haven't sold yet?
You all do realise this is due to the protests of uber drivers for better wages. This is the aftermath. Uber will be fine though.
Oooh noooo, where will liberals get rides to next?
Good. Fuck UBER. Taxis for life.
>Good goy scam where you make shit tier money while ruining your own car
Fuck Uber.
>1 million chinks and pajeets off the road
>no more bullshit taxi scalpers
Fine by mi tu bee awhnest
Make it two million.
It's like Mr Zorg (read as: George Soros) said "The economy is heating up too much, lay off 1 million cab drivers..."
It's already well underway for agriculture. Not sure I'd expect too much out of it on the highway any time too soon. Maybe if you just want to ride pump and dumps.
how will India ever recover?
Fuck Uber. They underpay big time.
bought in at 60 so it hasn't been as bad but no
25% commission that's fucking RAPE, but too bad for the them I hope they fail big time and fuck all their drivers too, should have worked taxi instead.
cool, Uber whomps
How does Trump have anything to do with Uber and their failings?
ahahhaha they tried to avoid a lyft fiasco and they couldn't
silicon valley is
>Investment into autonomous car research
Black hole, this isn't happening in urban areas. Absolute disaster if implemented.
I agree, driving is one of the pleasures of life. It is also extremely safe, autonomous vehicles will be hard to sell. I know I'll never want to ride in one.
trade stuff had the broader markets in sell off mode today
you should be buying the dip, alphabet class a shares looking awfully cheap right now
Uber driver here with a 30mpg car, nothing too special. I work 12 hours every single day and make a minimum of 200 dollars every day, generally a maximum of 250, and 300 on holidays. This is after the cost of gas and food. I also don't wait for my money like a good goy, I get paid every day and don't pay taxes. Anybody telling you this is a bad job probably has a bridge to sell you or is a good goy himself.
criminally underrated post
Factor in the wear and tear on your car, brain damage from doing nothing remotely stimulating, huge gas prices if you live in California. It's fine as a side gig to work on your days off, or even between jobs for a few months, but anyone doing aspiring to do it full time is a small step above the burger flipper at McDicks.
LMAO wagies destroyed!
Uber is destined to crash eventually. It is an unsustainable source of income for anybody. I’ve known several people who got burned trying to make money driving for Uber. Between the waiting, the wear and tear on their vehicles, gas, and sometimes having to pay for fast food, it was not good money. And once more assholes decided they wanted to drive for Uber too it bottomed out.
Uber needs a better system for certifying their drivers, they need to place a cap on the number of drivers based on local population, and the drivers need to earn more. Uber sucks entirely too much away as a middle man service.
Uber has now taken several blows to their reputation, and that is absolutely crippling for them. Bad service is one thing, but they’ve been having problems with drunks not recognizing the cars and crawling in with strangers, and now thee have been problems with Uber drivers assaulting passengers.
>Uber drivers are freelancers, not employees, judge rules
>Uber drivers are independent contractors, not full-time employees of the ride-hailing company, a federal judge ruled in what is said to be the first classification of Uber drivers under federal law. ... Many have sued Uber, but most of those cases have been sent to private arbitration.
Define "non-scalable".
That's sad to hear. I've only used it once, since none of the taxi services could get me where I was to where I needed to go, and it was quite entirely pleasant at a reasonable cost for having to go such a distance.
What's the payout after fuel, maintenance, wear and tear on your vehicle and insurance?
Over-hyped tech company crashes and burns after IPO only to get boosted to the moon by algos that will purchase the stock after clearing out weak hands...
Welcome to trading brainlet.
Uber and Lyft are great for when you're going out and don't want to drive drunk. They're always available and usually pretty cheap. Taking a Lyft back to the east bay from SF at 2am is literally only $35 for a half hour car ride. Shit deal for the drivers but it's great for riders
Time to buy yeah?
Uber killed uber
Ex uber driver
I think Uber service is really hit and miss. I tried using it once, in Atlanta. Their prices were higher than taxis, so that was a big NO from me. My experience with Uber is mostly from watching people fail to make money with it. I’ve had friends in between jobs try driving for Uber, and they would have been better off working part-time in fast food.
why? you realize that taxi services are some of the scummiest/most kikey businesses around? There is nothing good about government leveraged monopolies that can easily accommodate competition (unlike infrastructure monopolies like water/gas/electric)
Uber, or Dial-a-Rapist.
I don't know the ins and outs of how the profitability works out, but it always struck me as something that would really only be supplementary income if you had some extra hours here and there. Perhaps a smaller number of drivers treating it as a full-time job would put it back into the somewhat unique and useful niche that it fills.
Actually, the faggot is a muslim, which is why it's dial a rapist.
This, taxis were all junkies that never showed up in any reasonable time frame and charged out the ass. Uber is cheaper and faster, they killed the fuck out of several taxi companies and those companies deserved it.
So much this
>Oh no, this company had inflated value before IPO.
I don't live in California or have brain damage. However if you think 6 grand a month is on par with flipping burgers, you might
The figure I gave includes those costs. I calculate my daily profits with all daily expenses deducted, including the daily cost of fuel, food and drink, tolls, bi-monthly oil changes, tire replacements, and monthly insurance bills divided up into daily charges. The only things I don't calculate are my car payments and rent.
The one valid criticism of this job is that it absolutely does put a lot of miles on a car. I've put 30,000 miles on mine since December. However this was never intended to be a long term stable career, it was only meant to save me a lot of money quickly so I can pay off my car and other debts. I would never advocate anybody sit for 12 hours a day. I've had to drastically reduce my calorie intake so I'm not getting obese.
i make more money per hour suckling on the penises of random strangers compared to driving for uber. it's simply math, folks.
Supply vs. demand seems to be the elephant in the room with Uber. If you have too many drivers, they’re all going to make less. This happens a lot with fad sources of income. Remember Zumba? When’s the last time you heard of Zumba? They turned into a certification mill, and what was briefly an opportunity for women to make money teaching a fad form of physical fitness quickly devolved into lumpy boomer women jumping around on concrete in churches or in community centers charging a buck a class. Zumba had no interest in making sure their “teachers” made money. Their end goal was to sell the certification to as many as possible as quickly as possible. The mistake Uber is making here is they figure they’ll make the same amount of money from drivers if there are ten people driving in an area or 100 people driving in an area. All they’ve done is burn a lot of people who would have remained “loyal” drivers if the money had been there. Also, by maintaining this model of cattle-call turnover they’ve increased their chances for bad service, a loss of faith in the service, and of course increased chances for liability in the event somebody gets robbed or assaulted by their driver.
loses more money the bigger it gets
Are you driving a hybrid? Have you done the math to see if a plug in or fully electric vehicle would improve your return?
>I get paid every day and don't pay taxes
Lel. You are fucked buddy. Not only do you have to pay the fees on that income but you also get to pay both halves of the social security payroll tax.
First u need to dilate your asshole to 3 inch radius. Post pics and I'll tell u second step
Market cap still 60 billion... more than Tesla. That’s for a shitty app without any real assets.
I think Uber is worth a few billion, not 60, so expect more bad days to come for the stock.
Shitskin confirmed.
Oh no!
The stock is dropping because Uber is challenged by direct competition, regulation... and the likes of Tesla. If robotaxis hit the streets for real, Uber is done and dusted. You don’t need Uber for robotaxi services, Tesla can create its own shitty app to call a robo-Tesla and no need to “rate the driver” or complain about being raped.
They will crush all the competition then start raking in cash, in a few years UBER will join the FAANG gang
i work like 50-70 hours a month doing uber and pay for rent/bills just fine and take off literal weeks at a time.
You don't understand business at all.
Trump had zero to do with this.
uber: good
Lyft: good
limo drivers: good
taxi drivers: terrible