And one day, for no reason at all...
And one day, for no reason at all
I started to hate them.
nothing new
Thoughts? I wish I could put a bullet in your fucking head.
he's probably an amerifag
>he's too stupid to put together that this is a LARP post by a throwaway account on a subreddit devoted to cuck fantasy
Detective Leaf on the case
sodomites are normal functioning people just like you goyim this is perfectly normal
>he thinks its a larp
this is a pretty normal fantasy among cucks, and there's a shitload of cucks
Please tell me his fellow cuckholds still had the sense of decency to know this particular degenerate was going way past the line.
Are you an active member of the cuck community? Otherwise I'm not sure how'd you know that other than pulling it out your ass...
Poe's law.
Degenerates playing biological russian roulette, hopefully he's American and will get to pay for the medical bills himself.
This isn't new. Is everyone in this thread a zoomer?
I refuse to believe that's real, nobody can actually find an infectious disease threatening the life of his child sexually arousing.
also, it's a Reddit post with Facebook reaction and comment buttons.
That's the point. Only goal of this board now is to make people here think this stuff is rampant and everywhere. It's "BEN OWNS THE LIBS WITH FACTS AND LOGIC" taken to the inevitable conclusion for "right-wing" congregation zones.
Never underestimate the depravity of these people.
I'll admit I enjoy some cuckold fantasies now and then, but nothing this morbid.
That can't be real.
For fucks sake
My father found my young boy body arousing. People often do awful things to their children. People like you who refuse to believe it happens are complicit in its occurrence.
it's not real but the fact that it arouses cuckolds is why they need to be exterminated.
A non-zero amount of them will find a woman and bring her and their family to ruin. When they're in governmental or judicial position you have the migrant crisis where they masturbate to the testimonies of raped Europeans.
Thank u for closely monitoring r/CuckoldCommunity. Please help the white race by spending all your free time there. Next, please watch the entire BLACKED catalog of interracial porn to see if the mossad is using it to send coded messages via morse code.
>her baby
Uhhh. Anyone else reading something out of this particular choice of words?
I'm thinking he wants her and 'her baby' dead... And good on 'im.
This is probably cuck fiction.
Lmao r/blackworldorder literally posts about white genocide
I had alot of anons raid their discord servers
I just wanted to play my vidyas in peace.
Thank you
He’ll be a Jew, like the guy in your gif.
He gets a boner thinking about his inheritance after the competition, his wife and child, dies.
>all that property
>all that money.
There is no way this is a real post. No way.
kill me?