How many websites have you been banned from for the inability to quietly abide degeneracy...

how many websites have you been banned from for the inability to quietly abide degeneracy? I just lost my last account on normie webshits because normies love fags and niggers, do me a favor.

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Other urls found in this thread:

i've given up trying. i even get banned from private vidya servers for arguing about the JQ.
>this isn't Jow Forums dude
>fuck you kike glownigger
>your account has been suspended

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Ive been banned from here like 4 times for making fun of rick and morty

I actually laughed

I wish i was joking

to be fair, you need a really high IQ to understand the subtle humor in rick and morty

i've been banned basically from everywhere except user image boards.

i tried to make a facebook in 2004..
checked out of society 15+ years ago already i guess.


I usually follow the rules like a good goy. Some internet forums I use tend to be full of progressives, and it's fun to be an implicit NatSoc and see how they react. You'd be amazed at how people short-circuit when you purposefully avoid giving yourself any labels, and just talk on an issue by issue basis. What's odd is that some of them can smell it on you. They see that confidence, that free-thinking, and don't trust you. To them, anyone who they doesn't trust is an enemy. So sometimes you can say something fairly common-sense, and they'll just randomly argue against it. It makes me wonder about levels of communication beyond language.

But I'm ranting here.

>playing games that ban accounts

Banned on half of Plebbit at the mo, perma banned already 3 times. Perma banned Twatter. Banned on Daily Mail. Don't use Kikebook.

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Reddtards, Tumbltars, MimecraftWiki, Pornhub (account was suspended), and Ive been blocked on Twitter by random fags.

youre right user normal people "normies" love everyone mostly because they have as much of a deep seeded hatred for themselves as you do read the bible and love thy neighbor

kys faggot

there is such a huge population of people banned from the internet its not even funny, and no one talks about it

That's the show made by that guy who did a "comedy sketch" of him fucking a infant doll right?
I dunno maybe my IQ isn't high enough to understand the humor.

I get banned for nothing even remotely controversial these days. Its like the mod can sense the straight white maleness

Maybe people are just sick of your autism. Maybe it's time to make a change in how you interact with other people.

It's a copypasta. Don't be a newfag

Though i've been on Jow Forums longer than any other major website. [since 2005] I've been banned at least once on almost everything.
>Discord more than once]
>Twitch [on both twitch and youtube, I didn't make content I just chatted a lot of shit]
I would say Reddit but I've never mad an account nor wish to
Only other big website I visit often is Kiwifarms but I don't have an account yet.
I've been banned on Jow Forums too but for minor shit [like posting any porn on Jow Forums ]

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This is why you just play oldschool runescape. They allow you to say pretty much anything you want and the community is the most autistic and racist community of any game.

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Also if you are on Jow Forums and you are autistic and play OSRS, join clan chat: '2007_reddit' for Jow Forums-tier clan chat experience while 'scapin.

I will add, the clan chat is unmoderated!

4channel mods are stepping it up. Pic related, tv banned me for posting pic related in a thread about how Arthur is having a gay wedding

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a favor

>I just lost my last account on normie webshits because normies love fags and niggers, do me a favor.
Have you tried not be a shitty person?

only ever been banned from one site, unironically this one. I've never posted anywhere else though

If they ban you, just make fake acounts and walk in the limit, we can't give up, there's quite a lot of people out there who are pretty fucking neutral or only sympathetic to it cause the only ones they heard from are they, we need to drop redpills at all times on every place we can, we can't give up, it's a fight for survival at the end of the day, eternal struggle is eternal growth

I don’t bother making accounts anywhere anymore

It’s from a pasta you dummy faggots

All of them, that's why I'm here.

Stop being zealous. Learn the art of subterfuge.

I've posted on heaps of websites and only evrr got banned on this one. I shit you not, Facebook is more tolerant than this place.

I have been banned here for:

>Replying to a bait thread
>Posting a get thread
>Posting off Jow Forums topics (I pretended I was god)
>Posting the pic attached
>Posting porn on Jow Forums
>posting my filters

and several other reasons I wasn't sure for what, by the time I got notified the content had expired.
Don't have a jewbook, twatter, insta and have never been to redd*t

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shut the fuck up faggot

You haven't hit the wall till you have been banned from Google, from commenting on Nicks live stream.

Heres some feet. That HD died a month ago.

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I've been banned from: CNN, Fox, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, Youtube, google, and yahoo for simply red-pilling people about Jews and about the Kalergi plan. I literally got IP-banned from CNN years ago.

I have been banned from the only right wing blogs in New Zealand multiple times for calling people cunts and destroying liberals, am still IP banned on one, the other one has gone full liberal and banned free speech so I am stuck here, with you cunts.

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I have been banned from numerous forums of all my favorite video games for talking shit to furries and bronys. I just can't help myself. When I see people with blatant furry or brony avatars I have to call them out of being faggots and get banned.
Doesn't really matter since I dropped gaming entirely a few years ago. Jow Forums made me realize I was throwing away the prime years of my life on pixels.

That's the joke, retard

Well, to each of their own perspectives. But this place is pretty much the last stronghold to have opinions nowadays without real trouble. I'm just thankful that this board is the center of the world for minds to come here and tell the tales of old and new without the hardline censorship. Without being robotically oppressed either. The only downside is that google's reCAPTCHA is data-mining from here. But in due time. It will be the demise to all speech.

You be careful who you are talking to kiwi I'll aunty jacinta you called a Muslim a nawty word. You gunna go to jail now.

The last one was Quora.

But I've been banned from some now.

Which is why every american Jow Forums poster should be buying rifles and ammo. It is clear the globalist order wants to suppress free speech and destroy western civilization. Shitposting and memes alone can't stop it.

I once got banned for making a Sweden Hate thread. Meanwhile, they allow scat and interracial porn all of the time.

I got banned from Twitter twice, but made new accounts.

First time was for harassing a literal anti-white South African cuck. 2nd time was for calling an literal anti-white Jew a "faggot".

I called Bon Jovi a faggot on facebook and got banned, so I was just proving your point was misplaced Jiang

I got banned from Jow Forums a lot. My recent bans were pretty weird. Left leaning mods are slowly gaining power over /tv/ and /v/ since 4channel.

For instance I got banned for posting a picture that 'wasn't relate to /tv/' and banned for another picture that 'wasn't related to video games.' The ban reason being that pictures MUST relate to video games or /tv/.

I've been banned from reddit and other communities countless times. I made some fake accounts on facebook to go ham politically and got insta banned. Oddly enough despite all my posts being very right wing and heavily sourced, all my friend requests on my side bar were literal V for Vendetta masks. Not remotely joking. They kept trying to set me up with Anti-fa looking faggots and V for Vendetta fags when I was sperging out on Facebook as Tyrone Bigguns or some retarded name.

Pic related was my last Jow Forums bans.

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all of them.
That's why Im here.

Facebook, Twitter on multiple occasions, Twitch, a few copyright strikes on YouTube, Jow Forums a few times, Reddit entirely, might have even gotten banned from MySpace before.

Reddit is so fucking pozzed with Liberal cultural Marxist, feminists, faggots and trannys. It's easy to get banned from there.

And I had a blog written about me on Daily Kos.

They flat out banned anyone who wasn't black from the blackpeopletwitter subreddit.

>And I had a blog written about me on Daily Kos.
Well done.

I've been banned on Twitter for shitposting too hard a few years ago(I was 17). It was connected to my real account by email and that got nuked as well . I hope it doesnt come back to bite me in the ass if I ever run for any sort of office.

Are these two comparing vaginas?

If a platform is too faggoty I just dont even try using it. Otherwise I try to avoid talking.

A lot. But I have been spending significantly more time in my local kikebook groups as thy are borderline pol tier. Pizzagate and Jews btfo from old ladies kek

Got banned from giantitp for posting an image macro in a game's OOC thread that said "Do it faggot" to encourage a fellow player to take a risky but highly rewarding course of actions.

Insta-perma-ban, no appeal.

You called bon jovi a faggot?!?! HAHAHHAHA you have the mental capacity of a caterpillar. I bet you still call cunts nigger and wonder why they they knock you the fuck out. OMG congratulations on being the dumbest cunt I have met this month.

None so far.

That sounds like segregation. That's a two way street, fren.

Perma-ban on twatter is not a criminal offense where you live? Huh.

Top bait m8

You read my mind OP!
I have been fucking banned from everywhere.

Can anyone tell me, how could you troll LinkedIn?
I wanna troll that place so fucking bad (scumbag ex bosses and coworkers), but I don’t want to look like a psychopath under my real name.
LinkedIn is the final frontier of trolling.

Oh yeah, banned on just about all platforms known to man.
Twitter bans feel the best!
I don’t know why.

all of them.

You are makin' me so angry.

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Nah, it's just got a large millennial fanbase, they trend in around 90 IQ, so they think it requires a high IQ to watch. it is funny, but not amazing unless you were born after the Simpsons became lame.

You. You have to be a great guy to hang out with.

All of them. But you make fake accounts and don't worry about status. You just keep fighting and keep spreading the message. They ban me for free while I shit post on the toilet. It's a fair game I'd say

Out agents should be their in Dallas by 1AM your time.

I'm shadowbanned on every major website.

this leaf is on holiday, probably getting fucked by niggers in chicago

Isn’t it sweet when you cause the normies pain and confusion when you break the narrative ...their brains have built in self defense mechanisms for logic that questions the indoctrination...their only hope is banning or removing us, it can’t last forever.....i was a vet during the iraq war
and a normie...i nearly lost my mind a couple times but now i have broken the conditioning and am now free...

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newfags detected

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Pop nihlism is gay ..the show is ok..dan harman is a piece of shit

Who the fuck is this and why do I keep seeing her?

Ay they say they found a troll living in England under a bridge. They named it maise and put it in a TV show in HBO

I got banned from Jow Forums.

i posted nonstop on in the years before they stopped offering comments. The thing that broke them was the Trayvon Marton case. Once it became apparent that he was a stupid fucking thug and Zimmerman was going free, they locked it up. People were outraged at the media for painting a certain picture with complete disregard for facts.

Good timing, too. Because not long after came a slew of other dumb niggers who nigged and chimped and got BTFO by the facts of their cases.

Only once?

I don't browse normie websites.

this. Normies are NPC tier to me at this point.

Tits or gtfo

We don't have much room to talk fellow leaf-user

Made me laugh, 9/10 bait