Why does Australia which contributes 0.08% of the worlds emissions need to take a stand pol?
Climate Change
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Australia needs to take a stand, and triple its industrial output
It's essential that Britain, Canada and Australia become global manufacturing leaders so that nobody can escape the "Made in the British Commonwealth" stamp
Also suggestions on what to do with those who decided to climb the bridge today and disrupt those who contribute to society?
Why don't they blow it up? The message would be far more clear
The goyim must serve their international masters!
Aoc 12 years that's why.
CO2 is not pollution
I don't know, man. Whatever we do won't make a difference to the temperature. Just seems like an excuse for rich globalists to move our industry to other parts of the world.
This is the most retarded shit I've seen on here, and that's saying a lot.
That and to cut a fuckload of jobs I guess
because of your deep seeded religious beliefs in the cult of climate change. Literal facts upset you now.
based anglosphere poster
Is this really what you want? Explain your dumb selves. How will plants live?
Because they corrupted our kids into thinking this shit is real
wow this is the most based image ever viewed by anyone
It's the mating call of cucked countries. They want a big, somalian/arab man to fuck them in the ass.
Crazy, its almost as if most climate alarmists don't really care about Global Warming, rather, they want to seize more power whether there is an issue or not and are only using Climate Change for leverage. But that's just crazy talk
We could cut CO2 emissions drastically by switching to nuclear power, but the environmental lobby refuse to accept this solution and would rather we continue to burn coal.
What this tells us is that climate change is a very minor issue; so minor that having a nuclear power plant built is worse than climate change.
If nuclear power is worse than climate change then clearly there's nothing to worry about.
Fun fact: more people have died from falling off of roofs while installing solar panels than from every nuclear accident in history combined.
That's not really a useful statistic. As with many chronic health things, there's not always an easy obvious cause for shortened life or reduced quality of life. And it also doesn't take cumulative environmental damage from leaks, storage costs, etc.
Not that I'm being anti-nuclear, but that's just kind of a meaningless slogan kind of thing to cite.
Joules per death is the statistic that matters when you want to talk about human harm from sources of energy.
By that metric, nuclear is indisputably the safest source of energy.
Same reason that New Zealand that produces 0.01% of emissions has to pay carbon tax. Virtue signalling cunts in power
we don't, it's just brainwashed useful idiots. Climate Change is a scam to implement global austerity while taxing you more. Sorry goy it's not that we're ripping you off, it's that we need to reduce these emissions to save the planet.
>Greenhouse gas emissions by Australia. Australia has one of the highest per capita emissions of carbon dioxide in the world, with 0.3% of the world's population it produces 1.3% of the world's greenhouse gases. It was 18.3 tonnes per year per person and the 11th highest in the world per capita in 2009.
probably one of the easiest google searches
Well, my point is that the assigned cause of death doesn't address the total impact to human life nor the environment. That's all. Merely that any such metric fails to measure something that's useful to look at.
so it can be used to peer pressure other countries
'l-look, they're doing it too!'
its not even her idea, stop giving her credit
which at the time it was made
2018+12 takes us right to 2030
the magic year for agenda 2030's goals to be achieved
Are you kidding?
The hole in the ozone is directly over oz
its about crippling western nations, they don't really give a fuck about the climate or they'd be demanding pressure to be put on China / India. This alone is enough to prove its all a giant scam and the protesters need to be tried as foreign spies.
Watch this video. Im not saying to follow the organization that made the video. Just listen to their opinion on the matter and maybe adjust yours accordingly.
I wish the global warming alarmists would actually use their activism for real environmental issues like overfishing and real pollution
but they're too far gone
they are the new zealots
>he fell for the ozone hole meme
sub 60 IQ brainlet nigger detected
I will personally pay someone $500 to hang a Giant Honkler banner next to them.
Keep driving. Alternatively, sound your horn without stopping. They'll become extremely annoyed.
coal is still safer and cheaper
maybe newer reactor designs are safer, but still needs further R&D
if there were nuclear reactors everywhere and they were maintained as poorly as other infrastructure, then that body count would be much higher and many places may be uninhabitable for hundreds of years
If you studied physics in high school to the level where you understand the significance of E=mc^2 then you should understand why nuclear energy has the smallest impact on the world.
Nothing else comes anywhere near matching the energy density of nuclear.
the ozone hole has recovered mostly
also it was actually caused by atmospheric nuclear testing, which is why they banned that
CFCs contribute but werent the main cause
We need a source of energy that literally warps space time, in order to heat up some water into steam to move a turbine.
I work with multivariate modeling. I don't consider energy density alone to be sufficient. Again, I'm not arguing against nuclear.
They bury this every fucking time i post it. Its the ultimate refutation of everything the liberal espouses.
Mass migration/overpopulation is the only fucking issue.
I love this. Can can we combine it with a sharpshooter contest next time.
Yeah mine mouth coal is pretty hard to beat.
I don't have a problem with coal just like I don't have a problem with nuclear. I just want reliable electricity at the lowest price possible.
It's amusing to see everyone in the renewables industry in Australia now running around like headless chickens because big projects are running into trouble over the wishful thinking in the electrical engineering assumptions that underpin their financial models. (Transmission loss factors).
I wonder if Sportsbet is taking bets on when the renewables lobby starts calling for the government to pour billions of dollars into upgrading the transmission network to prop up their already subsidised projects?
Its the root of everything they complain about but they just blame it on whitey.
>you should understand why nuclear energy has the smallest impact on the world
what are you, retarded? Chernobyl rendered an area the size of New England uninhabitable for generations.
if you honestly think that energy density is one and the same as environmental impact you are 100% larping about having any kind of STEM job.
they just don't hire people that stupid.
Do we get to toss 6 billions people into wood chippers yet? cause you ain't fixing shit with (((solar panels))) and (((recycling))). If you climate faggots would just embrace the final solution to the CO2 problem we can get on with the killing.
Whose birthrates have fallen under replacement while third world shit for brains shoots up.
I think an electric vehicle future is inevitable, so it makes sense to switch to nuclear when it's safe to do so
thorium pebble bed reactors could be great if they work as advertised, and they can get rid of a lot of existing nuclear waste as well
but there's still people who say they're not as safe as claimed
regardless, it does not make sense for australia to cripple its economy to make globalists happy
>Do we get to toss 6 billions people into wood chippers yet?
why do you think your job is being replaced with robots and your town is being flooded with opiates, Cletus?
Ozone and Freon® Fraud
Freon® was developed and patented by the DuPont Company. Ironically, the DuPont patents on Freon® ran out at about the same time the government decrees to ban the use of Freon® were issued. The leading replacement substances for Freon® were also developed by DuPont. The Freon® (HCFC) substances are far more costly and far more complex, to the extent that DuPont stands to make untold billions of dollars on the change out of this substance, and consumers will have an inferior product. Further, the DuPont substitutes have no supporting data to prove they meet environmental needs.
It's for the environment and the children.
build in space, plenty of room for everyone
turn the universe into a garden
>not realizing that norway, russia and other countries have spent billions of dollars on HAARP arrays to do exactly what the Alaskan HAARP array accomplished in the 70’s
You sir, are the nigger
Because white liberals understand that the biggest threat to their existence is not the browns who want to kill them, but the weather.
Boomers wont get their retirement without increasing the tax base 3 fold. I'm expecting the pension companies to have underestimated the number of boomers to live till retirement and go bankrupt or need a (((bailout))). So they need to import more brainless consumers.
I forget the guy's name, but there's a guy in the US who has a novel wind design that he believes could easily power, say, something the size of a farm (where there's enough constant wind, of course) such that it could be run predominantly with electric vehicles.
Not sure if he's factoring tractors in to that, but it'll be interesting to see if he can get enough takers to try proof of concept.
prob cause theyre down wind from china
lifting 6 billion people into space is gonna be expensive, anybody that has ever read Sci-Fi knows the earth dies from overpopulation. and only the elite escape in colony ships.
Install an exhaust that puts out clouds of black smoke
You retire when you die. Thats been the way for ages. Work smarter not harder. Mideval serfs had more off time than people nowadays.
Because you've all been huffing paint now you think the whole world is like this.
You're carrying third worlders and they dont do shit for you.
needs a based chink on his way to work to get fed up and go push em off
The US is downwind from china. Even the prevailing ocean currents mainly carry chinese waste toward the US.
Man it's been awhile since I've seen a quality leaf shitpost. Everything else is Trudeaushilling.
90% of ocean plastic comes from niggers and ching-chong chinamen. And poos. Probably about the same for air pollution. But criticizin they birf rates be racis an sheeit mang
Climate change isn't a byproduct of mens action
Prove me wrong with models, ouch they can't even predict what happened already
You live in an overcrowded dump. Theres your proof.
have a sniper pick them off
should be easy targets
i like how you think
The third world should be living in the stone age. Fuck all you bleeding hearts. And you greedy bastards. Im looking at you china.
Do it for the Climate kiwi niggers
wing generators?
solar improvements can help too
but above all is a battery breakthrough
and stuff like this will shut up all the co2 babies
Playing gods gonna get everyone killed.
Life isnt fucking sims city.
>Why does Australia which contributes 0.08% of the worlds emissions need to take a stand pol?
we don't, but interest groups who fund these publicity stunts want a carbon tax and carbon trading schemes.
got to keep finding new ways to milk those dollars out of wealthy nations.
Yeah, I'm not sure what he has in mind for batteries. I haven't really looked into it in detail because it's been in the works for years and he's still a little cagey about putting together what need needs to start manufacturing prototypes at a viable cost. I just thought it was an interesting take on how, in certain situations, electric vehicles could be more likely than you think.
could battery refrigerators that work with existing home solar power be a thing?. those cunts run 24/7. With a decently efficient fridge and big enough battery, couldn't one almost get 24 hours out of it off the grid, sunshine permitting?
I think an electric vehicle future is very close
they're simply more efficient and the vehicles are much simpler, just compare the innards of a tesla to a regular car
battery tech is currently the bottleneck which will be solved within a decade, there's a lot of promising technology on the horizon
most countries are going to start banning the production of fossil fuel vehicles by 2030 and 2040 anyway
people said this in roman times as well
I don't think electric vehicles are a universal solution any more than I think wind would be viable everywhere. That will probably change more as technology advances, but it's hard to beat ICE at one thing without giving up another.
For instance, maybe hemp + diesel or some crazy bacteria thing or wood gas will turn out to be highly desirable for certain use cases.
more retarded then this?
yeah, some people have gone totally off the grid with regular solar and car batteries, but it costs a fortune for the panels and setting it up, and who knows how long the panels will actually last
just look at your electric bill and see how much you consume
as solar tech improves, then it could actually be a viable option for mass adoption
im not opposed to solar, just other forms of energy are cheaper right now
if you make an underground cellar, you can make an efficient coldroom which doesn't need as much power to keep cool
you are right
I dont think the army will switch to electric tanks anytime soon
and splitting water to burn hydrogen gas is still viable
the neat thing about electric is in theory, you could even generate it at home with solar, wind, biogas even if it takes a while
no more depending on saudis halfway around the world, you could keep spare batteries
Scott's big thing has been "FUCK CHINA" so he should declare a climate emergency and blame it all on china to spite leftist shitheads
For a fixed installation where weight and size aren't a big concern, old fashioned Nickel-Iron batteries could go a long way. The pretty much don't wear out no matter how you cycle them. Apparently it's not easy to get them manufactured these days, but that could change if it starts to look more profitable.
I've even heard of people with solar setups complain about having to stay tied in to the grid because they still have to pay for the fees and taxes despite actually putting energy into the grid when they could be just storing it and going off-grid for less.