This man has done more for the cause of Jow Forums than anyone else.
What are you doing to defend him?
This man has done more for the cause of Jow Forums than anyone else.
What are you doing to defend him?
Other urls found in this thread:
Fuck this Kike
God Hates Fags. Do with this information as you wish.
Did you post the wrong picture or are you a faggot OP?
lol no sweetie
He already admitted defeat. Why defend some loser cunt?
the only talking point he shares with Jow Forums is that he's against abortion and that's it
I thinking he's growing all the time, less smug more humble.
He’s one of our best leaders I stand behind him I listen to his podcast frequently.
>ben shapiro
>This man has done more for the cause of Jow Forums than anyone else.
ask me how i know op is a huge pro israel faggot
Once a whore for political people you are nothing more than a cocksucker seeking to gain power. Male and female get exposed
Lol he's a Jew he's expendable
time for a roll...
fuck this kike he’s a pathetic manlet too
kike shapiro trying to get ahead of the third option and redirect into the hands of (((free market))) pro-israel pro-war cuckservatism
oven for him
WTF is a raction
He did whatever he could at every stage of the game to try to stop Trump from getting elected.
WTF is a raction?
epic d. Ubs
Respect the little jewish man pol! And don't forget to love Israel.
Dual citizens can't be trusted.
What cause? Zionism? Greater Israel?
Jow Forums is a pro-Israel board. Antisemites go back to plebbit
if you are going to make a post like this, you should state what "the cause of Jow Forums" is.
He's obviously another Jewish trick. I don't want him.
kys faggit leaf
>the cause
of zionism.
The #1 target of the alt-right in 2016
The cause of Jow Forums is to get screen shots for the next ADL fundraising letter.
There is no such thing like a "good" jew, you are a shill just like that cuck Trump that allow a kike Kushner to cum over and over into his own daughter pussy.
Absolutely nothing, he dug his own hole, he can climb out.
Jow Forums is not responsible for his spurg fest, so whichever side of the love/hate line a Jow Forumsack/ falls on, no one is kvetching or laughing that hard.
True. He's brought many people on the left/right together. We've stopped hating each other, and started hating him and his tribe. Of course we have our own opinions on this issue or that issue, and we can have spirited debate on these topics, but we will never have the government we deserve until we've routed out every last subversive and put them in ovens.
As much as I dislike him, there are no enemies to the right. The only people that get to pick on Ben are people further to the right of him; if the left attacks him, we defend him.
Stop listening to the jew. You've not the brains to not be a useful idiot.
Do you think his balls dropped yet?
Dreaming of dead Jews.
He's a neoliberal that wants to flood your country with non-whites, outsource all your jobs overseas, and ruin the country with debt. There's nothing to defend in anything he says or does.