So I lurk through here somewhat often, and I see a mix of MAGA supporters and those who hate niggers and jews. How many of you would vote for Trump in 2020?
So I lurk through here somewhat often, and I see a mix of MAGA supporters and those who hate niggers and jews...
Voting tulsi or yang
This is a Ttump board you fuck.
At present, I see no reason not to vote for him again.
yang gang
There's no point in voting for him again, he hasn't done shit but make Israel great again
kys meme flag kike
Biden was part of the Obama administration which famously gave Israel a snub in a UN resolution. If I'm going to vote for red jew or blue jew it's going to be for the one with a better track revord on putting America first.
This but if they don't make it I'm going Trump.
kill yourselves shills.
Shut up nigger, fuck you and your meme flag. MIGA
You're a left wing shill. Anyone toting the "Trump sold out to Israel" or "Trump can't get anything done" is a shill, or someone so fucking stupid that they aren't worth talking to.
only faggots and niggers wont vote for trump
are you going to deny the fact that Trump has helped Isreal more than he helped America?
what do you mean? did he prevent hillary clinton from being elected in israel too?
Shills are shills
Nobody in the Democrat party will do anything but lie and betray the country.
Trump for 2020. 4 years and we'll go even further. Tucker, if he mans up.
No I meant that he is allowing an attack force near Iran and missle striked Syria.
The only thing accelerationists will accelerate is our own demise. They might as well be traitors. Trump has been a let down but I will still vote for him just because he drives the left into such a frenzy that it drives normies away from them.
oh you meant that you're a fucking faggot, gotcha. go kill yourself.
150%. T!
Did he lower taxes in Israel? did he tighten border security in Israel? did he renegotiate trade deals in Israel? no, the US gave them some money thanks to a bill which had been created under obama.
Spamming shitty, jewish, unsourced screenshots isn't an argument and proves nothing. Only shills who don't want Trump to be elected push that false narrative. are you being paid, or do you do it for free? you're such a fucking kike it is astounding.
you're just an anti-trump shill spamming unsourced screenshots. you're such a fucking kike. i guarantee you are left wing. only leftists don't want him elected again, far right people will take him any day over some anti-white socialist demorat.
Show your flag shlomo, and then maybe your opinion will have value.
I want it to be God Emperor of Mankind vs. the Yang Gang. It will be the greatest meme war of all time.
yang won't win a single state in the primary though, sorry kid.
Trump makers news fun, and makes ww3 approach, I don't really care about politics, but I think having a master troll leading the US is fun
"immigrants enrich our nation"
"i want the largest number of immigrants but they have to come in legally"
show flag shlomo
>literally no argument
fucking kill yourself leftist shill.
CNN-tier talking points. nice. even if what you are saying is true, it is still far preferable to the psychotic democrats, who want to open the borders
yuo're so clearly a shill, actual people on the far right want trump to win over the democrats. kill yourself leftist.
the video right there confirms trump wants more shitskins in our country, and you go:
> it is still far preferable to the psychotic democrats
you a faggot conservacuck LARPing a fascist or a shill, show your flag or we have nothing more to discuss.
This. Or Ross Perot! Wallbanger!?, ventriloquist, golfer, leprechaun?!,
Couldnt help myself. Savage Nation!
Voted for myself in 2016, will be voting MAGA in 2020
I was so bummed when my local talker kicked him off the air. It was usually a at least solid entertainment if nothing better was at hand.
Fuck off shill memeflag FAGGOT
Illegal Immigration is worse now than under Obama retard. What about the border?
>if you hate immigrants you should vote for the democrats who want open borders
brilliant, kill yourself
who is saying to vote democrat? all we are saying is that Trump does not have the interest of whites in mind
more illegals under trump than all 8 years of Obama
If the democrats didn't block him in every step for the soul fact of them still being butt hurt about grabbed pussies, this country would be so fucking different my dude
>confirms trump wants more shitskins in our countr
Irrelevant and not even provable. He is better than the democrats, since they don't even want borders and are openly anti-white. you're a fucking moron who has fallen for leftist shilling or you're a shill. kill yourself retard, if you honestly believe the democrats would be preferable to trump.
oh so Trum has opened the borders? fucking prove it then, otherwise you are full of shit.
they all want to get across before the wall goes up, and they are incentivised by leftist NGOs run and funded by jews. you think Trump hasn't been tightening border security you're a total fucking retard who has fallen for left wing shilling.
>and they are incentivised by leftist NGOs run and funded by jews.
Why didn't they do it under Obama? What were they waiting for? For retards like you to 'Trust the Plan'?
I don't see how questioning Trump's favoritism to Israel over Muslims is some how supposed to stop me from supporting him. You make your criticisms no matter how invalid they may be but that won't deter the loyalists. I won't budge no matter what you blackpilling retards say or do. You can keep talking about the 38 billion in aid and I will keep reminding you I wish it were 100 billion so as long as the palestinians get wiped out and Iran falls.
They needed the voter base in response to the crashing DNC. Please tell me you're only pretending to be ignorant.
Where does he drive the normies? If the normies are being pushed anywhere by Trump it's into the hands of his neocon buddies, or if they go online they'll only be able to find right wing commentators like Ben Shapiro. Trump hasn't even defended the 1st amendment
Except Spics and Minorities loved Hillary, they hated Bernie.
That's what Bush 2004 voters said, then they got Obama 4 years later.
Trump has constantly shot himself in the foot without opposition from Democrats, Mexico will not pay for a wall, funding for Jews in Isreal have increased, he attacks targets in the middle east that have no significance to us.
>>confirms trump wants more shitskins in our countr
>Irrelevant and not even provable
he says it RIGHT fucking there in the video, how the fuck is it "irrelevant"? more shitskins entering mean more shitskin children.
>you honestly believe the democrats would be preferable to trump.
never once did I propose having a democrat into office, all these candidates are straight up commies or jew lovers.
fucking idiot meme flaggot
>You can keep talking about the 38 billion in aid and I will keep reminding you I wish it were 100 billion so as long as the palestinians get wiped out and Iran falls
You're being nonsensical and obviously have not been paying attention to internal DNC strategy that has been known since the election.
Can you think of another reason why now with your 1.5 brain cells or is that asking to much from your political prowess?
DNC wasn't crashing because minorities that cared about immigration turned on them retard, it was white Bernie voters.
I am opposed to the open borders welfare state, and will vote for the candidate who most closely supports the opposite of that, so obviously I won't be voting for any democrats. Trump is the best of the bunch, but he's not perfect either.
The only DNC strategy was to focus on Russia to get those uppity white Bernie voters in line, they already had the minorities.
So you're not aware of the internal strategy that has been public since around the elections. And you couldn't come up with another reason. I see there's no need to pay attention to your worthless agitation.
either Zumpf or ill probably just write in "Israel"
There was no fucking strategy like that retard, they already had spics and niggers in their pocket.
So I lurk through here somewhat often, and I see a mix of MAGA supporters and those who hate niggers and jews. How many of you would vote for Trump in 2020?
Mission accomplished:
How do we get the mah Jews and real racist to hate trump when MSM cast them in the same light?
Say some polight things about Israel and ordinary Jews in public. But behind the scenes Trump is taking the (((NWO))) (((THE JEWS) (((Jewish Mafia))) (((Global Bankers))) (((Builderburg))) what ever you want to call them that rules over all of us. They start wars for profit, they poison food and medicine. They even sacrifice children, and harvest body parts.
Muh Qanon, muh Deep State, muh Chess
*Forgot >
False on all three assertions, and still lacking in any evident ability to think beyond your programming.
Show Proof beyond Qanon retard.
I voted for Trump in 2016, but in 2020 I'm voting for Beto if he gets the nomination.
I made mention of none of those things.
I don't like Trump at all. But the left has gone totally off the rails.
>open borders
>anti white everything
>sjw pandering
>anti-2nd amendment
>pro socialism
I am voting Trump in 2020 over any of the current possible Dem candidates.
He has earned thae second term, despite the worst swamp reactions in history. They afraid of Trump unchained.
Only you have mentioned Q. I don't follow that stuff.
That's who your sources are, with your conspiracy theories.
Let’s see if it’s true. Time will tell
Baseless and false. You've completely lost your narrative, as well.
Again, what 'internal DNC' document are you talking about? The same one that talks about the gay frogs?
>Why didn't they do it under Obama?
because globalists loved obama and hate trump, plus they need millions more illegals now that the country is turning more right wing you stupid fuck. soros dumped 80 billion into his open society foundation after trump was elected. god you are fucking dumb, no wonder you fell for all the anti-trump leftist false flagging.
>how the fuck is it "irrelevant"?
because democrats literally dont want borders and want socialist, you absolute retard. and do you honestly believe everything trump says? you are really fucking stupid
>never once did I propose having a democrat into office
good, then you need to support trump and stop shilling like a fucking leftist kike.
Voting for Richard Spencer. A real anti-Jew Aryan in 2020.
>gay frogs
I found the documents :)
Atrazine, one of the world’s most widely used pesticides, wreaks havoc with the sex lives of adult male frogs, emasculating three-quarters of them and turning one in 10 into females, according to a new study by University of California, Berkeley, biologists.
I wasn't aware of one that tackles the gay frog problem. With this in-depth knowledge, you surely would have seen the memo. You don't need for me to dig out the proofs.
I don't know why you would need them anyway, since the strategy is blatant and long-standing. But I understand that your mental handicap doesn't allow you to veer off script.
Then why doesn't Trump do anything about it? He failed as a leader. All you're doing is justifying failure.
yet Obama still had less illegal immigration when they were in power
>Voting for a kike bringing us closer and close to war with Iran
So this was posted last year. user thought it was for 2018. But looks like it was year ahead. Not too hard to make the prediction and what is currently happening and draw your own conclusions.
Have a nice day
>Qanon/'Trust the Plan' shit
As I predicted from the first response.
Trump can't singlehandedly just stop immigration. Why do retards vlame everything on the presideny when congress usually is to blame. It is all thw traitorous republicans who did jack shit while they controlled both houses in congress that are to blame for immigration. They could have passed a bill that secured funding for the wall on the first day Trump was in office if they wanted to.
>Obama still had less illegal immigration when they were in power
Obama didn’t have George Soros and his minions creating the “ caravan”
>The same one that talks about the gay frogs?
yuo're so obvioulsy a leftist shill
do anything about what? he's doing loads of stuff. hes been tightening border security, and trying hard to build the wall, but the fucking demorats and neocons totally obstruct him. stop falling for leftist shilling.
speculation. he hasn't started any wars and doesn't look like he will. trump is by far preferable to the democrats. you've been brainwashed if you think otherwise.
Nobody's talking about Obama. You're so uselessly incoherent. You obviously have no grasp of the replacement migration program and probably don't even know about how the 2010 census plays into it.
I never said trust the plan. I said let see what happens this year and draw your own conclusions.
*implemented a tax plan that gave handouts to the rich while doing nearly nothing for middle and lower classes. Trickle down economics is thoroughly debunked so it's just handouts for himself and his elite friends.
*doesn't understand foreign trade and relations. Economists are baffled by his tariffs on China.
*won't build a wall. Engineers say it's an absurd idea
*he campaigned on the claim of being a great business man, but the evidence clearly shows he's a huge failure as a business man
*he's borderline retarded, If you can't tell
i'm convinced they are shills. no way they are this stupid and uninformed.
>Trump can't singlehandedly just stop immigration.
This just happend TODAY
>Patrick Shanahan: President Trump gave 'direct legal order' for military to secure border
Except a president literally did that 60 years ago:
"Operation Wetback"
Nazi German word for National Socialist (Nationalsozialist) It means a member or adherent of the National Socialist German Workers' Party (Nationalsozialistische Deutsche often abbreviated NSDAP). In English Nazi is also used as an adjective.
It's a contraction consisting of the first two syllables of the German word for National Socialist (NA)tionalso(ZI)alist NAZI
No, I'm calling out the Qanon retards. Good thing he stuffed his cabinet with neocons, right?
>replacement migration program
And all your favorite cucks like 'Based Lindsey Graham' openly advocate for that program.
>*implemented a tax plan that gave handouts to the rich while doing nearly nothing for middle and lower classes
not true. he eliminated small business taxes and middle class people save thousands on their taxes. this is a leftist talking point not based in reality.
>Trickle down economics is thoroughly debunked so it's just handouts for himself and his elite friends.
No it isn't, you're a fucking retard if you think this.
>*doesn't understand foreign trade and relations. Economists are baffled by his tariffs on China.
Total bullshit. he is far better than obama in this, and e is crushing the chinks in the trade war.
>*won't build a wall. Engineers say it's an absurd idea
Wrong again, he is being obstructed. the demorats and neocons really really dont want that fucking wall, congress is actively working against him. you're an idiot.
>*he campaigned on the claim of being a great business man, but the evidence clearly shows he's a huge failure as a business man
Nope, he's a billionaire. What evidence are you refering to? all evidence suggests that he is rich and powerful
>*he's borderline retarded, If you can't tell
That's why he keeps outmaneuvering the democrats and has brought about peace talks in north korea right?
fuck off you incoherent left wing fucking moron
I wouldn't agree with that analysis, but failure to deliver on all the campaign promises is to be expected, and is not entirely to do with any one person. In the end, it doesn't as yet amount to a reason why not to see what might be done with another 4 years.
Trump “stuffed” his cabinets with obama left overs. How that turned out? Their crimes exposed to the public.
bernie is a cucked jew sellout and worse than Trump on literally every issue. the fact that you still support this losers tell me how pathetic you are.
kill yourself disingenuous faggot. congress is doing everything in their power to obstruct trump on pretty much everything except helping israel.
I've always had a very strong dislike for Graham. He made a good show during the Kavanaugh hearings, but that's almost about it. You really have problems with delusion.
>I'm calling out the Qanon retards
there are none, yuo're creating strawmen to avoid legit arguments.
also, yuo're so fucking new you don't even know how to greentext. kill yourself leftist shill.