unironically my queen in 2020
Unironically my queen in 2020
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so, da bitch has a dragon and is gonna flame us?
Same. Tulsi gang
She nice.
Tulsi will be Dem candidate 2020. DNC and Establishment dems will be BARRed off.
>women in politics
you have to go back
She’s a gun grabber. Send her packing.
>army brat
tough sell, i'm gonna go with a big "no".
she had me until universal healthcare
She’s like 10% Hawaiian. I hate to say it but Sargon was right, purity spiral is inevitable.
>having a queen
>or a mommy
You fucking bitch.
Never voting for a woman. Never voting for a Democrat.
DNC hates Tulsi. She will not be the candidate. She told them to go fuck themselves when she stepped down when they bernied Bernie.
She's gonna be the candidate because you don't realize the DOJ is about to indict sooooooooo many people and most of her opposition
Wish it was live
Lol no they aren’t. Doj won’t do shit
voting doesnt mean shit. thats why if i even remember to vote, and i manage to find energy to go vote, im writing in pat little
Sure thing shlomo. KEK!!!!!!
>unironically my queen in 2020
Jews won't let her win like Ron Paul
Bernie/Gabbard would be perfect imo
She's not gonna be the candidate, and you're a moron who falls for "happening" posts by other morons.
IF Barr's investigation finds anything, it will be after the elections.
But you keep being a moron. It's more entertaining than the "happenings" posted here.
PS - America is not electing a Hindi president. Sorry. Learn to cope.
Comparing her to Ron Paul should be a bannable offense.
She's a literal dumb bitch. Listen to her talk
I'd vote for her. No shit. No lie. I like her better than anyone...probably why she'll never have a chance over the pedo, the 1/2 nigger, the fake mexican, or the faggot
Whats dumb about it
Ron Paul endorsed tulsi
Peter buttgag will prob win
She would be Ron Paul’s choice
>Libertarian's choice is the gun grabbing, pro illegal immigration, pro DACA kids getting citizenship democrat female poopskin
civ nats can fuck off
She's a proponent of gun control.
Gun rights are a majority white issue.
Ergo all supporters of her on this board are probably not white.
I was born and raised on islands, and she reminds me of a lot of the women I saw as a kid like teachers, secretaries, etc. Interesting how geography gives someone such a vibe or appearance.
Get lost you selfish boomer.
We need to meme her into office.
It's a bigger wreck to the liberals than reelecting trump.
Jow Forums socially engineering trumps victory is one thing, but to do that to the libshits would a hysterical exercise of meme magic.
Also the sheer butthurt over liberals attacking her.
Make our queen please reddit
Ron Paul said it himself retard.
>shilling for a brown democrat female cult member
She wants to stop all of Israels wars. Israel would fight her so hard they would expose themselves as the enemy of the US. Her becoming president or VP would be a huge step to breaking ZOG control.
Nobody cares about Ron Paul anymore. His opinion is about as relevant as Amy Schumer's pick for president.
Israel will do anything to stop her. Tulsi makes them cry as they strike you
Dumbass zoomer Ron Paul is a big reason this board is the way it is today
>voting for a non-white democrat woman
I'm not voting for that lying pussy Bernie
>You fucking bitch.
Nigga were you born from a rock like Mithra? Everyone has a mother and they arent all cunts like yours.
Jow Forums zoomer cuckolds will suck the dick of anyone in the hopes that someday they'll call out the jews, even if it means endorsing gun control, feminist government, open borders x1000 worse than anyone could imagine
lmao retards were literally shilling for that muslim nigress a couple days ago because she said israel is doing bad things to palestine
>shilling for a brown democrat female cult member
>cult memebr
How is this any different from all the other cultists who are appointed by the Cabal you fucking idiot? Making this a wave will cause ripples of discontent that is vital for the overthrow and replacement of the current order with the new one. None of the Old shall survive, they shall all be tried and burnt even in innocence as the price of their actions are eternally damanable.
>Vote for brown leftists, goy
>Listen to her talk
They're talking for over 2 hours; care to post an example?
Joe's a fkn retard, you can't count on him to ask anything of substance.
but crpyto kikes are ok
fuck off have sex
trump did more for gun control than obama
Joe is asking good questions
She's White & Tongan.
Who's that guy interviewing her? Seems like a fag?
He’s made of dmt