What is going on with liberal cities??

Hannity just did a story on all of the homelessness and drugs in liberal cities. Why don't they try something else because whatever they are doing isn't working and it's causing liberals to leave and start the same problem over again in another area.

Attached: liberal cities.jpg (678x379, 85K)

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Why does Hannity live in a liberal city if he hates them so much?

"Liberal cities"

A meme.

Exactly. California for example is not liberal. It's mostly conservative and libertarian and there's quite plenty of Republicans, and nearly all of the wealthy people there are Republicans.

That's where Fox is located.

>California for example is not liberal

please stop listening to hannity

Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer.

Attached: clownburn.jpg (1024x917, 83K)

>double think intensifies

>Exactly. California for example is not liberal. It's mostly conservative and libertarian and there's quite plenty of Republicans, and nearly all of the wealthy people there are Republicans.
Wyoming is not conservative. It's mostly liberal and libertarian and there's quite plenty of Democrats, and nearly all of the wealthy people there are Democrats.

Attached: 2qmyau[1].jpg (326x294, 18K)

America is becoming third world.

Attached: 1535173992338.webm (1280x720, 732K)