I got a DNA test. I’m 2/3 ashkenazi and 1/3 western european.
Most of my ancestors are converted Europeans. I do not look like a semite from the desert.
I look white. I speak a white language. Therefore I am white.
I got a DNA test. I’m 2/3 ashkenazi and 1/3 western european.
Most of my ancestors are converted Europeans. I do not look like a semite from the desert.
I look white. I speak a white language. Therefore I am white.
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heebs leave
>2/3 ashkenazi
aka 2/3 South Italian. Time for some pasta and provolone.
you have to be a man before you can be white.
Jews fail in both areas. Forever.
This is a regularly distressing occurrence with those tests, one of my friends recently found that out.
Hates niggers, but's he's still supposed to be a jew according to that test. Dude's like 400 pounds so he's kind of a genetic waste in any case.
You could immigrate to Israel.
Look into it.
if you care for the white race, then kys
>Converted Europeans
pic related, right?
user, come this way. You need to take a shower.
Honestly, if you take away Judaism/Talmud, most racial Jews could be reformed.
Disgusting. Kys.
there religoun is more fucked up than there race , but most of them jew is the race itself
You could be an honary Aryan if you want.
you needed a DNA test to find out?
Into the oven with you
you turkroach larper
You are not White
If you got Iraqi Jew or Sephardic you could still be White as Jews are fond of handing out those scores to people liie Cypriots. There is even a theory that Sephads originate with expelled Cypriot Jews. But Ashkenazi Dna is what we will use to round up and execute the entire tribe when the tables are turned so your shit out of luck. If you do not have Ashkenazi matches then it is another thing. Do you pass the Diamond Pickholtz test for Jewishness on Gedmatch? Show us your Eurogenes J test result. Jews do hate niggers as Semites evolved xenophobia while Whites were geographic based peoples. You could try becoming an Israel Shamir type and hope we will make an exception with you...best thing is take a lot of Jews or Niggers to oblivion with you and have no kids and let the evil seed end with you.
don't worry about it.
it's what's on the inside that counts.
Best test for Ashkenazi Jewishness. Nothing like this exists for Sephardic ancestry. Interesting about Mizrahi Jews is some cluster close to Assyrians and might indeed be converts and maybe could be induced to leave Judaism if Goy cultures were not all imploding. Hard also to get many Muslims such as Greek Muslims to leave Islam as Western identity offers men nothing but burdens.
>my fellow white people
no your not.
Looking at a lot of Whites such as those who collaborate with Zionist Occupation States and women who believe the shit put out by the media one has to ask oneself if these people are worse than many Jews. But if all Ashkenazis dropped dead I could bear the loss. The Whites will need a radical purge also.
They say Torquemada who saved Spain had Jewish ancestry. But Sephardic ancestry seems to be less toxic than Ashkenazi.
Bobby Fischer thought he was half-Jewish but he clearly was fully Ashkenazi. Hungarian Jews were rhe smartest ones but also psychos like John Von Neumann. You could use your Jewish blood as a shield against liberals and go denounce Judaism like Fisher. Npcs get cognitive dissonance if a worshipped xeno shits on their beliefs. Look at success of Dieudonne in France.
Another Jewish counter-Jew.
Gr8 b8, m8. I r8 8/8.
>Therefore I am white.
so do or do not put that on your tombstone?
Lucky, I wish I could join the Jews.
Jewish Dna is subject of controversy. We need more Genome bloggers fighting back against Jews who own all the companies.
How people identify is also important. Millions of Whites raised up under a Jewish occupation regime hardly identify with their ancestors. Western women tend to be sacks of shit for example.
Whites are defined by the One Drop Rule. Jews, Turks and Arabs are defined by taint bases inclusion.
Jews are assimilating Slavs and whoever they can in Israel. Ashkenazis have such deep inbreeding they can absorb a lot and still end with people who match all the other Ashkenazis on the Dna test.
>Assuming modern kike = ancient kikes
being a kike nowadays is dependent on the way your raised unironically
"Taint based inclusion". For example most Turks have only a few % Mongoloid or Central Asian.
But are forevrr lost to any neo-Byzantine project.
Donme Jew Ataturk came up with a Mutt identity for that region which empowered Zionism.
if you're not actually jewish then yeah you're white
Mizrahi(Iraqis,Egyptians and the rest) don't cluster with the Assyrians its literally faked for legitimacy, scholomo can literally call the DNA company and tell them to change his results and fake it.
only christian Assyrian cluster with Assyria
Most Npc Whites are nearly as bad as Jews themselves. These identities have converged. Russia is full of Jews also. Jews everywhere in government jobs there. Zhiranovsky is an example. Cultural Jewishness is a major thing to deflat and you can use your biological status to attack it as Npcs will be disarmed.
For sure we need independent studies on Mizrahis and Assyrians but those Mizrahis who speak Assyrian might simply be unadmixed converts? I have yet to compare Iraqi Jewish haplogroups with Assyrians. Adiabene converted to Judaism under Queen Helena. What Jews are today is also a lot about various castes of Whites who feel empowered by Jewish supremacism. A dual phenomenon. Jews became a totem to various groups in same way niggers are a totem to the evil in certain white females.
Ashkenazi's aren't a real race. It's like claiming the Welsh are a different race from the English or French, it's nonsense.
no you aren't
Oriental Christians of the Aramean faction spend more time fighting Assyrians than anything else.
put 2/3 of yourself in the oven, then you'll be white.
Ashkenazis score like nobody else on Gedmatch and have deep deep inbreeding. They are a different kind of race. One drop of Ashkenazi and one still matches the entire tribe. Also there is much discussion about their origins. We need more genome bloggers. Elan Elhaik says one thing and othrr people another.
What a full Jew scores on Eurogenes J test. Tits or gtfo.
The absolute state of amerimutt dénial
Absolutely not.
The biggest nation destroying kikes in existence are not religious at all
who cares dudes
a jew is a subverter. if youre not a subverter, youre not a jew.
genes of non scum jews will slowly assimilate and disappear
>I’m 2/3 ashkenazi and 1/3 western european.
that's ok
so what if you were 100% jewish. No prob.
Jews are basically white anyway. No need to make a strict distinction
If Jews want to identify as White they have to attack those Jews who attack Whiteness and go to war with most of their tribe. White face basically same problem as Npcs identify with Jewish supremacy. And are a kind of Jew culturally.
The main issue is how to take key levels of power from Jews and from the Goy collabo establishment. How to take down the Jewish empire before it crashes the West over racial envy against Whites.
Kys heeb. Your kind aren't welcome here
>I do not look like a semite from the desert.
Said the kike to himself
>75% kike
>I look white.
Boomers, GTFO
It's weird jew
Ashkenazi are east Europeans. Round about Poland area.
>1 post by this id
>no nose picture
>one of my friends
>genetic waste
Are you sure he's not your only "friend" ?
>I got a DNA test. I’m 2/3 ashkenazi and 1/3 western european.
>Most of my ancestors are converted Europeans. I do not look like a semite from the desert.
>I look white. I speak a white language. Therefore I am white.
You’re just a faggot.
if you are a born again Christian, you are okay by me.
Ashkenazi are not Italian they're turk slav germ mutts
> i am a nigger
> but i don't speak nigger
> therefore i am not a nigger
hrm. sorry senpai. you 1/3 caucasian, and 2/3 desert rat
like. how do you get 3rds? wait.
no power of 2 is divisible by 3
so you have inbreeding and shit? still that wouldn't be true
you can't have 3rds nigger
that's not right
that means...
you mad?
Dirty kike
i read an article that said around 80% of ashkenazis maternal haplogroups are european fitting closest to those of italians while their paternal haplogroups were mostly levantine.
ok Abraham
wow so you're a kike and a mutt.
congratulations subhuman filth.
there is no such thing as Ashkenazi DNA