Andrew Yang is the anti-boomer hero we need

Andrew Yang is the anti-boomer hero we need.

Fock boomers, fuck Bernie, fuck trump, fuck Biden

Heil Yang, Heil Hitler

Glory to the White Race. Secure the bag and get fukkin paid.


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Other urls found in this thread:

>Andrew yang isn't a boomer
>Free shit and welfare for niggers
Gonna have to decide shill, you can't have both!

Trump just wants to take the bag....

Lol, UBI is a resource transfer from whites to minorities, even that chink said so. But whatever, we all know his Jow Forumsmerican supporters are sub-16 teenagers mad at their parents.

>Andrew Yang


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stop acting like this democrat candidate shilling is coming from Jow Forums

checked, brother. the yang reich is coming and those fucking kikes and niggers will get what's coming to them. yang 1488/2020

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He's Generation X you absolute retard.
It's literally putting money in the hands of Whites FOR FUCKING ONCE. But no, I am sure you want it to go to Israel.
You're old and fat

>money goes into the hands of whites
>kikes and niggers go into their graves
love it

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FUKKKIN CHECKED, BROTHER!! Stock up on dumpsters now, we're gonna need em when the yangbux kick in and we start killing niggers.

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>use your yangbux to start the race war
>spends it all on steam and bitcoins for kiddie porn
sasuga the last sons of the west

1000$ a month covers my tuition and most of my living expenses in the Netherlands. Is Yang giving the funbucks to US citizens that are overseas also?

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Nonwhites are already getting free shit and we are paying for it, dumbasses. Yang would be making sure we get shit also, and this replaces welfare, it doesn’t layer on top of it.

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Can't wait to dab on dead niggers and kikes, that shit's gonna be sweet.

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Whites are already giving welfare to non whites. He's making it equal for whites as well. #MATH

that fat kike drumpf and his jew-jew cum dispener kushner are just going to send it to israel MIGA!

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You cant' convince the boomers, they enjoy giving money to israel and shit skins

MATH: what's 13/50?

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Secure the muthafukin bag

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money will go to everyone retard, swallow more of your id faggot

yeah but once the whites get their yangbux, there wont be anybody else left

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So it should only go to shit skins and Israel? Not Whites? Thanks for your opinion Schlomo, but I think I'll SECURE THE FUKKKIN BAG

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The Left Can't Meme you Cuck! Andrew Yang is a Fucking Democrat and Democrats are Leftists.

Note: I am a 18 year old Zoomer and Zoomers Hates Leftists

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Is that what you guys think we want? Do you even understand us at all? The propaganda is still shit, by the way.

This Text is from Encyclopedia Dramatica: For 3 years straight, Discord Tranny Communist Shills who are possibly Hillbots would come to Jow Forums to shit up their threads with anti-Semitic Trump memes, these people are usually rumored to be connected to members of (((ShareBlue))) and (((Correct the Record))) by David Brock. These people's intentions initially were to split up Trump's base by writing hit pieces thinking that labeling Trump a jew will bring people towards the ideology of PC culture and maybe make these Jow Forums users go back to Tumblr to scream about how evil those straight white males are. Of course the leftist troll's plan to ruin Jow Forums backfired as Yang himself refused to associate with the Discord autists.
To many COINTELPRO Shills, Yang is viewed as someone who will give people NEETBUX by providing the great NAZI LARPING members of the white ethnostate the 1KKK dollars a month they need. The Yang memes were so forced that the fad was over before it began.

based and yangpilled, america won't be great again until we dispose of the jewish vermin

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So in other words, more of the same but with 1000$ a month? We have nothing to lose.

spoken like a true nigger. kys migaboomer

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>I am a 18 year old Zoomer and Zoomers Hates Leftists

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An absolute meme

Go Back to Discord you Pedo Commie

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>text is from dramatica
>taking dramatica seriously
Lurk more, newfag.

Yang himself said the bag was like a last ditch effort to placate whites so that the giant doesn’t wake. He doesn’t want “Chinese to become the new Jew” that the “white nationalists” start looking at. He doesn’t care about the Jewish question. He just doesn’t want the white answer to arise.

This is What Discord really is:

Discord is a Commie Pedo Website! The Yang Gang are From Discord.

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yay take my guns yang

don't worry, you can give your $1000 to your local synagogue if that's what you really want

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Zoomers hate Leftists and SJWs!

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I hate trump even more than yang. I’m just more of an accelerationist. Whites won’t wake up while we still have hamburgers and waifus. Once you take that away, there’ll be an army in the streets.

no dude, finish high school and maybe you will understand that if you give EVERYONE the same amount of money, its the same as giving nobody any money. You honestly believe that if everyone over the age of 18 is given the same amount of money every month prices will just stay the same? fuck no. For example, because i know you have no critical thinking skills, rent will just increase by $1000

vote tulsi if you want acceleration

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They’re acceerationists that don’t understand the bigger picture. You don’t just yank the bottom part of the Jenga tower. It has to be surgical in certain areas.

>rent will just increase by $1000

Imagine actually believing this. Le kike boomer meme flaggot shill

whatcha doin rabbi?

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securing the bag

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I ain't clickin' that nigger link

You fags are like 6 weeks late to the yang shilling. You can't just go away for a month and then come back like you were never here. Your candidate's numbers are down in the noise. Have fun wasting your time.


they were never up lmao

Niggers are to LBJ what wh*toids are to Yang.
protip: he's not trying to help you

do you honestly think anyone falls for that dumb migakike?

imagine wasting every day of your worthless life trying to discredit yang. Why are you so afraid of him?

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hahha man, I"m always securing the bag and getting paid. This thread is great. I will determinedly be voting for Yang, my brother

This is What a Yang Supporter actually looks like!

They are S O Y Cucks pretending to be Right-Wingers!

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>Muh polls

Yang has the donors and poll numbers to be in the democratic primary debates. See you there nigger!

falls for what? i just wanna #securethebag

you sound like a kike with all that pilpul, go back to r/t_d

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we're going to have to cut monetary aid to Isreal and the rest of the third world to pay for this aren't we.....

why wouldnt it? do you have any idea how things actually work? or is this just a game to you? i know you're young and have never had to support yourself but holy fuck you're coming off as borderline retarded

Hey buddy, the Yang Gang shill train died a month ago. No one is actually stupid enough to vote for Yang, except if you're a liberal Redditor.

the "yang is a nazi" memes are all posted by obvious anti-yang shills trying to smear him.

The funny thing is that whole meme actually made him even more popular because of the obvious false attack smear against him makes it look that you are terrified of him

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>he doesn't want more dead niggers
why dont you marry trayvon if you love him so much??

prices are set by what people are willing to pay, people aren't suddenly going to be willing to pay an extra thousand on everything

All kikes posting within 30 seconds of each other

Why are you trying so hard to discredit me? why are you so scared of me?

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forgot pic

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keep drawing swastikas on yang posters buddy. The fact that you are so obsessed with smearing him makes us like him even more

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sounds good.

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Where do you think you are? Did you get lost on the way to Reddit?

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This statement is actually from a right-winger:


>have to register every firearm
>can not buy a semi-automatic rifle unless you've been licensed to own a pistol for 1 YEAR
>ban suppressors
>Ban high-capacity mags
>Require submission of fingerprints & DNA to FBI
>Anyone with a history of violence, domestic abuse, or violent mental illness would be restricted from gun license
>wants "smart guns" locked to fingerprint (guaranteed to make gun less reliable)
>implement a federal buyback program (for all the guns he will BAN)
Cuck Nuke Authority
>The power to launch a nuclear attack shouldn't rest with a single individual (wants VP & Chief of Staff to have say too. wasting time in a 6 minute response window)
POLICE "Fake News" & "Hate Speech"
>Introduce penalties for speech
>Journalist bailout. Taxpayers forced to prop up dying newspapers and media with $1 billion in initial FCC funding
DIGITAL SOCIAL CREDITS modeled after Chinas system
>a REAL-LIFE Reddit-style karma/social rank that follows you all the way to the grave
>Sexual orientation & gender identity should be protected classes under the law, SAY MY PRONOUN OR JAIL!
>PATHWAY TO CITIZENSHIP for illegals. Anti wall.
>Fast-track Obama's DREAM Act and grant citizenship to millions of illegals
>this faggot actually believes the wage gap exists "fight for equal pay"
UBI (universal basic income)
>UBI of $1k/mo will be wiped out by INFLATION. NEETS will barely afford to live & turn to crime to survive. You'll be unemployed & too poor to do ANYTHING but exist
>Liberal judges to Expand right to kill children. Mandated free birth control (more gibs)
MORE GIBS for single parents
>further incentive the break down the of the nuclear family
PAID parental leave

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>cum em

fuck that jew-jew cum guzzler and kushner too, nuke israel and gas the kikes

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this meme is great. Fuck yang, it's obvious that he has a team of shills.

Oh and he is just pushing socialism and the Tech Singularity meme, anybody that tells you AI socialism is inevitable is a traitor. And "Humanity First", don't make me laugh with that subversion.

hey, watch your language young man. Israel is one of our greatest allies, Trump should protect them at all cost

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Go back to Fucking Discord you Cuck

T. A literal faggot

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Yang Shills are Actually Discord Communist Pedophiles!

this. Fucking retard anti-semite shills think we will abandon our greatest ally for that nazi Yang. I stand firmly with Trump and Israel

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Shut up you Discord Pedo Commie!

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shut the fuck up anti-semite scum. You get the chair soon

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Sorry, I thought you were a Yang Shill

I'm leaving but for the record it's to go meet the white girl i want to impregnate and not for any other reason

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I stand only with Trump and Zion

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Shut Up you Discord Pedo Commie, You will start Ass-Fucking a White 12 Year old Girl!

Thanks for stopping by, Heil Hitler!

AntiBoomer indeed.

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kek, yes they will. if you have a rental property that currently has occupants that means your current price is fine. if they now make an extra 1000 a month for not doing anything, guess what? i know i they have money to pay that rent. if they were willing to pay the price before they get free money, they are fine after the 1000 increase because i know that money exists and people will pay it if they are currently paying what i am asking

you eat that cum yet faggot?

Yang's Actual Supporters will be the Millennial Cucks!

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Hey retard, have you ever heard of a lease? There is a set price.

im done with you, you're a child that knows nothing, fuck yourself

kek nigger has never heard of a lease lmao