Which English version of Mein Kampf is best?

Please help frens.

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Other urls found in this thread:

amazon.com/Mein-Kampf-Officially-Authorised-Translation/dp/1684185971/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1505363932&sr=1-1&keywords=mein kampf stalag edition

Open wide for this pill user:


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Stalag translation
Fuck off

Even Adolf Hitler was a glow in the dark. Sent to spy by the army on the national Socialist party. They could be the next adolf.

His words are scattered all over the place. He isn’t cohesive just rambles.
Here try this:

I bought pic related and don't like it because the book is too large in size and flimsy to hold and turn pages. If I were to buy another one i'd make sure its a regular size and preferably a hardcover copy.

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too bright

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I've got a hard copy and I've read it. I skipped over Mein Kampf and went to stuff like Ted and Evola because I read it when I was like thirteen. I want to go back and reee read it now, but I've seen debates about which version to get and don't recall the conclusions of those debates.

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LMAO i just noticed the ad at the top for the Donald Trump version, wtf these people are losing their minds for real.


the one with blank pages and a pair of tits on the cover

Oh shit you got me.

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I’m sorry you feel that way Fren

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t. jew

any of them will do, uncensored of course, and it'll say that in the subtitle. better to learn german, which is a fucking awesome language with a shit ton of banned books from the early 20th century that can only be read in the native tongue.


The Commentaries in Blue and Red (two separate volumes). My uncle has both, and the book on how Hitler manipulated the Germans by associating with the Wagner family.

Remember he was 1/4 jew (yes, it's true) and his parents were uncle and niece. He had serious problems from birth. He was a mediocre artist and blamed his mum for his failures (awww.........) then went slowly mad.

Shill me if you like. Aussie here and I'm better at it than you.

Stalag edition is the only NSDAP approved English version.

Thanks fren. Can I buy a hard copy or is it pdf only?

True many versions are obscured. Everything he said has come true except he thought left wingers would be the ones to protect the second amendment. He was a true genius

I thought you niggers liked the Ford translation.


cant go wrong with King James

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The Stalag Edition is the one and only English Edition that was authorized and printed by the NSDAP. It is the best translation because it is true to it's original source material.


Amazon Paperback-Hardcover
amazon.com/Mein-Kampf-Officially-Authorised-Translation/dp/1684185971/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1505363932&sr=1-1&keywords=mein kampf stalag edition

All other English "editions" were tampered with for propaganda reasons. Many had paragraphs added, words changed, and sentences deleted, all for the purpose of turning Hitler's words into a farce and the anti-non-German caricature the Jews browbeat us with.

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Thanks again!

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Holy shit thank you

KYS you fukken Aussie faggot shill. Tarrant wouldn't even wipe his arse with your face.

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I wish I could afford one

This Jewish interpreration really illustrates what disgusting incels you people are.

You're so pathetic you can't even read the original

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>Millions of "Refugees"
You're so pathetic you re-elect Merkel.

I'm married and I have a family.

Either can you.

>thinks the he won't be bludgeoned in front of his children for speaking the unapproved, racist Deutsch in Bavarian Caliphate Megacity 3

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Then why does hitler.org/writings/Mein_Kampf/ make me believe youre an incel?

I...don't care?

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