Will you vote for Joe Biden in twenty-twenty?

will you vote for Joe Biden in twenty-twenty?

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anyone before zion don

I'm doin' /thebutt/ in 2020, get in dat ass or get out the way!

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I am voting for Andrew Yang

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In the primaries for the meme potential.

nothing good comes for muttania

Joe 2020 because trump is a cuck

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This, or Trump.

I'm surprised that biden isn't more popular on Jow Forums considering how popular pedos are here.

>Mocks Jow Forums memes
>Bans Jow Forums art
>Uses Jow Forums memes/art style for biden

Attached: pedo joe biden jeb.jpg (570x329, 47K)


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I'm also planning to vote in the Democrat primary, for sabotage reasons in my case, but I just can't be sure whether Bernie or Biden has worse chances in the general. I'm not sure whether Sanders will alienate more centrists than Comcast Joe will progressives.


I can't believe the left is actually falling for this guy. He's worse than Hillary. I can't think of a reason to want to vote for this guy coming from the perspective of a person in favor of left wing policies. All he does is say blatant neoliberal things and puts sunglasses on.

Attached: CoolJoe.png (753x605, 281K)

Think you mean Obama memes there, kiddo. Internet harder.

Thats's funny.

Biden is Trumps Bitch 2020

Of course not, silly.

Obama nostalgia is a hell of a drug

Biden was easily one of the most hardline Israel firsters in Congress

>will you vote for Joe Biden in twenty-twenty?
only if he fucks 6 million more kids

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thinkin about it

In April 2016, Biden joined forces with former president Barack Obama in being harshly disparaging of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the Israeli government. His diatribe followed a terrorist attack on a Jerusalem city bus, injuring 21 people. It was the culmination of several months of knife attacks by Palestinian terrorists.

>President Obama personally directed Friday that the U.S. abstain from a United Nations Security Council resolution condemning Israeli settlement activity, seeing the escalation of settlement building as an increasing threat to the viability of a two-state solution to the region's problems.>Ahead of the expected vote, Obama, who is vacationing with his family in Hawaii, convened a discussion Thursday with Vice President Joe Biden, Secretary of State John F. Kerry and other top national security officials.

I'd vote for boiled head of cabbage if it was running against Trump.

Yes I will vote for Joe. I'd even vote for Pocahontas if she got the Democratic nomination.

He’s a rapist, I’m a aspiring rapist, so yes. Joe is my man.

Yes. I want the Democrats to win and I think he has the best chance against Trumpo. Warren is a woman so subconsciously people will think she looks like less of a leader than Trump. Bernie is too old and feeble which will make people think the same. Biden looks like an alpha so trump has no natural advantage.

Correction: faggot cunts will be hidin with Biden.