Alberta Nationalism Thread. Saskatchewan and Manitoba anons allowed. Easterners and British Colombians not welcome. How do we meme the Alberta independence party next election?
Alberta Nationalism Thread
What do we replace the Saint George's Cross with?
What will this new nation be called?
Hopefully Alberta's days as a major player on the world oil market are finished
Thanks Chang! Gonna buy another property with your slave money from back home, eh?
Lac la Biche reporting. fuck jason kenny, bring back Brian jean
Unite the right is a flawed idea. Wild Rose and the Reform party died as soon as they started gaining momentum. Remember to vote Independence Party next election user
Add in yukon and NWT i want that sweet sweet north west passage and mineral wealth. Once the arctic starts melting the will be a land rush and the northwest passge could be open year round
imagine living in the shithole that is alberta lmao
Not sure how the population in NWT and Yukon feel about separation.
this is true
Your welcome for the billions in equalization Ontario ;) You'll miss it when we're gone
Agreed. This flawed federation needs to end
fukken saved
i say that all the time
i hate going back up north it sucks
You still have an oil patch job? Nice
I'm from BC, and I look forward to continuing to watch Alberta collapse, I'll give it less than 5 years till OneX completely burdens Westjet with debt and sells it off piecemeal :)
How is that a problem for albertans in the long run?
This poster is a good example on why I'm so against letting BC into our new nation. Fucking province is filled with ass hats like this. inb4 "muh based northern BC"
yeah you're right, no one needs jobs in Alberta, they can just get the federal government to continue to extend EI forever while they say how MUH EQUALIZATION PAYMUNTS
I don't think there are dumber people in north america than born and raised Albertans
BC here, your tar sands are SHIT!!!
Why are you happas always so mad?
Alberta, sask and manny should ask the US if we can join them. Fuck this country and all its gay politicians.
the rest of canada would love that, we could finally make some progress on the world stage with the trash put out :)
>Join the ZOG instead of make our own country
Sheesh, not very patriotic
Neither are Canadian politicians
Anything would be better than this shitty situation. Once the conservatives get in they are going to be just as worthless as the liberals. At least we would have a chance at real prosperity with the US, imagine not having 50%of your income taxed? Glorious.
We lose jobs here and gain some there. Who gives a shit.
*retarded co-worker*
well fuck you guys i'm just going to leave!
*normal workers*
ok good get the fuck out of here
no i'm serious i'm going to leave!
*rest of canada*
yeah ok get the fuck out then thanks
ugh yeah that's just what you want! ha you see i played you all!
*rest of canada*
whatever retard
/el fin
BC man here um i like my weed farm on sunshine coast Yes?
Alberta seems to be undergoing white genocide as fast as any other place. What is even the point of a new nation that is multi-racial and which will soon be majority non-white anyway. Why would the non-whites who will be the majority in Alberta want to be separate from the non-white majorities in other provinces?
Your best bet is to move to a country that is projected to be white for a very long time like a country in Eastern Europe for example.
Iowegian here. Is Manibertewan an amerikaner province? If so I believe we can strike an alliance, and welcome you into the Midwest Reich as a great plains state. Benefits would be all the German milkmaids you can handle and free reign to conquer North America and help us finish wiping out the natives.
I purposedly throw the resumes of people from alebrta in the garbage when we're hiring new positions, I'm doing my part :)
Westjet employs shit tons of niggers and chinks, lay them off. Maybe theyll go away. OR are you just a kike shil that wants to try and dangle shiny baubles in front of my face, preaching (((comfort))) and (((uality of life))). Fuck planes coming into alberta, repurpose the airports.
>Alberta seems to be undergoing white genocide as fast as any other place
Imagine having an IQ this low
Good. Now put a gun in your mouth and do the rest.
nah I'll just continue to make sure piece of shit albertans don't get hired or at the very least get the least amount of pay possible
Also we will end the Eternal New Anglo's supremacy and turn them into the new slave class picking cotton and tobacco as punishment for flooding the continent with Africans.
Lol you work at bc ferries
I dont want albertans working with your kike internationalist bullshit anyway. Go away.
Sure don't work for a private company in the interior, take your impotent rage elsewhere :)
Can they even own guns in Chinese Colombia?
No i was wondering because I do lol.
This province has too many Filipinos, Chinese, pajeets, and Africans. From Calgary...
Yes I own an MP40
Ah haa, history of shame. Get back to the boiler room you fuckup
That's every province.
Those used to be everywhere in the 90s
Cabellas started selling them for PALs again recently
Shut up faggot I bet you dont even have a pension
>Doesn't disagree with me calling BC "Chinese Colombia"
Nice Chang! Now do what user said and shoot yourself
Fuckin nice, all i have, and honestly needed, was my sks.
What happens in Richmond doesnt concern me plus they vote for the conservatives as much as the interior so who cares.
I was gonna get an sks originally the bayonet is such a plus
Its a good gun, its very easy to take care of and does wonders when wacking coyotes.
wtf was that toilet's problem?
Yeah unfortunately I cant use the mp40 to take them out when they come after the cats lol
Did you name her? I named my SKS "erika".
imagine being from alberta and thinking you're superior than the rest of the country aha
Imagine being anyone else and being inferior to Albertans.
hey man we need those cocaine cowboys for the tourism
Imagine having to drive Anthony Henday Drive
to and from work every day
No not yet thinkin something german however
How about "Eva"
Could be worse. Could live in Dead Deer
There’s no lower than the prairies. Literally.
Mmmm. How about you stay away from us then? We dont want you here either.
Don't want to leave out our other prairie brothers. We're all in this together
Literally who?
Friendly reminder that when the oil money dried up and all the real men out west moved back home to the maritimes you wannabe texan faggots elected the commie NDPs
Can the BC interior join too? We're based unlike Vancouver
you guys should become a state, we would welcome you with open arms
Friendly reminder that jnbred newfies elected the ndp, and left. We gaybashed them out.
Read the thread. There's many interior BC posters here that are acting like retards. No, your shitty kind isn't welcome. Go join China
Fuck you Zog.
Fuck off ZOG. Yankee go home
Fuck off nosey burger faggot. See. This is why people hate you. Ffs.
>Alberta independence
Kenny and Scheer kill that dream
Unless Trudeau somehow pulls the election out of his ass Alberta seperation will not be talked about for a looooooong time.
I'm all for all provinces separating.
see this is what's so funny and shows how stupid albertans are, even right wing albertans are much more left than americans. as soon as they would have to pay for any health care, or lose a huge percentage of their income to pay for health care for their family they would whine because they're not smart enough to understand the great way they have it in canada
You are a true ally to Albertans, Albertans should never denounce someone fighting for their own sovereignty.
Dixie land
Ohhh muh jewish capitalism, theyre not real right wingers, theyre a bunch of liberals. Look, they dont whore themseleves out to insurance companies.
kys rabbis
Yes, Canada is a flawed federation. Whether it's Quebec or Alby that leaves first, it'll create a domino effect and finally balkanize the whole country. Thank God
Fuck you kike.
your facts are so staggering i just bought a make america great again hat, truly blessed with your intelligence
Give it a couple years. When Kenney fails, people will look for an alternative.
Do all you jidf lack the capacity for self awareness?