>tfw just got out of jail for statutory rape charges where she lied about her age
Been in jail for nearly 5 years now, what has it been like anons?
Other urls found in this thread:
was she hot?
just buy bitcoin (and link)
and hold retard
Damn user, welcome back
Dude check bitcoins priceYou’re probably fucking rich
she was 15 going on 16, lied and said she was 19, when her parents found out, all hell broke loose. My family shunned me, people called me a pedophile, then i was arrested.
sorry that your last memory of this place was elliot rodger and that you come back thinking that this place would be better
you didn't miss much other than us ultimately fucking up with Trump but at least christchurch was juicy.
also don't feed the redditors in /ptg/, they grow like crazy if you do. they are a product of a dark era on Jow Forums
Sorry dude. Board gone to shit. However we did manage to meme Trump into office.
You should probably just kill them all and post it here for yous
Go back. Things are so much worse.
Just talk to your family then? When the fbi came to me for a similar reason yeah they where upset but we talked it out and they understood my side
You are not even trying
>he missed gamergate, the genesis of all of this
Sex offender registry is one tough bitch man, i don't even know if i can see my family when they fucking breed like rabbits and shit out children every year. Can't go near city parks, schools, etc.
Get your cryonics healthcare coverage, user. Boys are resurrecting.
Here is an explanation...
...Inner cell mass stem cells regrow any body of a human, and stem cells resurrect. Stems cells are easy to collect from Caesarian section surgery human births. Stem cells are layers in pressured semen sperm cum. People make stem cells from human breast milk and other body. Doctors are using inner cell mass stem cells to resurrect the dead! Proper use of stem cells are eternal youth!
It's not good atm fren. We're here for you. What questions do you have?
I’m talking about your mom and dad duh just go talk to them they still love you
When my mom found out about my hard drives of questionable images she cried but guess what she got over it and I explained it
How do i get off this goddamn registry thats going to be all im known for the rest of my life?
Not my parents. They are very judgmental. Dad tried to punch me court. I could just see the disappointment in his eyes. Really hurt me. It honestly did.
Kill the people that did this to you
I already have it all planned out if it happens to me
Then kill your parents
That’s torture what they did to you and they should suffer
Jesus, calm down
>comes to Jow Forums after watching my btc climb all day
>first thing I see is a link post
You don't.
Underaged sex offenses NEVER go away. Ever.
You are 100% screwed for life.
Jeffrey Epstein and Roman Polanski are doing alright
Welcome back to the world user.
A guy from my unit went away for the same thing as you. I tell people about the details and occasionally I'll have someone not believe me. This shit fucking happens and it's bullshit that people don't believe that this shit happens to people. Hope you can adjust to life again.
How was it on the inside? Seems like all the prisons on TV are extreme hyperboles, when in reality I’ve heard real life prison was just men who mind their business and read endless books
Board went to shit and there are even more brown people now.
I feel for you
but I'm also pretty fucking sure that that's not what that user asked you
Boring, very boring. A lot of just waiting. Waiting until im due. Had one guy to rape me once. Got away before i could be though. Had a lot of people spit on me, try to hit me. Call me a chomo, etc. A lot of ignorance ran through that system.
Did you do your time on protective custody because of the skin beef? We're you in there with weirdos and pedos? Or did you do gp with the gangbangers?
Bet. Happens more often than not. Women get away with it all the time. Ruin some dude's life n go on about life like it ain't shit.
Having a vagina really is life on easy mode. Why aren't men more upset?
How old were you when it happened?
And write a timestamp in her ass with a knife.
I was 23 at the time. I'm 28 now. Feels wasted.
>After fucking that women with a questionable age, Krabs stayed secluded in a deep depression
You were better off in jail than clown world I'm afraid
you gotta go to school and learn a skill so you can employ yourself. learn coding and make apps or webdev and freelance.
>The one you lied to goes to jail
Explain to me why is this justice?
I've (unintentionally) fucked girls younger than that without any issue. How the fuck did you manage to fuck up this badly user?
feminist """justice"""
i'm gonna go out on a limb and say the grill probably regretted it and ratted OP out
Look on the bright side.
At least you got away from here for 5 years and you got some fine tight pussy as well
My guess aswell. We were on good terms. Her parents didn't know about me.
What is the age of consent there and how old were you?
Revenge is best served with napalm, user. Two parts 89octane to one part styrofoam packaging. Pour into a gallon milk jug, and jam a road flare in the top. X
Problem solved, and good luck
>Having a vagina really is life on easy mode.
Nice, I'm going to have to use that one.
Did you meet any cool jews in there?
op what do you think of this pepe?
How new are you?
Wouldn't have known if any of my other inmates were jewish.
I have no idea what that is.
Join the French Foreign Legion and start a new life is one option
Trump is president which is kinda cool but he's not even half as based as what he promised. Other then him doing something slightly based every few months and the media now being absolutely coocoo for cocopuffs, and it being slightly more acceptable to be pro white, its really not too different then under obama.
Revenge is best served with napalm, user. Two parts 89octane to one part styrofoam packaging. Pour into a gallon milk jug, and jam a road flare in the top.
Problem solved, and good luck
Welcome back user. You might look into getting a CDL. There are companies that that hire people that did worse than screwing a highschool girl
Age of consent is 16 in Aus but there's a loophole in our laws that sorta lowers the age of consent to 12-13. People usually have a 'if there's grass on the field, it's okay to play ball' mentality here tho. I know college guys IRL who are openly dating underage girls.
Did you have to suck dick in prison or see anyone else forced to suck dick in prison?
Yeez, what a bunch of fags. Here we can fuck whoever we want if you are not stupid enough to brag about it in public.
Also, you can move your ass to another country! A not retarded one is a good option.
Oh, wait, that doesn't exist.
When i was 20 a 15 year old lied about her age to me, and lied about my age to her parents. It was a month of fucking before we all realized we had been bamboozled by a 15 year old.
Quit seeing her, but then she threw a temper tantrum to her parents so they let her see me again. Stay with her 3 more years. That was some of the best pussy I ever had.
I hate this fucking Jewed country. I'm sorry this happened to you user.
Suck start a shotgun.
Do you know who Brendan Tarrant is? If not we got some pretty funny webm's for you lol.
you faggot!
From what I've been told so many prisoners voluntarily work as prostitutes in prison that rape is fairly rare
Pfft I can sum it up. Jow Forums is now more morally upstanding then the rest of the world. Think about that.
STFU CIA glow nigger, nobody is asking for your bullshit opinions
What are your plans now my man? As for the society you live in, it abandoned you and I'm sorry for that. Best thing you can do now is train, eat right, and don't fuck with drugs of any type. On one hand, I'm a but envious of your position. Yeah, you have many restrictions. But as long as you lay low and don't do anything stupid, you're a free bird. No family to tell you what to do, no expectations. The only expectations you have are the ones you make for yourself. Go about living life, experience the outdoors, and be the best you that you can be.
>Jow Forums is now more morally upstanding then the rest of the world.
The bar was set pretty low tho
Moving to oz
Yeah, heard around the complex by a few muslim inmates of the shooting.
Gonna try to get a job, even if its fuckin McDonalds, anything to get enough money to survive out there, y'know?
>I have no idea what that is
You're going to wish you had stayed in prison.
>A lot of ignorance ran through that system.
Fuck off Michael Jackson.
>I have no idea what that is.
Can't believe I get to say this to someone for the first time but-
please be joking
Don’t work at McDs. It is going to suck away all your money and time. Do you have a car? You can uber. On your free time you need to learn a useful skill like coding and then free lance. You can do that shit anywhere, so then move to a cheap country, where the cost of living is less, and offer remove services. You can also teach English online abroad.
Are you pursuing a college degree or already have one? If not, might I recommend a job as a dialysis tech. Davita pays good money, about $18 an hour starting out, plus bonuses. The training is only like 18 weeks. Look into it. You could move anywhere (except next to a school) with that job
If you were like early 20's, those charges coulda been beat with a competent lawyer. If you were 30+ and going after younger lookin girls, then yeah, no one's gonna feel bad about putting your creepy ass away for a few years.
Source? Last I checked cryonics couldn't tackle the whole ice crystals turning things into mush problem....
Have you thought about emigrating to a country that doesn't give a shit? The government has basically destroyed your life you need to find greener pastures.
Fuck it is too that's fucked.
Maybe, but i'm staying with some friends at the moment.
I'm to stupid to learn how to code stuff, and no i don't know what happened to my car after i was arrested.
I doubt he could beat the charges the way the law is written in the States. You could meet a girl at a club that checks ID to enter... take her home and fuck her and still be charged and convicted.
You have a responsibility to know, being the only adult. They don't care that he didn't know, because he should have known.
For comparison. You drive down a road and your passenger says speed limit is 50. No signs are out. You believe her, and get pulled over. "I didn't know the limit was 35" or "she lied about it" doesn't work.
Not commenting on the right or wrong of it. Just saying how it is
Based desu. If i ever went to jail I’d just do this. Fight some fuckers in french guinea, spill some blood, get a new citizenship by blood spilled, bag a french qt, go to church and never bring up my old life.
>A lot of ignorance ran through that system.
Alot of ignorance on here too. KKK forums have made Jow Forums their new home..
you can do a shitload better than ubering or teaching English user, even for a felon
You’re a niggerlover? Why? Are you a MIGApede too?
Then you’re stuck with teaching English. Are you allowed to travel? Same up some money and take a flight to Vietnam or Cambodia. You can teach under the table there and build up your connections and get an ESL certification. If I were in your situation, I would get the hell out of the west.
How quickly do you guys get news in prison? Were you a Jow Forumstard before going to prison? Did you go in before or after gamergate? Also what were your thoughts 2016 presidential election and when Trump won?
Sorry for bombarding you with questions but you went to jail right when the world went insane.
Oh also how did you guys deal with masturbation in prison?
Seriously listen to this your family are fucking cunts. You ruined your your life just for fucking some lying jailbat thot, like none of the men in your family had an underage gf at 19?? Her parents your parents, theyre hypocrites and insignificant souls anyway.
How do you manage the anger? Even now that you're out how is it that you have other thoughts than kill the judge and everyone else who stole all of that time away from you?
All throughout recorded history girls have been pregnant and starting families at like 13 and maybe even earlier. Along comes the modern axiom of 18 and you just happen to be born around the same time. These people that only exist because of ancestors who were pregnant before age 18 have stolen away the rest of your youth.
Every job I have ever applied for in the west, they have done a criminal check, even bullshit server jobs. What sort of job can you get with a record and on the sexual assault registry???
He should kill himself then. You said it yourself. He ruined his own life because he was a nigger that wasted five years of his life because he wanted sex. He only has himself to blame.
i used to have a giant list of employers who hire people with criminal records. It was a bunch of restaurants, things like hotels, stuff in the automotive and manufacturing industries. Probably oil fields as well
not to mention you can go to Norway and kill a guy and get 20 something years in prison with a ps2. assuming they dont deport your ass
Good! You’re a liar. You are a pedophile. Fuck off loser. Hope you never get a job ever. If I knew who you were I would make up false reports and call the pigs on you once a week.
Larp lord identified.