Soph is LIVE!!!!
>off-topic eceleb spam
just report these threads if youre tired of seeing them
based and redpilled
First woman president.
She is a apologist for Israel. No thanks
“Our show is the opposite of demagoguery.”
Okay, yeah she writes none of her own shit.
yeah, it's some little kid reading some script her parents wrote. She mispronounces a bunch of words that she should be simple for such an advanced mind.
Yeah. Even “bourgeoisie”
You’re all pedos.
The face of white supremacy.
she looks gross
wonder what her cunny smells like
>The face of white supremacy.
Yup a JEW. Because Mossad is fucking sloppy.
I think she's cute.
based and lolipilled
You’re going to jail
She sounds like a masculine Ben Shapiro
This board isn't /his/ where everything is by the book. E-celeb or not, she does political content. Stop being a kike.
cringe, seeing children expressing political views where it's left or right is always off putting
literally who is this racist kid
Is that a tranny?
post the article
Not too smart without her script. Jsut another 14 year old that's learned how to misuse the word "fuck".
Pedos leave.
So true. Thank you, based Fascist user.
you guys seem worried but your dedication to patrolling soph is admirable.
>d-don’t appeal to gen z goys!
>she’s 90% full fash at 14, there’s no point in redpilling her further!
They are shills. It's so easy to spot them.
watch her completely fold when being told israel is our ally and jews are our friends. skip to 29m52s in
leader of the right wing cunny squads
Smart kids are extremely endearing.
Literally who? I dropped youtube sometime back. I treat it like its myspace these days.
Yeah she clearly hasn't thought that through like JLP has. But shes young.
Some young girl pedos on here constantly spam about being le based and redpilled to justify their obsession with her, despite it being proven again and again her brother writes her scripts and on her own she's not nearly as edgy or savvy as she seems
Yeah its really endearing hearing kids talk about school and use fuck and shit every other word. You really gotta search far and wide to get this kind of experience from them.
>More patreon Shilling
Shoo Jew
stop posting this bitch. fuck your eceleb trash.
Ah. Glad I don't have anything to do with youtube. Their shitty AI global nanny site is the reason why I left. No trolling, no calling out Jews or anything is why I left and blocked them off. I won't even click the youtube links on here. I have gone nomadic on their asses. No use of their crap. No way of them to make money from ads or data-tracking.
Thanks for bumping the thread, faggot
God Almighty...
You people are paedophiles. Fuck all of u
Who is this semen demon?