Say ONE positive thing about the president

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He’s not a nigger

Not Hillary Clinton

He's almost to dying age

>Not Hillary Clinton

best thing about trump

Pro life and triggers libs
That's it

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his daughter has nice tits

Pretends to not like it in the ass from his Jew masters as much as Obama

he's got a smokin' hot wife

I love Israel and BTFOing Iran.

He fucked a lot of somewhat hot women back in the day.

He handling the Chinese situation correctly.

So does mine

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Trump will gas all degenerates.

he's not antisemitic

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These are Trump's accomplishments so far, off the top of my head:

NO wall
NO E-Verify
NO end to catch and release
NO H-1B or H-2B program canceled
NO DACA repeal
NO birthright citizenship repeal
NO sanctuary city suits or enforcement

CAVED and signed Omnibus, which limited ICE housing and banned wall prototypes

CAVED and signed the next budget which created loopholes for families causing a massive surge currently arriving

This is not to mention his comment that we want the "greatest numbers ever" of immigrants, all of his assistance for Israel (including assistance for the Israeli wall), and his "grab the guns first," which inspired a bunch of states to pass unconstitutional red flag laws.

oh wait. maybe these aren't the accomplishments we voted for?

avanka is a liberal cunt

Dude... way too soon.

This and only this

>no wall
Yeah that is a lie

He got $8 billion and recently awarded $1.5 billion in contracts. Though the rest is true. Sadly our system was designed so not one man can change it and that aspect is working against us.

Also ICE is being allowed to deny Asylum on the spot.

>H-1B H2B Cancelled
> DACA repeal
>birthright citizenship ended
>sanctuary city suits

You realize none of those things are ever going to happen right?

He got to feel up a teenage Ivanka.

Keystone Pipeline

just fuck right off user

He pounds and grabs the pussy and makes no apologies about it.
Niggerbama was a faggot bearding with a fugly transsexual racist pos. The current democrat party contenders are barely any different from wimpy nigger.

He's not Hillary Clinton

He loves israel

Torpedoed TPP which was going to do more damage to America then NAFTA


Thanks for going JEWED and will be voting for Richard Spencer in 2020.

He might not have aids


He's only president to put the media in their "place" in regards to how much bullshit they spew over every little fucking thing when there could be much more >important< matter to report to make America better.

Most presidents bow down to the media regardless how retarded or childish they blow up stuff.

For me, that reason alone, I'd vote for him.

He has the courage to keep that haircut

troll/bait thread filled with low iq faggots but....

>killed off title 9 and openly admits men need to be aware of women due to outrageous false rape accusations
>put a staunch consitutionalist on supreme court
>put many consitutionalists in a varity of other courts
>is actually building the wall, you're all niggers for ignoring how democrats keep stone walling his attempts.
>exposed the democrat black caucus for hating blacks improving at innagration
>expose democratic women in white as hating all men and all minorities improving and only caring that white women improved
(HINT FAGGOTS if you were smart used use those last two to redpill every nigger/spic tostop voting democratic. idfc who they vote for JUST KILL THE DEMOCRAT VOTING PLANTATION)
>tax break/cut for 70-80% of america
>better trade deals
>europoors pay more for being protected
>not hilliary
probably other shit. rot in hell faggots. Trump aint the best, but best you'll ever get atm. Fucking open your jizz soaked eyes.



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>Say ONE positive thing about the president
Hes MY president, my vote put him there and will do the same in 2020 and hes doing a better job than anyone since Reagan.

He will destroy America.

>the Pentagon is preparing to...

They've been "preparing" for several months now. Perhaps when Trump is voted out of office in 2020, the first new fence post hole will be dug, perhaps not.

This. Plus he makes progressives borderline suicidal and drives them insane. That's enough for me

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Icecrown Citadel did nothing wrong

white guy and he likes cheap hamberders even though he's worth billions