Ladies and gentlemen.....we lost him.
Ladies and gentlemen.....we lost him
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Who and what and...ah, fuck it.
That's spot on for how I feel 60% of the time on Jow Forums now too.
Tony Cum
Doubt it.
God she is just perfect...
faggot i bet you would like to look up at those eyes while you suck off 'perfect'
no wonder your country is so cucked
Yorgel pls
>tony two shir-
Nah, I'd like to cuddle her though.
Is Cumia dead?
Plz God no. One of the only redpilled media personalities in existence.
When you photoshop your eyes so much you look like a spice melange addict
What's crazy is I've been here almost daily for years. I know it's cliche to say this board has gone to shit, but it really has gone downhill over the past two years.
do you realize Odin looks down on your country with disgust because of sideways lonely cocklickers like (YOU)
grow a pair and find yourself a qt with an ACTUAL vagina you sick fuck
and cum in it while your at it so you can save your race
i know for a fact your children will mentally dominate you for your credit card as you cry in the basement, jerking off to anime
"She" has a penis
rumor was he died
turns out the jews had lied
still his humor kills
and drops he the red pills
But a cute feminine benis so nohomo. Anthony sez so.
your country is cucked too
clean up your trash in the philipines
then worry about fucking, you sick fuck
Too late, burger. Trudeau is shipping it back. We’ll prob pay some American to dump it in one of your national parks, because Trump sez it’s good business and patriotic. Maga!
> she, her
> Swedish flag
Oh, that explains it.
sounds good
we'll take it and turn it into an alternative fuel source
while your country sucks off the chinks for energy to run your generators, so you fucks can watch Trailer Park Boys and get fucked in the ass by your trap kweens
you fuckin mutt ya
Heh. America’s largest source of imported oil is Canada. 40%. More than Saudis (11%) or Venezuela. Electricity too. You’re our energy bitch. America does have superior Traps tho. Aye, tone....
Didn't he beat up a black women and get black listed from Sirius?
He’s been lost for a very long time.
Imagine the amount of money spent on shilling this board for years to get to this point.
We lost him to obscurity. His show has about 7 listeners and is behind a paywall. He literally asked his butler to run his show and manage his career, and he drove everything into the ground.
Keep in mind, Ankwan was making a few million yearly salary before he got fired.
Jon Stewart died?
What's amazing is they probably think they actually won some kind of victory.
why isnt Ant on infowars anymore?
for being a skeptic, Alex sure is quick to believe nonsense. just last week a caller convinced him that Roosh was a rape advocate and i'm pretty sure the caller was just a troll spouting SPLC memes...
ohh marone, have you not been paying attention to the skies?
our navy has just officially confirmed the existence of flying saucers.
not long from now we will be running our country off free energy devices
what will you be exporting to us then? ice and maple syrup??
go sniff ya mothers cunt, leaf.