Why does the fact that people get laid piss you guys off? I understand the importance of maintaining many traditional values but why is it that you virgins don't want used goods but still want to use? Are you seriously mad over a roastie? Come on.
Can a woman have had many sexual partners and not be a hoe?
From my experience hoes are pissed off more often than the guys who are rejecting them. They know they are undesirable, used goods, and get crazy when they are regarded as such.
Cool, now could you retards come up with an actual response rather than your stupid fucking stock photo with a vhs filter and "based" caption?
Hmmm, interesting. But is every woman that has a ton of sex a hoe?
look up the stats on premarital partners and marriage success, after two youre looking at sub-50% success rates. Theres a multitude of reasons contributing to this but boiled down it cannot be denied. So if youre any kind of family minded a promiscuous woman has no place in your life.
Every woman is a whore. The only difference between them is how short their leashes are.
Based. Women are their own destructor. They have a much stronger death-drive than men, and our goal is to protect them from realizing that. That’s why they think liberal politics make sense—because they want destruction.
Not necessarily a hoe, but could be easily manipulated and used. Either way she is not the ideal mate.
Depends. I actually think being a serial monogamist, the type of girl who dates and has intense sex with one guy exclusively for 6 or 7 months to a year and a half, then moves on to the next one because she's bored, is worse than a girl who has a ton of hookups and quick fucks her freshman year of college. The latter likely has a higher partner count, but the former has more likely destroyed her ability to pair bond long term by repeatedly getting into intense romantic and sexual relationships.
Drop the nigger slang
Wrong question friend, let me rephrase it for you:
>Can a woman not be a whore ?
The answer is no, all women are whores.
Indicates an inability for delayed gratification, coipled with successability for being easily influenced. Not to be confused with pure hedonism, which is different. It's akin to a fat man who can't limit his burger intake.
>I understand the importance of maintaining many traditional values but why is it that you virgins don't want used goods but still want to use?
maybe wait with whoring out before you find right person you dumb kike?
this way we can all be happy and dont be fucking degenerate whores who dont reproduce
First I believe in abstinence before marriage and have decided to rededicwte myself to celibacy upon moral renaissance. Second I do not believe pre marital sex is a viable historical category. Pre marital sex is marriage preceding divorce. It designates an attitude to responsibility. Third men can have multiple wives but women cannot have multiple husbands. This so called double standard is a rational explication of bio-cultural roles.
The west is too obsessed with sex in general.
If any individual uses it as a main factor of identity or as a tool for empowerment that individual is dubious.
literally did the math kek
she can have 2-3 growing up and after that she's pretty much ruined.
Can a murderer that has killed more than one person over the span of a year and not be a serial killer?
glad to see the slow recovery around now. good work incels