So long as it doesn't hurt you or others. Doesn't matter how many times you cry about it. People can do what they want. And the minute you attempt to force your views onto others is the minute you deserve to die
Friendly reminder that people can do whatever they want
Every single thing you do or don't do affects someone else.
arent you forcing your view on us you fucking retard?
I don't think you get how this game works
Why should they be able to do what they want? Why dont you give a shit about degenerative behavior that degrades society and thus points fingers at people who have more negative views
>who are you to tell me what to do
I'm trying to stop you from being a degenerate void of any self respect
actions and decisions have consequences and outcomes that subconsciously can and do affect other people
forcing views = go die???
Cringe thread atleast explain why and how
Hurt is pretty subjective. Who decides what hurts who?
says the disembodied text on the internet
This thread hurts me. It also is trying to force its ways on to me.
Who are you to define what is and isn't degenerate? Worry about yourself before trying to lecture others.
>So long as it doesn't hurt you or others.
Which is debatable.
By far the biggest load of hypocritic idiocy on this board is the number of people who love their personal freedoms but seek to urge their will onto others doing harmless things in the same breath. Absolutely shameless.
Imagine actually thinking that your actions don’t contribute to the direction of society
Except it isn't. You don't get to decide that others are hurting others. It's the freedom of one's own agency to decide how they are impacted.
I can ask the same question to you, who are you to take the neutral standpoint on life? Why can't you just pick a side? Why can't you judge anyone? Trying to save all of the valuables in the burning house means you get burnt trying to leave it.
You will never advance as a human being and grow stronger if you deny criticism and hatred, you shouldn't just brush it off as another asshole if its actual criticism.
Imagine thinking you're so important that you singlehandedly get to decide the course of society.
Holly shit a lot of people bitching about someone saying that people should be able to do things that don't hurt people.
Almost like the thought of peacefully existing does not sit with them well... almost like their authoritarian assholes.
Especially enjoyed have some of you assholes are claiming that it's forcing their ways on you and yet you're over here bitching about someone talking about doing s*** that doesn't hurt anyone.
Almost like there no different then the libtards they claim to hate yet emulate in almost every way.
Kill yourself you myopic cancer of society
blah blah blah do as thou wilt
fun fact, the only none jewish political ideology is natsoc, everything else is crawling with (((them)))
Criticism is fine. There is no utility in criticism when it consists of death threats and other risk of harm for someone doing something they want to.
>don’t have opinions or I’ll kill you!
seems reasonable
I see I've angered the brainlets.
So literally every leftist and current year democrat deserves to die?
Criticism isn’t allowed. Go to any major social networking website and try to criticise the (((powers that be))). See how far you get.
Nice red herring. Try coming to the big boy's table when you're ready.
Friendly reminder the health and mental well-being of society as a whole affects every individual within it. The moment you lose all sense of civic virtue because you want to LARP as being the opposite gender, suck a child’s dick in public, or act on the deleterious beliefs of some death cult religion, is the moment you lose your right to be a part of society.
Maybe you can try calmly bringing up solid points instead of spouting baseless dribble next time
None of those examples that aren't hyperbole impact others. And what happens when posting on Jow Forums is defined as degenerate? When criticizing the government is degenerate?
That doesent actually happen, that's an excuse to bury an argument
And you also forget to take into account some people are like talking to brick walls.You can't get through to them unless you break the brickwall, that's not an advocation of death but many people in this world are too far gone to be saved. When a human decides on something its near impossible to change their viewpoints they have to do it themselves you can try to mog them but it ends up being useless most of the time kind of like this argument but i'm bored so I guess i'm excusing myself here.
The sole level head itt
You can't blame the inability to change someone's mind on them when you're unable to forget a convincing arguement
you saying i can make extended eye contact with women with no smile in public places? truly this is a golden age
> Cells can do what they want as long as they dont hurt other cells
> A human body can survive if its cells all decide to do their own thing.
That's false, humans are in denial when given stacks of proof and just the proof.
If youre here on this part of the internet you should know that by now.
They won't accept factual evidence, they typically talk over you when you show it to them.
And howcome you still have yet to answer my question? Why can people do whatever they want when every single thing you do or don't do affects someone else? For example, someone out there will say the way we're communicating is cringey and we sound like old philosophers, thus they don't like it
Centrism is incredibly flawed and I suggest you need to consider picking sides in life, with what you agree on.
doing something that degrades society, even if otherwise there isn't another person as the victim- should still be a crime.
ie. you can prove that prostitution is between consenting individuals but it's still degenerate and should be outlawed.
Your hippy libertardism is just a path for evil. Society must be guarded from evil to be a good society. There's no other way.
OP has been mogged, not replying to the hate anymore it's safe to say we got him