Friendly reminder that people can do whatever they want

So long as it doesn't hurt you or others. Doesn't matter how many times you cry about it. People can do what they want. And the minute you attempt to force your views onto others is the minute you deserve to die

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Every single thing you do or don't do affects someone else.

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arent you forcing your view on us you fucking retard?
I don't think you get how this game works

Why should they be able to do what they want? Why dont you give a shit about degenerative behavior that degrades society and thus points fingers at people who have more negative views
>who are you to tell me what to do
I'm trying to stop you from being a degenerate void of any self respect
actions and decisions have consequences and outcomes that subconsciously can and do affect other people
forcing views = go die???
Cringe thread atleast explain why and how

Hurt is pretty subjective. Who decides what hurts who?

says the disembodied text on the internet

This thread hurts me. It also is trying to force its ways on to me.

Who are you to define what is and isn't degenerate? Worry about yourself before trying to lecture others.

>So long as it doesn't hurt you or others.
Which is debatable.

By far the biggest load of hypocritic idiocy on this board is the number of people who love their personal freedoms but seek to urge their will onto others doing harmless things in the same breath. Absolutely shameless.