is Sri Lanka actually, dare I say, based???
Is Sri Lanka actually, dare I say, based???
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Hindus are unironically our last chance against the rest of the world.
They're majority Buddhist you dumb mutt
apparently it was Buddhists
certainly more than us western cucks
Same thing limey cuck
Yeah, they showed them who's boss. Maybe next time they'll think twice about blowing up women and children on Easter.
amazing that Buddhists are the ones to stand up to Islam when it was Christians who were attacked and killed on Easter
Not based enough. They need to start going full bowlcut first.
Walk mirthful, carry a big stick -the buddha.
Based Buddhists
literally just pajeets
>be so fucking morally and culturally corrupt that Buddhists hate you
Islam, everyone.
Imagine how SHIT a religion is that you actually manage to rile up *Buddhists*
You know you're shitty when even the Buddhists are pissed at you
I dont think the Buddha said that...
They really shouldn't just attack/wreck these mosques. An even bolder statement would be to remodel them into a Buddhist temple or Christian church. If too many mudslimes living around, make sure it burns to the ground.
Buddhists aren't hippie bastards everywhere. They're a religion like any other -- localized community that has rules and discriminatory towards outsiders.
>attacking an empty mosque because of christians killed by terrorists
violent and retarded
A lot of countries that have had significant Muslim minorities for a long time, and not just had a recent influx like Europe, have become incredibly based on the subject of Islam because they've had to experience it and deal with it for generations.
its a full on kristallnacht over there right now
videos of muslim owned shops being damaged
So based
Based and Redpilled.
Imagine having the BUDDHISTS attack you. Yikes Islam, you've done goofed
Here you go
Its retaliation for the easter bombings
yeah we know
Huh so they can do more than just tea
Christianity = Judaism confirmed
This video proves what we already know.
Buddhist people are peaceful, they don't care about anything, they are rather passive and tolerant, they just sit all day.
If they get fed up with muslims, you know it's the fault of the muslims.
>localized community that has rules
The rules are basically "don't rape" and mudslimes can't even follow that.
> and discriminatory towards outsiders.
Yeah, they discriminate against people with no impulse control.
because christians are cucks. honestly
if i got the oppurtunity to rule a large nation, certain passages of the bible are going in the trash or be modified.
god imagine is catholics *vomit* had a pope like that
When people who detest violence in all its forms and have devoted their entire lives to pacifism start burning your places of worship and forming mobs to beat you in the streets, thats how you know you fucked up.
Based buddhists bringing the bantz.
Christcucks still kissing feet.