Medicare and Social Security will run out of money before you're able to get anything out of it, despite paying into it...

Medicare and Social Security will run out of money before you're able to get anything out of it, despite paying into it. I am a NEET collecting NEETbux and medicare. They recently started deducting money every month to pay for the medicare and I just found out they removed my mediCAL, my secondary health insurance in CA. The state is literally bleeding money and im pretty sure social security will go bankrupt and millennials will never get to retire on it.

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Nixon expanded it, foolishly thinking the baby boomers would have a baby boom of their own. Of course, that never happened, and GenXers and Millenials didn't have one either

I honestly hope the program collapses. The government doesn't exist for shit like that.

>I am a NEET collecting NEETbux and medicare.

just like every other right wing retard on here

Medicare is for old not poor people

a tax where only a select benefit ever at all.
there's a word for that.

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The GOAT generation, le Baby Boomers, had decades of absolute political power to fix something, but instead they cut their own taxes, turned higher education into a racket, mired us in endless wars in the Middle East, and managed to bring the US to WWII-debt levels all to enrich themselves and leave succeeding generations with the bill.

I blame Dr. Spock most of all. He had a priddy long nose, but I don't know if he was a Jew or not.

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You're the problem. If people like you put into the system now instead of sucking it dry then it would still be functional by the time our generation retired. You're literally worse than boomers because you're fucking everyone over and you act like you're above the people who take pride in the american dream and work hard to achieve it.
Get a job or kill yourself.

out of curiosity, how does someone go about "collecting neetbux"?
i read online that depression, anxiety, and autism are all qualifying conditions to collect disability
what's step one?

He was definitely a jew but I don't think he had anything to do with social security.

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1. ending your life
2. Profit

>I honestly hope the program collapses. The government doesn't exist for shit like that.

NEOCON detected.

Prepare ira and 401k, or just buy very stable slow growing stocks that pay dividends. Or put money in a high yield savings account.

Anybody that's not a boomer is never going to see a penny of social security. Maybe extremely early gen x could see some of that money but that's a maybe. This system gets more unstable since cheaper labor is needed to maintain it. However the illegals dont pay a penny into taxes so it's kinda moot. The shitshow will inevitably happen

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America was, Social Security notwithstanding, a utopia in the mid-20th century. We have to ask ourselves what went wrong, which leads to who inherited the country, which leads to how they were raised. And the Boomers were raised very, very differently from preceding generations, and thus behaved very, very differently, and this was evident from the moment they hit the college campuses in the 60s.

They made some good music. No doubt about it, the Boomer wrote some good rock and roll. That's just about the only good thing I can say about them.

If the illegal works and is under contract, then they do pay taxes. If they work under the irs radar then no.

You're a nigger, plain as that.

Neocons are OK with socialist programs.

>government exists for gibs

>0 replies

Every. Fucking. Time. Faggot JIDF shills trying to push NEET lifestlye can never respond to this

Whatever pitiful amount of taxes illegals pay into the system they take out in welfare. They are an overall net drain on the entire economy. America is just so dead and gone and I'm glad. It means it will collapse and we can rebuild

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how does this not piss people off? youd think paying 15% of your paycheck into "retirement" which is really a blackhole you will never get back would infuriate the masses to massive civil unrest and protest in the streets. but everyone just continues on with daily life like this is somehow normal and something to be tolerated. wtf?

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>high yield savings account.
literally havent existed since the mid 1990s

Why do you guys fucking care so much?

1. This country needs to collapse financially. As long as it continues to do well, the system will continue on it's current path.

2. Who gives a fuck about a debt crisis. Debt crisis equals an opportunity to acquire wealth on discount.

I literally want a quarter of the population to starve. We need struggle sk that we can reassert ourselves. It's too easy. Women have easy. niggers have it easy. All on the backs of the white man. Let it collapse and watch them crumble.

This, most banks have fuck CDs at 4-5%, that shit is a joke.